Why do people strike?

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Old 10-14-2007, 01:30 PM
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It's about buying AMERICAN friend, Spend it where you make it whenever possible.

You don't get it, "Right to work for less states" have very low minimum wages.

Union friendly states have higher wages due to the fact, that unions have done their job by setting presedences in certain work fields.

I'm giving information, your to busy throwing union people under the bus.

I've been on organizing campains, watching companies hire thugs to threaten and intimidate workers, treating them like they are only worth the amount of product they can make in a day.
I try to educate, you call me a lazy union worker.
You call me greedy, I try to tell you that if you organize you can get more.
I live in one of the most expensive states in the union, You live in THE most expensive state but, you also employ the highest per capita illegal workforce in the nation. (Hell, for all I know you could be a illegal, taking one of my fellow AMERICANS JOBS)
Look in the mirror pal, I can and I see someone who TRIES to keep his nations people in good paying jobs, you shop at Walmart KILLING local jobs at the same time.
You say we (unions) drive work overseas, but in the same breath you b*tch about poor quality products from overseas.

It is a fact that organized labor makes higher wages, has better benefit packages, retirement etc..
I guess it's all in the way you look at it, you think you get a good deal at Walmart, I'll tell you that you just supported one of the most employee abusing companies on the planet.
It's my right in a free country to try to support my country, not sell it out.
Old 10-14-2007, 01:43 PM
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Where did I say I don't support the American Farmer?
I support Organized Agricultual Farmers
Not the sell outs that hire Illegal migrants to work on their farm.

Your from California for cryin out loud, if your entire state got rid of the illegals and all the american dollars they send back home, your unemployment rate would drop to zero.

I'll stick to the story that I post facts, you post opinions.
Old 10-14-2007, 02:07 PM
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I'd buy 100% American if I could get products at the same price and same quality! What we need to do is fix it so they are! That ain't happening as long as the unions keep pushing for higher wages and benefits and not balancing that out with higher production and quality. If you claim that you can't build more and can't make them any better, then maybe you should freeze your wages and benefits.........
Old 10-14-2007, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by glc
I'd buy 100% American if I could get products at the same price and same quality! What we need to do is fix it so they are! That ain't happening as long as the unions keep pushing for higher wages and benefits and not balancing that out with higher production and quality. If you claim that you can't build more and can't make them any better, then maybe you should freeze your wages and benefits.........
It's not the unions.
Old 10-14-2007, 02:12 PM
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Originally Posted by swank07'
Where did I say I don't support the American Farmer?
I support Organized Agricultual Farmers
Not the sell outs that hire Illegal migrants to work on their farm.

Your from California for cryin out loud, if your entire state got rid of the illegals and all the american dollars they send back home, your unemployment rate would drop to zero.

I'll stick to the story that I post facts, you post opinions.
Ok Mr. Fact spewer. Answer the questions I posed earlier.

1. How much pure union made product actually make it into our union-made automobiles? I am talking about everything like screws, glass plastics etc...

2. Without non-union made products would union made products be possible today?

3. Do the non-union workers actually enable union workers to exist by supplying necessary components?

Give me the facts.....

Here is a few facts for you. I am 52 years old, I have proudly served this country in a time of war, I have designed and now sell American made test systems and end user systems for/to the DoD and other prime contractors. Our product is non-union made here in the USA. We are competitive in wages and benefits. Our products are priced right because we are non-union which allows us to not send business offshore. I enjoy a nice 6 figure non-union income that I work 10-12 hours a day to maintain. I have worked union jobs but there is no real motivational factor to get ahead because of seniority pay schedules. Instead that just incentivises you to stay put and just "put in your time". We all work and we all get paid, I would rather get paid for my contributions not longevity. Union members do contribute and I have nothing against that but I think the motivations of union earners are misplaced.

I think we can safely agree to disagree. You really need to watch what you post because you do contradict yourself.

I don't like an illegal alien workforce because it lowers wages for Americans.


Last edited by canyonslicker; 10-14-2007 at 02:14 PM.
Old 10-14-2007, 02:12 PM
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i heard the ceo of wal-mart is 7' tall with green glowing eyes and shoots fireballs out of his ****...
Old 10-14-2007, 02:19 PM
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Originally Posted by canyonslicker
Ok Mr. Fact spewer. Answer the questions I posed earlier.

1. How much pure union made product actually make it into our union-made automobiles? I am talking about everything like screws, glass plastics etc...

2. Without non-union made products would union made products be possible today?

3. Do the non-union workers actually enable union workers to exist by supplying necessary components?

Give me the facts.....

Here is a few facts for you. I am 52 years old, I have proudly served this country in a time of war, I have designed and now sell American made test systems and end user systems for/to the DoD and other prime contractors. Our product is non-union made here in the USA. We are competitive in wages and benefits. Our products are priced right because we are non-union which allows us to not send business offshore. I enjoy a nice 6 figure non-union income that I work 10-12 hours a day to maintain. I have worked union jobs but there is no real motivational factor to get ahead because of seniority pay schedules. Instead that just incentivises you to stay put and just "put in your time". We all work and we all get paid, I would rather get paid for my contributions not longevity. Union members do contribute and I have nothing against that but I think the motivations of union earners are misplaced.

I think we can safely agree to disagree. You really need to watch what you post because you do contradict yourself.

I don't like an illegal alien workforce because it lowers wages for Americans.

Look, another opinion.

I take offense to the stereotyping of union workers, considering I have none of the bad attributes of which you accuse me of having. That's the real problem here.
Old 10-14-2007, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Stealth
I take offense to the stereotyping of union workers, considering I have none of the bad attributes of which you accuse me of having. That's the real problem here.
The stereotype is there for a reason. Perhaps you should take offense against your slacker union brothers and sisters that give folks ammunition to stereotype the union as a whole.
Old 10-14-2007, 02:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Quintin
The stereotype is there for a reason. Perhaps you should take offense against your slacker union brothers and sisters that give folks ammunition to stereotype the union as a whole.
I won't deny it, there are slackers at my job, me not being one of them, but there are slackers at your job too, as well as the rest of us who have posted in this thread. Perhaps you should take offense against your slacker car repairman brothers and sisters that give folks ammunition to stereotype the non union car repairmen as a whole.

Last edited by Stealth; 10-14-2007 at 02:38 PM.
Old 10-14-2007, 02:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Stealth
I won't deny it, there are slackers at my job, me not being one of them, but there are slackers at your job too, as well as the rest of us who have posted in this thread. Perhaps you should take offense against your slacker car repairman brothers and sisters that give folks ammunition to stereotype the non union car repairmen as a whole.
I do take offense to the crooks and thieves that make all of us look bad.
Old 10-14-2007, 02:46 PM
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Lazy workers....

can be found anywhere, yes even non union jobs. And somehow these people find a way to stick around and never get fired.
Old 10-14-2007, 02:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Quintin
I do take offense to the crooks and thieves that make all of us look bad.
True, but such is life. There's not much any of us can do about it though.
Old 10-14-2007, 03:01 PM
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First off I want to thank you for your service to our country

I also wish to say this is what I spew::: American MADE not primarily union made. ( I trust you have read all of this thread )

? #1 I do not know the % of union made parts being put into our american assembled vehicles.
I do know that in the aerospace industry countries will only purchase our products if we give them some of the work (Our own government selling us out in those situations)

?#2 No, again American made products (Yes, very hard to find)

? #3 Yes, and we appreciate it by purchasing those parts

I'm not wishing everyone was union, I wish everyone was treated fairly in the american workplace.
I have said time and time again that if your company treats you with respect and gives you competitive wages and benefits thats great.

And yes, we can agree to dis-agree.
I have NEVER posted UNION only, American made yes.
I spend mine where I make when and if at all possible.
I would really be contradicting myself if I was here telling you I only buy American products.
I wouldn't have the computer I'm on now, I wouldn't have my f-150, I wouldn't have my 52" Flat screen, I wouldn't have alot of things.
But knowing that I at least TRY to buy American gives me more credit than most.

I hang engines on 737 aircraft, and I'm worth every penny they pay me, but many people have opinions that a trained monkey can do my job.

Last edited by swank07'; 10-14-2007 at 03:08 PM.
Old 10-14-2007, 03:13 PM
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I would love to buy only American and Canadian made products but do you realize how HARD that is? I don't mind paying more for something if it's Amercian/Canadian made but finding it is the hard part. Just take fishing for example. I spend a lot each year on tackle but do you know how many fishing products are made in the US? Hardly any. Penn Reels and Eagle Claw hooks are two of the very few. Try finding another hook or reel that's not made overseas.
I blame it all on WalMart and the millions of people that insist on paying the cheapest possible price for anything. Sure a good deal now and then is great but it's gotten to the point where it's come back to bite us all in the @ss. I'm not pro or con union but I would venture to guess that WalMart has sent more companies overseas than any union has.
Old 10-14-2007, 03:27 PM
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GLC::: I said in a earlier post that myself and my union brothers and sisters froze our wages voluntarily for a 3 yr CBA.
Did Harry Stonciepher? Phill Condit? Alan Mullaly?
No, they continued to give themselves raises when the aerospace industry was on it's azz.

Do a internet search on Harry, he has shipped more jobs overseas than any individual on the planet.

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