Why do people strike?

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Old 10-13-2007, 04:43 PM
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Originally Posted by swank07'
Or where you the Spicoly of your school
Old 10-13-2007, 04:44 PM
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Scott, do you get overtime after 8 hrs?
Old 10-13-2007, 04:47 PM
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Originally Posted by swank07'
Scott, do you get overtime after 8 hrs?
No, I have a salary that I take from the company every month. I usually work 45-60 hours a week as I am a bit of a workaholic.
Old 10-13-2007, 04:48 PM
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Originally Posted by swank07'
I just noticed your from New Hampshire???

Christ man, your state is in the middle of the labor movement when it started, you should be educating me Spicoly.
Unions came about in large part due to manufacturing jobs, correct? This neck of the woods “use to be” just about nothing but manufacturing jobs. Now, some 40 years later, after the union movement you can count on one, maybe two if you tried hard enough, hands all the manufacturing companies that still exist as well as the jobs that went with those companies. Wondering if there is any coincidence there?

Spicoly, dude, out...
Old 10-13-2007, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by swank07'
I've said from the get go, every worker in the united states benefits from what unions have done in the past, and thanks to unions we still fight for those rights and will try to preserve them other wise big business will reduce benefits, wages and everything unions have fought for.
I'll agree, cant deny that they helped in the past, but I can't agree that they are continuing to do anything or keep those laws intact, or adding any new ones to benefit from.
I could be wrong but I dont think, and can not comprehend how, the union dues of 12.46% of the American Work Force that is union, is enough revenue to sustain those laws if the unions where really facing the task of preserving them against big businesses attacks in legislature. Especially since legislation would like to get rid of unions in the goverment, which is one of the few places that unions still need to be. Pretty much if that was the case, if big business was really attacking those laws, the unions couldn't generate enough revenue if they took 100% of the pay check of every working american. However in any acount, every working american would still have to vote in an election and would have to pass by majority vote of teh citizens to get those laws revoked... I really dont think thats a threat anytime this century.

Last edited by PSS-Mag; 10-13-2007 at 04:58 PM.
Old 10-13-2007, 04:54 PM
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Sure is, it's called corperate greed, like Walmart is doing to America now.

How many small businesses closed after a Walmart moved in to the neihborhood? non-union or union jobs, families lost their businesses, friends lost jobs, ( Of course Wallmart would hire you at a lesser wage with dismal benefits if you where able to get the hours to be eligable for benefits.

Stick around Spicoly, after all this is "OUR" time
Old 10-13-2007, 04:59 PM
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PSS-MAG there is a constant battle in D.C. Big business is giving big money to be able to ship your jobs overseas, and at the same time blocking organized labor from donating funds to politicians that want to fight that.

While we are on that subject, I'm niether Republican or Democract, I go with people that are for the working class.

I'll try to find some articles pertanent(sp?) to subjects brought up, but I've posted every site that I know that isn't some flamethrowing crap.
Old 10-13-2007, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by swank07'
Sure is, it's called corperate greed, like Walmart is doing to America now.

How many small businesses closed after a Walmart moved in to the neihborhood? non-union or union jobs, families lost their businesses, friends lost jobs, ( Of course Wallmart would hire you at a lesser wage with dismal benefits if you where able to get the hours to be eligable for benefits.

Stick around Spicoly, after all this is "OUR" time
Thats not corporate greed, thats economics. I do vaguely remember those classes in school...
Old 10-13-2007, 05:04 PM
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Originally Posted by swank07'
Sure is, it's called corperate greed, like Walmart is doing to America now.

How many small businesses closed after a Walmart moved in to the neihborhood? non-union or union jobs, families lost their businesses, friends lost jobs, ( Of course Wallmart would hire you at a lesser wage with dismal benefits if you where able to get the hours to be eligable for benefits.

Stick around Spicoly, after all this is "OUR" time
Come on man, I am only half way done with my pizza and you’re changing the subject in class…

It’s not called corporate greed but rather selfish American greed that you, I and just about everyone else has. We all want to be paid top dollar for what we do. We all want to pay the least amount possible for anything we purchase. Corporate America, like Wal-Mart is simply answering our demand.

You can’t tell me anyone is forced to go shop at Wal-Mart instead of the small company or mom and pop shop next to Wal-Mart. Small businesses and the mom and pop stores next to new Wal-Marts do NOT close and go away because of Wal-Mart they close and go away because that is what you and I have decided…

Dude, can you pass me a napkin?
Old 10-13-2007, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by swank07'
Sure is, it's called corperate greed, like Walmart is doing to America now.

How many small businesses closed after a Walmart moved in to the neihborhood? non-union or union jobs, families lost their businesses, friends lost jobs, ( Of course Wallmart would hire you at a lesser wage with dismal benefits if you where able to get the hours to be eligable for benefits.

Stick around Spicoly, after all this is "OUR" time
OK Walmart is something we can agree on! I hate Walmart and all it has done to America. What a selfish F ing group of people.
Old 10-13-2007, 05:17 PM
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Originally Posted by swank07'
PSS-MAG there is a constant battle in D.C. Big business is giving big money to be able to ship your jobs overseas, and at the same time blocking organized labor from donating funds to politicians that want to fight that.

While we are on that subject, I'm niether Republican or Democract, I go with people that are for the working class.

I'll try to find some articles pertanent(sp?) to subjects brought up, but I've posted every site that I know that isn't some flamethrowing crap.
Yea it's hard to not find educational "non flaming/mud slinging" on the subject from either side.

I personlly don't have a bit of problem with them going overseas.... it's economics and this is a free enterprise. To say they cant would be a dictatorship and immoral, and this is America....I cant support dictatorship of any kind. People died for the right to freedom, freedom doesnt include the a provision to a right to have high wages......

They have the right same as we do if we or them can get it cheaper over seas and/or want it for any rerason and have the means ot get it, then I say go for it! I would like to see a rise in the import/export taxes across the board but especially for un-finished production goods....... Just to discourage American based companies form outsourcing. But they still have the right to choose......

IMO the decline in Labor jobs is a good thing. There is still the same money to be made in this country, we are just moving to the next level of being a developed country. Labor jobs belong in 3rd world countries, we as Americans as a whole are smarter than that and are not utilizing our knowledge to the fullest by working the mind numbingly boring, repetitive labor jobs...... It was just a good tool for us to use as a stepping stone to to get us to the next level of development.

Last edited by PSS-Mag; 10-13-2007 at 05:31 PM.
Old 10-13-2007, 05:18 PM
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Did you know Walmart is unionized in every country but America!!!!????
Old 10-13-2007, 05:20 PM
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PSS-MAG I'm hearing you bro
Old 10-13-2007, 05:39 PM
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Just for you 01'XLT SPORT


Take a read, and tell me if you've came to a new conclusion
Old 10-13-2007, 05:50 PM
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I am not saying there are no issues with Wal-Mart I simply addressed yours, or someone’s, assertion that Wal-mart moves in and due to corporate greed forces small businesses and mom and pop shops to close.

That would be false as Wal-Mart does not force anybody to close down but rather you and I and almost everyone else puts small businesses and the mom and pop shops out of businesses. It is our choice where we shop and nobody forces anyone where to shop.

As far as the other issues with Wal-Mart those two, in large part, NOT due to Wal-Mart so to speak, but rather the majority of Americans who freely chose to shop at Wal-Mart which includes all walks of life, union members, non-union members, republicans, democrats, liberals, independents etc.

Wal-Mart is HUGE because the vast majority of American’s made them large and continues to support the activities Wal-Mart is involved in…

So, my original conclusion stands...

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