Why do people strike?

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Old 10-30-2007, 09:44 PM
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I wasn't going to say anything until I read "uneducated union bashers" on the front page. Here we go... There is a reason the US car makers are in SERIOUS trouble. The unions have destroyed US car companies and have actually branched out into the illegal alien market for membership. People are finally wising up to the detriment Unions have. If you put on a door and make much more than minimum wage... you make too much money!!!! Sorry, everyone needs a job but a lot of US auto workers are over paid and do poor work. Don't strike bc you want better retirement, more money, and better health benifits when you are already better off than most workers in other industries. Union workers strike bc they know if they lose their job they couldn't find anything that pays half as much!! Let the flamers unite and shoot me down, but everyone knows it's true.
Old 10-30-2007, 10:25 PM
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Sounds like you need a better job!!......
Or do you employ illegals

Seriously, both sides have hashed this out and we agree to disagree (At least that was what I got out of it.)
Unions give some of us a great family lifestyle, savings, vacations, retirement etc...
There are plenty of great companies that are non-union that treat their workers equally well.

What both sides do agree upon is that they want FAIR treatment in the workplace.

Corruption has been established in both Union and Non-Union workplaces.
Some believe to let negotiations establish their worth, others believe individual contracts are the way to go.

What if I asked you to install that door on a oil rig in the middle of the gulf during a storm? You gonna settle for minimum wage?
If you answer "yes", I would have to say that you sir are indeed a uneducated union basher...

One question, do you drive a american car???? (BIG 3 BUILT) Hah, what am I saying replace BUILT with ASSEMBLED!!!
Old 10-30-2007, 10:38 PM
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Nice try on the oil rig scenario! Sitting in an airconditioned building putting any part on a vehicle is a mindless job. I'm glad there are people out there who do it because i would not. Expecting pay wages three times more than any other skilled labor without a college degree is rediculous. Then to decide to walk off a job until demands are met; even more rediculous.
I work in an industry with unions as well, but I'm on the other end. When workers strike in my industry I cross the lines bc closing is not an option. The last strike I worked the union demanded full retirement benefits after 5 years of work as well as higher wages. After all was said and done the workers pay was decreased and they ended up with worse benefits!!
There was a time for Unions and that time has past. Trying to hide behind the excuse that unions are really just trying to improve working conditions... come on. This is the 21st century!
Old 10-30-2007, 10:46 PM
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I hear the GAP pays good.

I can copy and paste all day... http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5g...J5CVAD8SJ1J6O0

Show me a union shop treating employees this way.
I can pull up stories less than a year old, can you pull up a UNION corruption article with substantial qualities?
Old 10-30-2007, 10:48 PM
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How is your benefit\wage package comparied to the unions??
I bet it is better but only slightly, they do that to keep you from organizing.
Old 10-30-2007, 10:48 PM
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Originally Posted by swank07'
It's about buying AMERICAN friend, Spend it where you make it whenever possible.

You don't get it, "Right to work for less states" have very low minimum wages.

Union friendly states have higher wages due to the fact, that unions have done their job by setting presedences in certain work fields.

I'm giving information, your to busy throwing union people under the bus.

I've been on organizing campains, watching companies hire thugs to threaten and intimidate workers, treating them like they are only worth the amount of product they can make in a day.
I try to educate, you call me a lazy union worker.
You call me greedy, I try to tell you that if you organize you can get more.
I live in one of the most expensive states in the union, You live in THE most expensive state but, you also employ the highest per capita illegal workforce in the nation. (Hell, for all I know you could be a illegal, taking one of my fellow AMERICANS JOBS)
Look in the mirror pal, I can and I see someone who TRIES to keep his nations people in good paying jobs, you shop at Walmart KILLING local jobs at the same time.
You say we (unions) drive work overseas, but in the same breath you b*tch about poor quality products from overseas.

It is a fact that organized labor makes higher wages, has better benefit packages, retirement etc..
I guess it's all in the way you look at it, you think you get a good deal at Walmart, I'll tell you that you just supported one of the most employee abusing companies on the planet.
It's my right in a free country to try to support my country, not sell it out.
My favorite quote of the day!! Look in the mirror pal, I can and I see someone who TRIES to keep his nations people in good paying jobs, you shop at Walmart KILLING local jobs at the same time

I bet swank has actually used this one on the picket line before. The beauty of living in America is that we have freedom of choice. If you don't like you working conditions or your pay then change jobs. Maybe you can't find a better job. Noone will knock you for that. That is the beauty of an education. Don't hide behind a Union to further your career.
Old 10-30-2007, 10:54 PM
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Originally Posted by swank07'

How is your benefit\wage package comparied to the unions??
I bet it is better but only slightly, they do that to keep you from organizing.
I don't need to "organize" bc I have freedom of choice. College served me well and allows me to go to any city in the US and have a job that day. If for some reason my industry goes belly up then guess what... I'll go back to school or find another job elsewhere. I don't have an entitlement mentality.
Benefits are what you make of them. I choose to save for my retirement and don't expect a company to give me a retirement package. Hate to say it but a lot of Union workers are going to wake up one day with nothing and the US government is going to back it. If you rely on someone else for retirement you are in serious trouble.
Old 10-30-2007, 11:02 PM
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Originally Posted by swank07'
I hear the GAP pays good.

I can copy and paste all day... http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5g...J5CVAD8SJ1J6O0

Show me a union shop treating employees this way.
I can pull up stories less than a year old, can you pull up a UNION corruption article with substantial qualities?
I love this!! Swank acts like Non Union companies are chaining people to tables and forcing them to work. Slavery ended long ago in the US. Sure it exists elsewhere, but it's long gone here. If a job is so terrrible and conditions are dangerous... FIND ANOTHER JOB. Noone is forced to work; at least noone I know is. Learn the art of filling out an application and you can have a job too. It will actually keep you from having to stand out in the sun chanting slogans on a picket line.
Old 10-30-2007, 11:16 PM
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Welcome to the perfect world then...

Tell me something new, you think a dozen people haven't said what you just did?
The government is the largest union there is bubba, just ask the all the college grads that owe the government money for their education.
All the while working at a joint flipping burgers trying to pay your loans off because the field they got their degrees in are flooded with East India workers working for less than you would even sling pig slop for.

I have struck before First in 89' then for 69 days in 95' and 28 days in 05'.

Don't worry about our retirment there bub, both the union and non-union people here are well aware, you have to look out for number one, no one else will do it.

By the way that was a purdy educumated answer tuh muh qeustione???
Old 10-30-2007, 11:21 PM
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I could not resist in responding to this thread.
Why do people strike?

Here go's....

A) They failed to swing at a pitch crossing the plate. or...
B) They swung and missed.

I read five pages, and did not see this reasoning being used.
I wasnt about to read the whole thing just for a good poke!
Old 10-30-2007, 11:27 PM
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Made my night
Old 10-30-2007, 11:32 PM
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Originally Posted by swank07'
Welcome to the perfect world then...

Tell me something new, you think a dozen people haven't said what you just did?
The government is the largest union there is bubba, just ask the all the college grads that owe the government money for their education.
All the while working at a joint flipping burgers trying to pay your loans off because the field they got their degrees in are flooded with East India workers working for less than you would even sling pig slop for.

I have struck before First in 89' then for 69 days in 95' and 28 days in 05'.

Don't worry about our retirment there bub, both the union and non-union people here are well aware, you have to look out for number one, no one else will do it.

By the way that was a purdy educumated answer tuh muh qeustione???
I sure hope you're not knocking student loans. For those less fortunate than others it levels the playing fields; much like the Union huh? If you have a college degree and flip burgers you made a poor career choice. Supply and demand drives every market. Educating yourself is the best job security; not a union. I think education scares more union workers than you will admit. If the aerospace segment went under could you find a job paying what you are making now? Would your education allow you to compete in the work place? I'm sure you'll spew that you wouldn't have to work bc the union has and will take care of you. Wake up. We are not in the Great Depression.
Old 10-30-2007, 11:53 PM
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Come on Swank... you type too slow. I'm getting bored waiting on you. I've got 5 days off; I'll run this over 100 pages or until they shut the mother down!
Old 10-31-2007, 10:36 AM
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Not knocking student loans but most if they get a BA, or a Masters when they get out of college are 30k-50k in debt before you even enter the workforce.
Lets see about my education 22 yrs service with a degree in industrial hygiene, I'm on the HazMat response team, I also sit on our local fire dept council, I also have a AMP license, and a degree in labor history. which means yes, I could find a job by the end of business today if need be.
All my education was paid for by my employer through a negotiated contract, and per contract IF I'm ever without work I'll be sent to school FREE per contract to educate myself in whatever field I seek.
So I guess I'll say you are right in me spewing the UNION has and will take care of me.
Old 10-31-2007, 10:42 AM
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Why - for the love of peanut butter and jelly sam-itches - am I still subscribed to this stupid thread.....that I started?

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