Life as a Black Man

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Old 04-19-2002, 11:28 AM
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Exclamation Life as a Black Man

This is unbelievable. I found it on

There is a new game called Life as a Black Man. Each
player is an 18-year-old black male, struggling to make
it. The goal is to make it from any one of the four
starting points: the military, the ghetto, the entertainment industry, or the halls of a black university, to end the
game board, to a place called "freedom".

Along the way, however, are what the game's creator says are typical pitfalls for young black men--trouble with the law and
money issues. Land on a racism space, and you're forced
to pull a card that reads: "You're pulled over by police for
driving a new car, back two spaces." Any player who draws
another card "dies" instantly. The games inventor said he
"wants everyone to be aware about life as a minority".
It's called the "ghetto card", it says you get shot and killed
in a drive-by shooting. Your game is instantly over.

Other cards say things like: "Your brother's been arrested,
pay $1,000" and "You're becoming a 'baby-daddy' again".

I really don't even know what to say about this one. It's
really pathetic and says alot about our society.

Old 04-19-2002, 11:46 AM
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i think that has got to be one of the stupid of the year. how does that make you feel if you were a black man. i would be mad that a person thinks those types of things.
Old 04-19-2002, 11:56 AM
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It's received mixed reviews from...

black families, women in particular don't care for it. Of
course, the late teen-early 20s BET males love it.
Old 04-19-2002, 12:17 PM
DanB 360's Avatar
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Re: It's received mixed reviews from...

Originally posted by trapper
course, the late teen-early 20s BET males love it.
for some reason, that doesn't surprise me.

what a stupid idea. It's exactly that type of stuff that bring on racism, ya know?
Old 04-19-2002, 12:34 PM
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Well, I don't know about bringing it on, In my opinion...

if a person is racist, they are a racist. It does contribute
to stereotyping though. Some idiot is just trying to make
some money off a tasteless, tackless, and offensive idea.

I will say this. If this guy was white, there would be hell
to pay. Every store carrying this product would be boycotted
and we'd see Jesse "the hammer" Jackson on the nightly
news spouting off on the evils of racism and stereotyping.
Does the simple fact that it is a black man make something
that would ordinarily be considered offensive, OK? I'd love
to see some poor white shmuck come out with a board
game called "Life as a White Man". I've got a few ideas for
the cards. How about drawing one that says "get passed
over for a job because of affirmative action", or on a lighter
note, how about "lose your girlfriend because white guys
can't dance".

I'm the first one to admit people need to find humor in
certain situations and things, but some things are just
offensive. I don't see any humor in this game, only bad
taste and lack of moral judgement.

Last edited by trapper; 04-19-2002 at 04:14 PM.
Old 04-19-2002, 01:17 PM
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You've earned "The Nail On The Head " award .

I'm glad you brought this up because there are many types of 'racism' out there but only one type is 'popular' and recieves almost all of the press.

Old 04-19-2002, 03:09 PM
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i second that vote for "the nail on the head" award..... i don't supppose there's a card in there that says you've suddenly developed work ethic...jump to the front of the line.
Old 04-19-2002, 06:10 PM
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Motion passed for "nail on the head award". I love the "girlfriend dumped me card" that is funny as hell.
All us poor young white guys have the same starting points to an extent anyway, school, bad neigborhoods, lots in the military, and last I checked there are tons of white guys in the entertainment industry whyis it so much different for a black guy all of the sudden when there are "helper" plans like Affirmative action already in place. What is really bad is the stereotype that all black men get pulled over and eventually shot especially if in a nice car.

I want a poor white college kid game where I can begin broke as a senior in highschool, a sport star in highschool, a drug addict in high school etc.. Lets see where we can end up from that since ALL white guys coming out of high schoool are broke and one of the above, wait maybe they are all rich I cant remember the latest appearence for a white guy startin college.
Old 04-19-2002, 08:21 PM
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See, that is the problem. If the game was for a white guy starting out, there would be all sort of discrimination lawsuits. Same thing with tv, you have black entertainment television (bet), if that would have been started out as a white e t, it would have been taken off very quickly. Anymore whites are getting to be the minority. Just my opnion.
Old 04-19-2002, 08:54 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Well, I don't know about bringing it on, In my opinion...

Originally posted by trapper
...or on a lighter note, how about "lose your girlfriend because white guys can't dance".

BEER, helping white boys dance since 1859.
Old 04-19-2002, 09:00 PM
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Life as a po' white trash Hillbilly.
Old 04-20-2002, 06:00 PM
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Woo hoo! I'm gona be rich...

How about a game called "Life as a Cheby Owner"? The game starts out broken, gets recalled many times, you're really embarassed to buy it, anyone playin' "Life as a Ford Owner" can beat your a$$, etc, etc... Of course the rules have to be real easy! Whatcha think?
Old 04-20-2002, 07:03 PM
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Re: Well, I don't know about bringing it on, In my opinion...


I concur on your point, and also suggest that it (the board game)adds to the "woe is me" lowest-common denominator philosophy that seems to pervade black youth of today.....When society suggests that every ill that befalls you is not because of you but because of others doing wrong, what incentive do you have to better yourself? For example, if I don't get a job, it's not because I'm a ****-poor candidate, it's because the interviewer is racist....

What angers me (re-reverse discrimination and whatnot) is that I feel I owe nothing to African Americans as my ancestors immigrated here AFTER the Civil War...So other than "white-skin" privilege, I don't see what role I've played in America's unfortunate involvement in slavery...In addition to that, I am part Irish and part Italian....Ever heard of the rampant prejudice that went on against the Irish and Italians back in the late 1800s? I've still got a newspaper clipping passed down in my family that says "Irish need not apply.." Thing is (for lack of a better way of saying it) the badasses that built this country didn't need a board-game to help them "get" through life. They just stuck their nose to the grindstone and worked for everything, rather than feeling "entitled" to the fruits of labor...
Old 04-21-2002, 07:38 AM
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I deal with this stuff first hand almost daily. I own rentals in a mixed neighborhood that used to be very bad. Many of the blacks in the neighborhood feel they are entitled to things. Many of the younger ones are taught to hate whites cause the whites own the ghetto. They feel they need new cars but no need to work for it. They feel they don't have to pay rent. They manipulate any rules and laws to suit themselves. It seems that all they want to do is sit all day, hang out, watch Jerry Springer, and buy fancy cars and clothes. All of this is based on events from 100 plus years ago. It is all a big joke. I don't tolerate their BS anymore. I have no problem walking right up to them and telling 5-10 crack thugs to get the f*(k off of my property or I'll trespass every one of them. IF I see them there again, I will drive right up behind them on a street corner until they walk away, then I will park right on the corner and sit there reading. Many of the other landlords will do this too. After two years of doing this, we finally got the neighborhood back. Every one of them knows when they see an F-150 they better get off the corner.

They don't have it so bad, if they put as much effort in to being winners as they do being losers they'd have all they want and a little respect. I do have a couple that are very good friends and good hard workers. they aren't all bad.

This new game is just one of the many games that they play. It doesn't surprise me a bit. Here are some other games that they play.

HUD (section 8 housing) is primarily overseen by blacks in Washington. By black for blacks. Many black girls can be evicted, thrown off of section 8 and be back on in a month or so to do it again.

FUBU- For Us, By Us. A nice line of black clothing designed by blacks for blacks. See if whites could get away with that.

Websites, and publications reffered to as black business promotions that advertise only black owned businesses for the use of black people. Boy that would never happen with whites.

Then the street games they play. Hanging shoes tied together on power lines to advertise for drugs for sale on this street. Changing wheels on their cars to avoid recognition. Some of the newer ones are selling crack on a bicycle, and setting up illegal hair salon fronts in their homes to sell crack, crank or whatever. Renting cars and exchanging them every other day to avoid recognition. etc. etc. etc.

The only way it sucks to be a black man is to be a good one that is associated with the circus the bad ones have created over the years. I feel sorry for the good people.
Old 04-21-2002, 08:57 AM
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Originally posted by seacrow
Every one of them knows when they see an F-150 they better get off the corner.
Yeah, the F-150 kicking a$$ and taking names. It really is just poor planning on the part of the Civil Rights activitists and supporters. I find this phenomena no different than the lackluster patriotism and gratefulness of today's white youth with regard to World War II veterans who literally saved the world. I remember watching an MSNBC special two weeks after the 9/11 attacks where Forrest Sawyer addressed teens and their concerns. Most of the long-haired baby-faced guys were like, "I think what they did is wrong, but I don't think there should be a draft and I don't think we should be bombing them...." Even though Forrest kept telling them, "Bush says he's not going to bomb innocents, just the Al Queda.." But they kept saying the same thing, which I interpreted as "we like our air-conditioning and nice houses, but if you think we are going to get off our duffs to help defend this country, you're nuts.." There was one young man who wanted to join up and "do whatever is necessary to bring the perpetrators to justice..." But he just got mocked by the other teens..."Who specifically do you want to kill?" they asked him, mocking him like he was some kind of Terminator killing machine...

The Civil Rights activitists, seeking to right what was indeed a horrible wrong, created a whole slew of laws and operational concepts (such as getting the NAACP to help you sue if you get canned). What they didn't anticipate was rather than forging ahead to join the white elite and only utilizing these safety nets when forced to, the generations that had known no legal form of oppression would not attempt to forge ahead but would use the safety nets to STAY PUT and not do any work, or very little work...

Seacrow, I do admire you for standing up for your property rights....I lot of people would have backed down or just sold out at some fire sale price...

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