Enough is Enough....seriously

Old 04-26-2008, 07:39 PM
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Enough is Enough....seriously

I'm getting pretty tired of hearing some people gripe and moan about the gas prices and how they're related in some way or another to Iraq or Afghanistan. Not to mention that some of you think that the conflict is a pointless waste of American $$, lives and time and its doing nothing but causing bleeding both physically and economically. It's easy to have an opinion like that when you haven't been to places like Iraq or Afghanistan. Me personally I've been to Iraq, and witnessed first hand the good that we're doing over there for their government, economy and security (Iraqi Army, Iraqi Police etc.). Granted there have been 4000+ men and women killed in Iraq, but it has been over the course of 5 years, thats an average of about 1,000 or a little less a year. Comparing that to past conflicts such as Vietnam where the average was somewhere around 5,000 a year. I've also witnessed the brutality of Al-Qaeda and other militant groups, and I would much rather keep them at bay in the middle east, rather then seeing those type of things on American soil. Now I know everyone is entitled to there opinion and I have no problems with that. But when I hear people say its a waste of American lives, thats when I get aggravated. I'm fairly certain I can speak for the majority of the servicemen and women who have been overseas, and say that we are doing the right thing in Iraq and Afghanistan and that our lives have not been wasted for nothing..

Old 04-26-2008, 07:47 PM
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It's not to say that it is because of the military involvement, it's that "speculators" say "oh, there is mounting turbulence in the middle east", like that's anything new. They "predict" the price increases and waddya know, that's what they go to. They blame predicted increases based on b/s and beat around the greed tree without actually accusing anyone of greed. I for one support any military action but to blame oil on that? Nope, I blame politicians who are lining their pockets due to it, corporate greed and us having to compensate for growing demand in foreign countries. It's our oil, refine it here and use it here. F the chinese and their growing demand. I also blame not having enough refineries HERE and all these green idiots who are high and live in some perfect world or "utopia" and not reality.

There are many wastes of American lives, 9/11 was a good example, drugs/alcohol/suicide etc, but fighting for and with your countrymen is not one of them. Again, people thinking with their perfect world scenario brain and not reality.

Last edited by BLUE20004X4; 04-26-2008 at 07:53 PM.
Old 04-26-2008, 07:50 PM
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Gas is already up to $3.79 here. I say we tap Alaska & L.A.
Old 04-26-2008, 08:02 PM
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I've never been in combat. I'm not a soldier. I do believe that our countries involvement in the middle east and the entire war on terror is the right thing. I don't know what it's like to be a soldier but I do know what hard work is. I know that our military men and women are busting their asses for our country. I have a ton of respect for anyone who can be so selfless. I'd venture a guess that all the people doing the hard work fighting four our country feel some pride for their efforts. I'm proud of their efforts and believe that they are doing work that will in time create monumental changes in our world.

People complain about gas prices, and "Bush's war". I think that a lot of people don't know many details, just that they don't like something because it's popular to do so.

It's when people like you, Chuck85, say that positive things are being accomplished in Iraq, that makes me continue to believe in the work that our military is doing. I don't like the deaths any more than anyone else, but believe that the people who we've lost are the heros of our country, and should be celebrated.

There isn't anything that can be done to stop people from complaining and blaming, other than conduct ourselves with pride and dignity every day. Someone with pride and dignity in themselves and their country would probably find more constructive ways to voice their concerns.
Old 04-26-2008, 08:10 PM
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The men and women who lost their lives in Iraq knew what they were doing when they signed up for the military. If they don't have a problem with risking their lives to defend our country then I have no problem with it either. I'm not saying I agree with everything that is going on but i'm not going to bitch about it, I support them and all that they do.
Old 04-28-2008, 04:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Chuck85
I'm getting pretty tired of hearing some people gripe and moan about the gas prices and how they're related in some way or another to Iraq or Afghanistan. Not to mention that some of you think that the conflict is a pointless waste of American $$, lives and time and its doing nothing but causing bleeding both physically and economically. It's easy to have an opinion like that when you haven't been to places like Iraq or Afghanistan. Me personally I've been to Iraq, and witnessed first hand the good that we're doing over there for their government, economy and security (Iraqi Army, Iraqi Police etc.). Granted there have been 4000+ men and women killed in Iraq, but it has been over the course of 5 years, thats an average of about 1,000 or a little less a year. Comparing that to past conflicts such as Vietnam where the average was somewhere around 5,000 a year. I've also witnessed the brutality of Al-Qaeda and other militant groups, and I would much rather keep them at bay in the middle east, rather then seeing those type of things on American soil. Now I know everyone is entitled to there opinion and I have no problems with that. But when I hear people say its a waste of American lives, thats when I get aggravated. I'm fairly certain I can speak for the majority of the servicemen and women who have been overseas, and say that we are doing the right thing in Iraq and Afghanistan and that our lives have not been wasted for nothing..

Hey man, I agree mostly with what your saying, at least the spirit of it. But I also do think that you are downplaying the loss of lives here. I realize in perspective its not alot, however.. traditionaly in this country we value EVERY human life the same and should refrain from things like..only 5000 men died in this war, only 1000 per year... thats still a tradgedy.

I agree much needed and I appriciate everything they (including you) have done and are doing for our country. economics definately plays a huuuge role in gas prices, its simple supply and demand. we have built up india and chinas economies so much they are now competing with us for the same amount of gas we have always had! its not all about the terrible economy, the housing crisis(i realize you didnt bring that up, just part of my point.) the war, etc, etc, etc. its just business.

So anyway man, thanks again for your service, this wasnt aimed at you, just wanted people to stop treating our troops like numbers on a list... just statistics.
Old 04-29-2008, 07:57 AM
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I get peeved at guys that drive their lifted pickups at 80 or 85, scream into the gas station and complain about the gas prices.

I tell them that if they backed off about 10-15mph on the highway they'd save 4-6mpg, they just look the other way.

People are quick to gripe, but not make the changes to fix their situation.

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