Anyone have any crazy neighbor stories?

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Old 04-04-2002, 09:29 PM
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If I ever move to the city, burbs, whatever I want neighbors like Ford4ever. Loud trucks, flames, and thumping potato guns along with a case of beer sounds like a good party to me. Out here in BFE now ones hardly cares what you do. It would be a strange day not to walk outside and hear a loud truck go by or the crack of a gun being shot, although some of you in the city probably might here more gun shots than I do.

Last edited by KYFordFreak; 04-04-2002 at 10:34 PM.
Old 04-04-2002, 09:40 PM
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Originally posted by KYFordFreak
Loud trucks, flames, and thumping potato guns along with a case of beer sounds like a good party to me.
that's exactly like a party we had at work once (honestly)
Old 04-04-2002, 09:53 PM
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We had a neighbor once that appeared normal for all intents and purposes. Then one night I'm going out to the back of the house because we had some screwball AC system that when you switched from heat to AC (which you can do often in Florida, you'll have a day with lows in the 30s then highs in the 80s), you would have to truck your *** OUTSIDE to press this little "reset" button or else the AC wouldn't come on.

Anyway, I'm walking around back, way around back, and once I get to the rear of the house I can see the rear window from my neighbor to my right, and I hear this very faint bass sound, not very loud but distinctive, it goes, "Boom, boom, chick, boom, boom, chick." So I walk over towards his back yard thinking that way down the road maybe there's a party and I wanted to try to get a better direction of where the sound is coming from. So I pan left (luckily I'm right by some trees) and I see MY neighbor, in nothing but his underwear AND a pair of sunglasses dancing to that George Michael song "Father Figure." It was this slow mythodical, gyration-sort of dance. The weird thing (I stood there in disbelief for a few minutes) is that he had the song on replay, so as soon as it would stop it would start again, and he would keep dancing. I went inside and got my girlfriend, and we both watched for awhile but eventually had to go in because she was laughing so hard and dogs started barking.

When we saw him in the future and if we ever talked to him we would try to throw in little George Michael things, like "yeah, we went there when we were in Tampa to see a George Michael concert." But we could never get a reaction out of him. Maybe he just liked the song.
Old 04-04-2002, 10:45 PM
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I rented a small house once. There were two houses on the property. The son of the owner liver in the bigger of the two with his wife and daughter. This guy was a big time drinker. He would come home from work, drink himself into a stuper (in the matter of an hour or so) and proceede to reak havic on the property. It was a long narrow lot, about five acres. There were real expensive houses along one side. This guy would take pleasure in pissing off the owners. He had all sorts of cars and junk, even a bulldozer that actually ran a couple times. He would run whichever vehicle happened to run at the time, up and down the property. He would run snow mobiles up and down the yard in July. He would sometimes get stuck up on the hill, in the woods with a car and pass out there. We would wonder what he was up to. Someone would have to go up there, wake him up, and get the car unstuck. Sometimes he would go out and cut down trees till like ten at night (not often because he was usually passed out by eight) to **** off the neighbors. He used to work for a trash removal company. He would take the truck home and park it next to my house, full of trash. There were so many things it would take me forever to tell all of it!
The guy was a drunk, but not actually a bad guy. His friends would hang out. I became friends with a couple of them. I would hand out and party with them sometimes. We would pick on this guy as he got closer and closer to passing out.
I lived there for a couple years. I put up with a lot of this guys *****. I also had some good times.
We just had someone move in across the street from us who seems like this guy. Only the property across the street is like a quarter acre. I don't think they realize we are on the outskerts of the city. This should be interesting!
Old 04-05-2002, 12:16 AM
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i lived in a turn of the century house in downtown everett washington . the landlord had turned it into three units . mine was a 2 + bedroom on the main floor which included the yard and driveway . the basement was a 3 bdrm and they got the side drive and the upstairs was a 1 bdrm street parking . many time i came home to a driveway full of drunks from upstairs and about ran them over . other times his buddy would park in my driveway with his 69 camaro . i had a 72 240z and i would get pissed and light em up out of the drive way . one time i torn up the blacktop and sprinkled his car with small rocks . he came out pissed screaming at me . i told him bummer dont park in my drive it wouldn't happen . downstairs moved in gays . one was the "man" the other was the "woman" and then fought like an old married couple . tore up the apartment all the time . at one point i even got in a fight with the guy upstairs over his BS . i had to move from there . i bought a duplex . wow that was a major change NOT !!
Old 11-03-2002, 11:09 AM
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Are there any new stories?
Old 11-03-2002, 11:46 AM
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Two years or so ago, my neighbor across the street was out working on his yard. My wife and our two big dogs were front yard. And my next door neighbor came out of his house and their two dogs took off after the neighbor across the street. My dogs (who are very obedient) had a memory laps and thought it was time to play, so now there were four dogs chasing the 300 pound neighbor across the street while he screamed like a little school girl. My wife called our dogs back and they came right home. My neighbor had to go and get his dogs, and eventually they came back too. All the dogs got put in the houses, and my wife and the neighbors wife were in my front yard talking about it, and getting ready to go apologize (luckily I was out fishing at the time). Then the fatty across the street comes out with a baseball bat and tells the two women that he is going to kill all four dogs. They apologize and say the dogs are put in the houses and it won't happen again. Then the guy says maybe he should take care of the source and get the owners, while patting the bat in his hand and looking at the two wives. About this time my neighbor comes back out of his house, and the fatty goes home. Not even five minutes later a bunch of police show up, the fat guy called them and said the dogs assualted him. Anyway he left out the bat and the two women, so when the police questioned the wives, the guy almost went to jail.

I got home that night and heard the whole story. A couple days later I was going out to go shooting (guns) with a couple buddies, and was carrying a pistol to the truck. When this guy comes across the street to "talk" with me about the incident. I just stopped him before he got to my yard again, and I told him that he had a lot of guts threatening two women with a baseball bat. Then I showed him the pistol and said when he was ready to come play with the big boys he knew where I lived, just knock. He walked away rather quickly. He moved out about a month ago, but he never talked to us, or even looked at us crosseyed since that day, for the last two years.
Old 11-03-2002, 01:06 PM
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I can't top any of these but I sure wish I could top my neighbors - with blacktop! I'd bury them in the yard for sure - they wouldn't even know what happened!
My landlord's sister & her b/f live in front. They're my age (late 40's - early 50's) & BOTH are alcoholics. I always know when they have been imbibing - ever sit & listen to Hank William's SENIOR sing "Your Cheatin' Heart" 27 TIMES IN A ROW - FULL BLAST????? They follow that song up with Jim Morrison & the Doors singing "Light my Fire" - what a mix! They scream at each other all the time. Her son, 16 yrs old is going to be named as "Juvenile Delinquent of the Decade" soon - he's a punk & a crybaby on top of it.
Last month he tried to break into my truck to steal my CB & when he couldn't smash the window with a HUGE rock, he set the truck on fire! Melted my 3 month old mud tire & the wheel well too. I am sure it's him since I discovered a wooden stick match hidden on a ledge in the hallway & when I aksed him about it he never denied it.
About 2 weeks after that, I found a chunck of styrofoam about 3' from the truck which was also burned. A few days later I found a book of matches on the other side of the truck which had all the heads burned off. Our cops are here all the time questioning him about stolen biles - he's always "finding" printers, computer equipment & stereo's in the garbage - all in perfect working order. He's caught in lies so often I know he'd make a perfect politician! I always felt bad for the kid considering the enviornmemt he lives in & tried to be an adult he could talk/turn to if he had a problem or needed help but not now - I don't trust him anymore.
I'd move but I have nobody who can help me since my Dad died & my Mom is sick. I also can't find anyplace that will take my cat & I can't get rid of Patches - he's my little buddy & we depend on each other. He protects me from mice, birds & bunnies & I spend more on food for him than I do me - it's a mutually satisfying arrangement! LOL!
Anyhow, I told the landlord today about his nephew whom he hates & he stuck up for the kid! They tried to blame a guy I was friend's with during the summer - a 47 yr old man who went back to an ex g/f with my blessings! This guy & I parted as FRIENDS & if anyone were in a vengeful mood it should have been me but both of us happily agreed to his leaving. He moved to Texas at least 6 weeks before this incident & trust me - if he had tried to break into the truck he would have - that rock would've gone thru BOTH windows & not just gouged the glass! Plus, a Silverado & an elderly woman's car were vandalized in the 2-3 weeks prior to my truck's attack - why would this guy vandalize soemone else's vehicles? He'd never even MET these other neighbors!
Sorry - I had to vent. All I know is my truck is not running right - something is definitely wrong with the front end now & I have to pay to fix it. I already paid $139 for another tire & will be getting an alignment as soon as they can give me an appointment.
I hope this kid just leaves my truck, my property & me alone!
See why I want to move WAY out in the country where my only neighbor's are cows???????
Old 11-03-2002, 01:27 PM
Peacemaker's Avatar
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Cowlady, that sucks having a punka$$ heathen like that for a neighbor. I'd put an alarm on my truck if I were you. Get an alarm with a motion detector so it goes off if anyone even gets around your truck. That ought to help you out a little. I have'nt seen you around here much. Where ya been? Take care.

Quick Reply: Anyone have any crazy neighbor stories?

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