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Old 01-24-2009, 06:02 PM
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So, we know that Obama knows who Rush Limbaugh is.New York Post-PREZ ZINGS GOP FOE IN A $TIMULATING TALK Our new president is targeting him and calling him the cause of the partisan divide. It’s seems a little odd that a president would take shots at a celebrity who is also a private citizen, not a member of the government. Regardless, he is saying that in order to get along with the new administration, listening to Limbaugh is out.

One has to wonder why our new president would focus our attention on one person, claiming that that person is the cause of partisanship in this country. Has he ever heard of John Stewart, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Thom Hartmann, Randi Rhodes, Arianna Huffington, and Ed Shultz to name a few?

The hypocrisy is absolutely amazing. The double standards are omnipresent but so many people claim that they don’t exist. It’s amazing how a majority of people in this country don’t notice the wool being pulled over their eyes.

Obama says that the only way to get his administration to work with us is to fall in line? That’s the change people wanted? That’s what this country has become?
Old 01-24-2009, 06:24 PM
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Have you actually ever watched Jon Stewart? He craps on everyone.

"he is saying that in order to get along with the new administration, listening to Limbaugh is out" That's not what he said, you should get your own show called the spin zone.

Old 01-24-2009, 06:27 PM
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Didn't Cheney tell us all basically that if we disagreed with Bush and himself that we were not patriotic...or was that Bush himself that said that? Either way, when the last administration said something, if we didn't agree, we were branded as being unpatriotic.

It is the same old, same old, wittom, the perspective---the side of the fence that one is on, has changed.

Tim C.
Old 01-24-2009, 09:28 PM
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Originally Posted by referee54
Didn't Cheney tell us all basically that if we disagreed with Bush and himself that we were not patriotic...or was that Bush himself that said that? Either way, when the last administration said something, if we didn't agree, we were branded as being unpatriotic.

It is the same old, same old, wittom, the perspective---the side of the fence that one is on, has changed.

Tim C.
I dont remember that. How bout looking that up for me?
Old 01-24-2009, 10:35 PM
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A really good read is Limbaugh's response to Obama. He basically states that Obama is going to point fingers at Limbaugh and others who are against his policies rather than actually talking about the policy. It's somewhat of a smoke screen. He doesn't answer the tough questions or explain how things are going to work; he wants everyone to just believe it will. So he will continue to trash everyone else to divert attention from himself.

It's not a good sign for Obama if 4 days into his term he's already calling out talking heads. This may be the first time a President has ever called out someone in the media. That's what his staff is for. It shows that Limbaugh really gets under his skin.
Old 01-24-2009, 10:37 PM
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Originally Posted by referee54
Didn't Cheney tell us all basically that if we disagreed with Bush and himself that we were not patriotic...or was that Bush himself that said that? Either way, when the last administration said something, if we didn't agree, we were branded as being unpatriotic.

It is the same old, same old, wittom, the perspective---the side of the fence that one is on, has changed.

Tim C.
Maybe you are thinking of when Biden said paying higher taxes was patriotic.

Old 01-24-2009, 11:47 PM
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Cry me a god damn river.....
Old 01-25-2009, 11:53 AM
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momalle1, you have become more creative since we've become and Obamanation. You're use of silly pictures and graphics brings a playful childish element to the conversations.

I'm glad that now, you are happy.
Old 01-25-2009, 11:17 PM
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Fairpress.org-Roots of Liberal Media Bias

Originally Posted by Fairpress.org-Roots of Liberal Media Bias
Left-wing apologists of Duranty's ilk were, as far back as the 1930s, beginning to help shape the thinking of and the concepts used by the liberal media establishment, with its faith in the power of government to orchestrate social change, along with an arrogant contempt of the cost in human lives.

During the 50s the liberal media vilified those on the right who acted against individuals such as Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs, questioning the motivations and actions of those who were attempting to secure the US from infiltration of such agents.

The 60s brought a massive increase in the size and power of government. As well as an ever more obvious ability of the "mainstream media" to empower those special interest groups which were in line with their own political views, regardless of the will of the majority.
This article was written long before Obama was even a candidate for the presidency, but it's pretty relevent today.

So, Limbaugh is the threat to our society?
Old 01-25-2009, 11:45 PM
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Darkness always fears the light. I saw Limbaugh's interview on Hannity. He said, "I hope Obama fails if his policies are socialistic." I am of the opinion if you don't like someone, don't watch them. This is why I like to watch both sides and make my opinion. If you censor one, we are no better than **** Germany.
Old 01-26-2009, 07:28 AM
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Originally Posted by momalle1
That's not what he said, you should get your own show called the spin zone.
Well, not in so many words.

He said:
Originally Posted by New York Post-PREZ ZINGS GOP FOE IN A $TIMULATING TALK
You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done.
I'm not sure what has to be spun to come to the conclusion that I've come to. What to you think he ment?

He also said:
Originally Posted by New York Post-PREZ ZINGS GOP FOE IN A $TIMULATING TALK
I won.

I will trump you on that.

We are experiencing an unprecedented economic crisis that has to be dealt with and dealt with rapidly.
I think that if anyone read the article that I posted a link to, there is a good chance that they would understand what I ment. I'll try to be more direct for you the next time.
Old 01-26-2009, 07:11 PM
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Originally Posted by momalle1
That's not what he said, you should get your own show called the spin zone.
Look momalle1, I know that you're busy berating Chris, but I was wondering if you could clarify something for me? If I've mosconstrued what Obama said when he said "You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done.", what exactly did he mean? You say that I've "spun" what he said. You seem to know something that I don't. Care to share?
Old 01-26-2009, 07:35 PM
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Originally Posted by wittom
momalle1, you have become more creative since we've become and Obamanation. You're use of silly pictures and graphics brings a playful childish element to the conversations.

I'm glad that now, you are happy.
I didn't think it was possible for a Massachusetts liberal to ever be happy
Old 01-27-2009, 09:31 PM
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momalle1, I know that you're busy trying to run around in circles with s2krn, again, but I'm still trying to figure out where I went wrong in my interpretation of Obama's statement. I don't think that I'm the only one who's come to this basic conclusion.

CNS News-Democrats Launch Petition Against Rush Limbaugh

Originally Posted by CNS News-Democrats Launch Petition Against Rush Limbaugh
Meanwhile, Obama advised Republicans last Friday to stop listening to Limbaugh if they wanted to get along with Democrats and the administration.

“You can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done,” Obama said to Republican leaders who met with the president to talk about the stimulus package.
Old 01-30-2009, 06:51 PM
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Originally Posted by momalle1
I'm not really sure what else you want here as I've already commented. Obama said "You can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done". He didn't say "You just can’t listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done". There is a big difference. I think the comment has been taken way out of context and is quite accurate. You can't JUST listen to one side of any debate and expect to have any sort of accuracy. I really don't care for any commentators, left or right. As for Obama "attacking" a private citizen, not a member of government, if Rush thinks he has all the answers, why doesn't he run? Rush gets himself involved in politics, don't cry when someone calls him on it.
Actually, you hadn't answered a specific question that I asked you: what do you think he ment? Thank you for finding the time to do so in that other thread.

You think the comment has been taken out of context? Kind of like the comment that Rush Limbaugh made about Obama, socialist policies and failure? Limbaugh didn't simply say that he wanted Obama to fail. That's how it was portrayed in the mass media. It's not what he said, or what he ment. If people listen to what he said, it's quite clear what he ment.

So, you are saying that Obama ment that you can listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done as long as you do something else as well? What else has to be done to "get things done"?

Is Obama ASSUMING that any republican that listens to Rush Limbaugh does nothing else yet expects to be able to "get things done"? Obama is ASSUMING that people that listen to Rush Limbaugh only listen to one side of any debate, because they listen to him?

I guess you, for some reason, understand Obama's intent better than I do. To me it really doesn't seem that clear. It seems grammatically wrong. I guess I'd have to hear how he said it to better understand what he ment. Emphasis could be put on different words in the sentence giving different meanings to it. Maybe I'm nit picking but it just seems like he could have chosen his words better.

I don't know that Rush Limbaugh thinks that he has all of the answers. I've never heard him say that he thought that. I'd guess that he doesn't run for office becaus he doesn't want to take the pay cut.

I'm not crying. Just pointing out that Obama is using his position as the president to call out some guy on the radio. Why would he do that with all of the pressing problems in this country and in the world today?

Quick Reply: Bullseye

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