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gators241987 06-04-2008 02:26 PM

racism with always excist, we just need to learn how to deal with it and make it fair. Having BET, black history month, naacp, black colleges, black scholarships, etc. is not fair for the other races. i dont care if its right, it needs to be fair. i like blacks, whites, indians, etc. (all except female asian drives, another story) Blacks bring the dislike and criticism upon thereselves.

F150 Duke 06-04-2008 02:31 PM


If that is true about Bush, which I have no idea, but for this point will assume so, then it is also a travesty.


I guess we'll just agree to disagree bud. You're a great guy and I respect you, I just really disagree on this. The first pastor baptized his children and was close to Obama. Of course he's going to add the caviet of "just leading me to Jesus". I wouldn't expect him to say "and we share the same views".

I am just a firm believer in that all people get associated with those who which they choose to associate with. There are millions of examples to give of this, but it is warranted as I'm sure you understand what I'm getting at.

Obama, as good as some of his intentions may be (and I hope that most of us agree with his speechs of unity and working together), does not practice what he has preeched. He associated himself with men who were racist for years. You don't get led to Jesus by a man or women who you never learn anything about. Their views could not have been "news" to Obama. That's just not possible. As probably you have, I've "been there and done that". I knew exactly what my mentor who brought me to Jesus believed and I watched the same thing happen to other friends with different mentors. You cannot hide view points like racism. They bleed through the white cloth.

scott1981 06-04-2008 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by Bighersh (Post 3235732)
If buying, then selling a house with a Whites Only clause on it, is not a tie to racism, then what is?

That is racist and pretty F'ed up. Things like that are inexcusable

Bighersh 06-04-2008 02:36 PM

I hear ya.
I grew up in the black church, and after having heard hundreds of sermons, I don't think I ever heard one mention anything negative about white people. Few ever even discussed local or national politics.

Nevertheless, pastor's are generally charasmatic and eloquent speakers, and they do have voices. Their opinion is at least acknowledged by members of their congregation, even if it is immediately discarded afterwards.

But, for the ones who do have an interest in politics, and a captive audience (People don't generally get up, and walk out of a church during the sermon) when they think they can get a person (or group of people) to embrace their point of view, then some will take that opportunity to make that statement. Some weak minded people may go along with any thing the pastor says, others will consider it, and possibly take his/her side if the stance is sensible, and others will dismiss it altogether.

I think I've heard that pastor preach too, as a guest speaker from Chicago at my old church (North Dallas). and, if that was him, he was a great speaker, and said nothing racist that day.

I have often wondered what he said that was so bad the news had to bleep it out. What did he say, by the way- that had teh nation up in arms.

scott1981 06-04-2008 02:38 PM

Originally Posted by F150 Duke (Post 3235770)
Hey Hersh! Long time no see on the boards!

You're absolutely correct, he is white. However, I don't think that is the point. I'm going to say something that I know is obvious to all of us but you don't need to be a certain color to be a racist.

I just cannot stress it enough, based on views of striving towards equality for all genders and races, any individual regardless of gender, title or race should be condemned for making racist remarks. Fortunately Mr. Obama did these things when they were brought to light regarding his two pastors. That is what kept is bid for being a Presidential canidate afloat.

BUT it never should have come to that in the first place. There is no good reason why those two racist men should be someone's spiritual leaders and close individuals to their family (Obama just didn't show up to church with the first pastor). There is no excusing it. We all also know that racism is not something that people wake up with one day. It's a learned behavior or feeling that grows over years of being in that environment. Obama choose to stay in that environment for years and only left once it became inconvenient on a national level.

I agree, we should have black/white/or any other race men and women running for President and being nominees. However, Barrack Obama is not the person that is being painted as a Presidental nominee savior for fair and positive change because of his close ties and support to racism.

I would be on the same soap box if it was a white Senator who left his church because his black and/or white pastor made racist remarks, but he had in fact stayed with that church for years, knowing full well the racist views being held by that church.


Raoul 06-04-2008 02:44 PM

Originally Posted by F150 Duke (Post 3235788)
...Of course he's going to add the caviet of "just leading me to Jesus"....

Well, that is what I was getting at. He didn't "add the caviet", It was in his book and he mentioned it often.
I honestly don't know what denomination McCain is because it seems unimportant.

I can understand why Obama would go to such efforts to tout his Christian awaking, and how/who/when he came about it.

Just read the second paragraph of post #43 above.

scott1981 06-04-2008 02:49 PM

Originally Posted by Raoul (Post 3235813)

I can understand why Obama would go to such efforts to tout his Christian awaking, and how/who/when he came about it.

Just read the second paragraph of post #43 above.

Well he made a very poor decision in choosing his nutjob pastor/church as a way to take our eyes away from his ethnicity.

Out of the frying pan into the fire on that one

Raoul 06-04-2008 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by scott1981 (Post 3235819)
Well he made a very poor decision in choosing his nutjob pastor/church as a way to take our eyes away from his ethnicity.

Out of the frying pan into the fire on that one

I can't argue that. :lol:

I expect any day he is just going to throw up his hands and say
"OK...OK...I'm a muslim....jeees...." :lol:

(then I can only justify voting for him due to his honesty, like Honest Abe)

Copperhead64 06-04-2008 03:03 PM

Originally Posted by Raoul (Post 3235826)

(then I can only justify voting for him due to his honesty, like Honest Abe)

Well, in that case im going to run next time and tell people "Hey, Honestly.... Im not sure how i got here. Hell, im pretty drunk right now too, but i guarantee you that i may do a good job. And i may also f*ck up, but im being honest here like honest Abe. And if you like honest Abe then you'll vote for me and if not then your probably un-american and that's 99% true 50% of the time"

Raoul 06-04-2008 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by Copperhead64 (Post 3235833)
Well, in that case im going to run next time and tell people "Hey, Honestly.... Im not sure how i got here. Hell, im pretty drunk right now too, but i guarantee you that i may do a good job. And i may also f*ck up, but im being honest here like honest Abe. And if you like honest Abe then you'll vote for me and if not then your probably un-american and that's 99% true 50% of the time"

Those are all good points but, I just can't vote for you until I see some film of your preacher.

scott1981 06-04-2008 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by Raoul (Post 3235875)
Those are all good points but, I just can't vote for you until I see some film of your preacher.


wittom 06-04-2008 05:24 PM

I don't know why there is all this hub bub about race. This is historic. It's the first time a black man has been nominated for president of the United States. Wether you think that's a good thing or not, it is still an historic thing.

To me this has absolutley nothing to do with race. I'd feel the same way if he were white or even if he were a she. My biggest concern is his LACK OF EXPERIANCE that a lot of people in this country seem to be ok with overlooking because they hate Bush.

I'm all for electing the first black man, the first woman, the first guy who wrote a book called "Unsafe At Any Speed". I'm all for it as long as they show that they have some practical experiance that proves that they can do the job. So far, I'm not seeing it.

McCain is hardly the righ man for the job in my opinion. I don't think that he has much of a chance because of the (R). He has experiance though. We can look at what he's done, and in many cases cringe, but it's experiance.

I don't see what benefit people think they are going to get electing Obama other than fingering their noses at the republicans. In the big picture what does fingering their noses at the republicans really do for the country?

BigMan 06-04-2008 05:26 PM

He isnt 100% black. He is just as much white as he is black.

Bighersh 06-04-2008 05:41 PM

Originally Posted by BigMan (Post 3236089)
He isnt 100% black. He is just as much white as he is black.

Yeah, but one drop of black blood, and you're considered "black" no matter what you look like.

I have cousins that look white, but they aren't- but they certainly could "pass". Right down to the straight hair, so you can't tell a lot by appearance. I betcha, if more white folks shook their family tree, there'd be some blacks falling out of there.

Personally, I don't know of any whites in my family tree, but I do know my great grandfather was 100% Choctaw Indian, which makes me 1/8th (+/-).

Most of us are muts, so race shoudn't matter. Few of us are "pure" anything, other than pure American- for those of us who are.

Bluejay 06-04-2008 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by Bighersh (Post 3236107)
Yeah, but one drop of black blood, and you're considered "black" no matter what you look like.

I have cousins that look white, but they aren't- but they certainly could "pass". Right down to the straight hair, so you can't tell a lot by appearance. I betcha, if more white folks shook their family tree, there'd be some blacks falling out of there.

Personally, I don't know of any whites in my family tree, but I do know my great grandfather was 100% Choctaw Indian, which makes me 1/8th (+/-).

Most of us are muts, so race shoudn't matter. Few of us are "pure" anything, other than pure American- for those of us who are.

I'm pure Texan! :lol: Well, if you don't go back too far!

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