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OgRedd 06-04-2008 11:14 AM

Originally Posted by BigMan (Post 3235281)
The "Magic Negro" is only half black. And from the way he talks he might as well be white. But you never know. I always wondered if these upper class black people start talking jive and calling eatchother nigaas when they get behind closed doors.

I started this thread thinking beyond race. Being a black guy, it's sad that a public forum is reduced to this type of comment and I would even have to expose my race at all. I thought there were "higher minds" here. But I guess I was wrong. - Og

scott1981 06-04-2008 11:18 AM

Originally Posted by OgRedd (Post 3235434)
I started this thread thinking beyond race. Being a black guy, it's sad that a public forum is reduced to this type of comment and I would even have to expose my race at all. I thought there were "higher minds" here. But I guess I was wrong. - Og

Ohh so its ok for Obama & his pastor to make racial comments but forum members are not allow to bring up the fact he is black. Im sorry I forgot how racisim works, the white man isnt allowed to play

BigMan 06-04-2008 11:18 AM

The general public does not frown upon black people being racist. I think white people feel sorry for what happened 100-200 years ago and therefor allow it to a certain extent.

We have BET (Black Entertainment Television)
WET or White Entertainment Television would not be allowed!

OgRedd 06-04-2008 11:20 AM

This was not a thread about race but to prove how anybody can achieve whatever they want in America. Nothing more, nothing less. - Og

BigMan 06-04-2008 11:26 AM

Obama is a racist. And this thread is about Obama.

And on a F150 Forum you have to expect that most people on here are your average white american who listens to country or rock music and goes hunting or fishing on the weekends and likes to drink beer. Now there are exceptions to this rule but for the most part all of us on here hate Obama. There are a few liberal crazies on here though who hug trees and want to help everyone with more taxes.

OgRedd 06-04-2008 11:31 AM

I thought it was an open, public forum for people who love their F150. I'm not here to start a racist rant with anyone. If you check all of my previous posts, you'll see not one entry is racist. If my interpretation of this forum is false and yours is true, I apologize and will no longer post here. - Og

BigMan 06-04-2008 11:34 AM

Dont feel offended because of anything on here. This is an open forum and all posts are welcome as long as the rules are followed.

NCSU_05_FX4 06-04-2008 11:41 AM

Originally Posted by OgRedd (Post 3235443)
This was not a thread about race but to prove how anybody can achieve whatever they want in America. Nothing more, nothing less. - Og

And I think most people would agree that we've come a long way in the last 50 years, but we still have issues to overcome, on both sides of the fence.

But, that doesn't change the facts about Obama, his beliefs, and what he's said. He is a racist, or at the least, supported racists, but because he is black he won't be condemned for it.

Og, just curious, but if a white person running for president said in a interview that someone was a "typical black person" because they were arrested on drug charges, would you be offended? (Research has shown that while African American youth comprise 17% of the youth population, African American youth represent 27% of all drug violation arrests, and comprise 48% of the youth detained for a drug offense.) I'm a white guy and I am offended that Obama thinks that the "typical white person" is afraid of the black men that pass them on the streets. I guess that would make me an atypical white person.


Raoul 06-04-2008 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by OgRedd (Post 3235188)
Beyond all the politics and partisan bickering, beyond all the racism and idiotic comments that might be made - to see an African-American finally lead a major party toward a presidential general election deserves the respect due. I'm sure this is an example of what Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream portrayed. I believe this shows the basic truth of what it really means to be American. - Og

It's historic no doubt about it.

Imagine a coma victim who has been out for two years.

He wakes up on January 20th 2009, turns on the tv sees the President getting sworn in and says "WTF ! :lol:

BigMan 06-04-2008 12:05 PM

Originally Posted by Raoul (Post 3235491)
It's historic no doubt about it.

Imagine a coma victim who has been out for two years.

He wakes up on January 20th 2009, turns on the tv sees the President getting sworn in and says "WTF ! :lol:

Why would he say WTF? He would just see a typical white american man that looks like every other president we have had. ;)

Raoul 06-04-2008 12:09 PM

You are in denial.
You've got this site pegged pretty well in your previous comment but, you need to get out more.

MitchF150 06-04-2008 12:12 PM

Just another election year where the classic South Park episode of the Douche Bag and Turd Sandwich comes into play.... It's been that way for decades!!


edit.. I mean this from day one of this years election, some 16 months ago BTW....

BigMan 06-04-2008 12:13 PM

Originally Posted by Raoul (Post 3235520)
You are in denial.
You've got this site pegged pretty well in your previous comment but, you need to get out more.

Only time will tell. The only thing I know for sure is that it is going to be very interesting when they start getting down and dirty with their campaign commercials. I cant wait to see what kind of bad stuff they drag up to put eatchother down.

Screw50 06-04-2008 12:22 PM

Obviously, not everyone in the country feels like the majority of people on this site or Obama and Hillary would not be #1 and #2 in any Political party.
Yes, it is historic that Obama is where he is. I do think it is too bad that we have to say a black man this, a white man that, a woman, blah, blah blah... and catagorize everybody and everything.
There are good people and bad people of all walks of life, race and gender. Just my "liberal" (I love that label too) opinion.

BigMan 06-04-2008 12:27 PM

I can care less if Obama is black. The issue I have with him are all the bad things that have been brought out about him such as the racist pastor mentor of his. I have nothing against black people and I have friends that are black. I just cant stand the way some black people think. And the fact that he is a liberal makes him even worse.

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