Let's start over......
Nail by Bird poops! That's disgusting lol. Felt like an acorn ? Must of been a previously constipated bird to drop a log as solid as an acorn.. Yuck, -messy on top of all that lol. What color was it ? You remember ? I would. - Maybe it was gooser ? You know, playing that , BomB Hiroshima type game with yuh, without your knowledge... At first anyways.
My poor truck was bombed by Bluejays in the past. Did you put out a hit on me ? Not kidding, those birds are mean and chased other birds away from the berry bushes, so they can have them all. Gives them the fricken runs big time! They don't get very far from the bush before cutting loose. My parking spot was right there unfortunately. At least I had a white truck, but keep in mind, they were eating berries.
Well, at least I haven't been pooped on. I mean literately lol.
Perhaps your encounter was with a flying squirrel ? Yea, BOMBS AWAY! Could have gave birth to what, - a milk dud from hell I expect.
Also, you missed an s above, -did you know ? Poop trauma, -it's nasty sh....
Reminds me. My grandfather use to varnish rabbit poops, then poke a hole and string them. Give it to girls in school as a necklace. Said it work great for awhile, except, well, - you know how girls chew on stuff....
Perhaps your encounter was with a flying squirrel ? Yea, BOMBS AWAY! Could have gave birth to what, - a milk dud from hell I expect.
Also, you missed an s above, -did you know ? Poop trauma, -it's nasty sh....
Reminds me. My grandfather use to varnish rabbit poops, then poke a hole and string them. Give it to girls in school as a necklace. Said it work great for awhile, except, well, - you know how girls chew on stuff....
Well, at least I haven't been pooped on. I mean literately lol.
Perhaps your encounter was with a flying squirrel ? Yea, BOMBS AWAY! Could have gave birth to what, - a milk dud from hell I expect.
Also, you missed an s above, -did you know ? Poop trauma, -it's nasty sh....
Reminds me. My grandfather use to varnish rabbit poops, then poke a hole and string them. Give it to girls in school as a necklace. Said it work great for awhile, except, well, - you know how girls chew on stuff....
Perhaps your encounter was with a flying squirrel ? Yea, BOMBS AWAY! Could have gave birth to what, - a milk dud from hell I expect.
Also, you missed an s above, -did you know ? Poop trauma, -it's nasty sh....
Reminds me. My grandfather use to varnish rabbit poops, then poke a hole and string them. Give it to girls in school as a necklace. Said it work great for awhile, except, well, - you know how girls chew on stuff....
Dissertation, is that better. What a crock! LOL