Tokyo Rose

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Old 01-23-2007, 04:27 PM
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Tokyo Rose

What you see after this intro is directly as it came from a buddy of mine, serving in the sandbox. I thought it was hilarious, and would definitely "entertain" a few of you...I love watching some of you...

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*Subject:* TOKYO ROSE

**Tokyo**** Rose**

**She had the best music on her station and most people just laughed. She reported that one ship was sunk no less than five times but each time Davey Jones threw her back up.**

**Tokyo**** Rose During World War II -- the Japanese developed a way to demoralize the American forces. Psychological warfare experts developed a message they felt would work.***

**They gave the script to their famous broadcaster "Tokyo Rose" and every day she would broadcast this same message packaged in different ways, hoping it would have a negative impact on American GI's morale.**

**What was that demoralizing message? It had three main points:**

** 1. Your President is lying to you.**
** 2. This war is illegal.**
** 3. You cannot win the war.**
**Does this sound familiar?***

**Is it because: **

**Tokyo Hillary, **
**Tokyo Harry, **
**Tokyo John, **
**Tokyo Teddy, **
**Tokyo Nancy, **

**have picked up the same message and are broadcasting it on **

**Tokyo CNN, **
**Tokyo ABC, **
**Tokyo CBS, **
**Tokyo NBC, **
**to our troops?**

**The only difference is that they claim to support our troops before they demoralize them. Come to think of it, Tokyo Rose told the troops she was on their side, too! ***


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Old 01-23-2007, 05:01 PM
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I think you are correct.

We need to send more of our troops to die in Iraq, like 25 did last Saturday.

We need to escalate the civil war there so more innocent Iraqis can die as well as the combatants in the civil war.

We need more money to go to Halliburton et al in no bid contracts.

We need to spend another 350 Billion to accomplish the three aforementioned objectives.

Meanwhile we are being invaded by Mexico and South America and monkey boy Bush does……nothing. I admit that sadly I voted for this bum. Once.

The illegal invading horde is consuming our resources, changing our culture, and turning the country into a third world crap hole.

Iraq has been a total catastrophe and many conservatives are now ready to admit it. It’s not just the leftists anymore.

Don't blame the messengers because you have been neo-conned.
Old 01-23-2007, 05:35 PM
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One thing was missing from the "Tokyo Rose" commentary---that, unlike Japan, perhaps the Iraqis are possibly working to also subvert us---to sabotage us---hey, now that is a novel idea....

Do they really wantus to succeed?

Old 01-23-2007, 05:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Dr. Franko
I think you are correct.

We need to send more of our troops to die in Iraq, like 25 did last Saturday.

We need to escalate the civil war there so more innocent Iraqis can die as well as the combatants in the civil war.

We need more money to go to Halliburton et al in no bid contracts.

We need to spend another 350 Billion to accomplish the three aforementioned objectives.

Meanwhile we are being invaded by Mexico and South America and monkey boy Bush does……nothing. I admit that sadly I voted for this bum. Once.

The illegal invading horde is consuming our resources, changing our culture, and turning the country into a third world crap hole.

Iraq has been a total catastrophe and many conservatives are now ready to admit it. It’s not just the leftists anymore.

Don't blame the messengers because you have been neo-conned.
well said my friend.. well said.
Old 01-23-2007, 05:59 PM
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I bet there are lots of dead Soviet Generals turning over in their graves seeing how weak the American's have become. They would have run us over in Europe if they had known this.

Dos ve danya comrades. Oh wait, we still speak English here...
Old 01-23-2007, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Dr. Franko
I think you are correct.

We need to send more of our troops to die in Iraq, like 25 did last Saturday.

We need to escalate the civil war there so more innocent Iraqis can die as well as the combatants in the civil war.

We need more money to go to Halliburton et al in no bid contracts.

We need to spend another 350 Billion to accomplish the three aforementioned objectives.

Meanwhile we are being invaded by Mexico and South America and monkey boy Bush does……nothing. I admit that sadly I voted for this bum. Once.

The illegal invading horde is consuming our resources, changing our culture, and turning the country into a third world crap hole.

Iraq has been a total catastrophe and many conservatives are now ready to admit it. It’s not just the leftists anymore.

Don't blame the messengers because you have been neo-conned.
You're right. We should just stay within our boarders and mind our own business, then we won't lose any lives.

I mean, that worked to stop 9/11 from happening. OH wait, crap, it didn't.

Well, if we just stop now at least...oh wait, no, the terrorists have made a promise to kill ALL Americans regardless of what we do. Hmmm...

So wait, that means unless we: A.) Kill as many terrorists as possible BEFORE they kill us AT HOME B.) Try out best to give the middle east a local example of the good of democracy and freedom so they can learn to change their extremist views and C.) Learn to not be PUSSIES and run with our tails tucked between our legs because of a couple thousand casualties..... then they will continue to come to America and kill us here.

Hmm. Cool. Let's just do what the dems want and sit and wait for them to whoop up on us here. I like that idea more!
Old 01-23-2007, 08:24 PM
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The Terrorists attacked us do to our hegemony, imperialism and other self serving foreign policies. However you may believe that Bull about them attacking us because of our freedom, which of course is laughable sophistry.

As you may know we support many repressive regimes when it suits our purposes regardless of the welfare of the citizens of those regimes.

BTW the 911 Terrorists were nearly all from Saudi Arabia, I don’t believe any were from Iraq.

Didn’t monkey boy continuously tell us we invaded Iraq to destroy the WMDs? Yeah righ. As Hans Blix, chief U.N. weapons inspector, said: “people in the middle ages looked for witches everywhere and found them”

If you want to send your personal money to support this horrendous mistake, or want to go there yourself and fight, by all means do so.

I support the troops by wanting them to come home before more of them die for a pack of lies.
Old 01-23-2007, 09:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Dr. Franko
The Terrorists attacked us do to our hegemony, imperialism and other self serving foreign policies. However you may believe that Bull about them attacking us because of our freedom, which of course is laughable sophistry.

As you may know we support many repressive regimes when it suits our purposes regardless of the welfare of the citizens of those regimes.

BTW the 911 Terrorists were nearly all from Saudi Arabia, I don’t believe any were from Iraq.

Didn’t monkey boy continuously tell us we invaded Iraq to destroy the WMDs? Yeah righ. As Hans Blix, chief U.N. weapons inspector, said: “people in the middle ages looked for witches everywhere and found them”

If you want to send your personal money to support this horrendous mistake, or want to go there yourself and fight, by all means do so.

I support the troops by wanting them to come home before more of them die for a pack of lies.
You completely avoided all of my valid points, what's new?

and aside from that, nowhere did I state that the terrorists hate us purely for our freedom. I agree with most of your list of reasons why, but guess what? That listed existed BEFORE we went to Iraq, and ALSO would have continued to exist if we hadn't gone to Iraq. So your point is moot.

You next point about "We support regimes for our own benefit." Wow, really? Thanks for the newsflash. but here is what I find funny/scary: Why is it that libs insist on complaining about things that we do as a nation that benefit us? And simultaneously expect the benefits without the political strong arming? The same libs that are bitching about oil prices are bitching about us supposedly doing X, Y, and Z for oil.

the country of origin of the actual individuals who carried ou the attacks literally has close to NO meaning at all. The ideology exists throughout the region, so what the heck is your point?

As for the WMDs. That's a topic all of its own, and obviously people have their own opinion. I simply look at it this way: A.) The CIA reported that they believed SADAAM has WMDs. Bush didn't come to that conclusion on his own, he trusted the CIA B.) With a country the size of Iraq, and given the stalling that kept us from invading on a timely schedule (thanks again libs), Iraq could have EASILY destroyed or moved any WMDs. They obviously didn't have such a plethora that they wouldn't have known where they were located in order to properly dispose of them. And C.) We know for a FACT that Iraq had WMD THIRTY YEARS AGO. And there was NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING to keep Iraq from not only continuing the production of those, but advancing others as well, and finally: Did Iraq NOT deny inspectors access to suspected WMD locations on numerous occasions? PLEASE tell me why in the world they would do that unless they were actually hiding WMDs. I can't wait for this one.

And lastly, and most important, DO NOT EVEN give the typical liberal bull5hit "I support my troops" line when you don't. Sitting here i America doing everything in your power to undermine funding, advancement of the war, sufficient troops levels, and much much more DOESN'T comply with the BS political line of claiming your support for the troops. the dump I took this morning was smart enough to see through that BS.
Old 01-23-2007, 09:57 PM
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Yes I should load up on defense sector stocks and then I can join your side and support the troops by letting them get their arms and legs blown off to enrich me. Just like your masters

The majority of the American public has awoken to the Iraq fraud and even Republicans are now denouncing the fiasco.

The Democrats you despise have taken congress, the borders are wide open, we have been swindled out of countless billions (with no end in sight), thousands of Americans have died and we have accomplished nothing.

And you try to justify this ridiculous waste and think you are a conservative?

I think it is you who are the liberal.
Old 01-24-2007, 12:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Dr. Franko
Yes I should load up on defense sector stocks and then I can join your side and support the troops by letting them get their arms and legs blown off to enrich me. Just like your masters

The majority of the American public has awoken to the Iraq fraud and even Republicans are now denouncing the fiasco.

The Democrats you despise have taken congress, the borders are wide open, we have been swindled out of countless billions (with no end in sight), thousands of Americans have died and we have accomplished nothing.

And you try to justify this ridiculous waste and think you are a conservative?

I think it is you who are the liberal.
Holy cow. It must be in the water you libs drink...there is something that makes you incapable of actually answering a single question directly. No wonder all the idiots in Hollywood like you so much
Old 01-24-2007, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Dr. Franko
The Terrorists attacked us do to our hegemony, imperialism and other self serving foreign policies. However you may believe that Bull about them attacking us because of our freedom, which of course is laughable sophistry.

As you may know we support many repressive regimes when it suits our purposes regardless of the welfare of the citizens of those regimes.

BTW the 911 Terrorists were nearly all from Saudi Arabia, I don’t believe any were from Iraq.

Didn’t monkey boy continuously tell us we invaded Iraq to destroy the WMDs? Yeah righ. As Hans Blix, chief U.N. weapons inspector, said: “people in the middle ages looked for witches everywhere and found them”

If you want to send your personal money to support this horrendous mistake, or want to go there yourself and fight, by all means do so.

I support the troops by wanting them to come home before more of them die for a pack of lies.

Umm, you do know that to those *** holes everyone who doesnt live by islamic law is an infidel, right? They want us all dead.

And ya, listen to a Swede we all know what they do when there's trouble.

You say you support the troops? All youre doing is bashing what they are doing, and saying that they should forget what they have fought and died for all this time and leave before the job is done. That would be the stupidest decision ever.

Last edited by 89Lariat; 01-24-2007 at 03:47 PM.
Old 01-24-2007, 03:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Lumadar
Holy cow. It must be in the water you libs drink...there is something that makes you incapable of actually answering a single question directly. No wonder all the idiots in Hollywood like you so much
That is because you have not answered my initial seven assertions.

In addition I am neither a Liberal nor a Pacifist. Unlike you I follow no regimented dogma supplied by either political party but rather draw my own conclusions and if it means, as in this case, that I am aligned more with Democrats than Republicans so be it.

For a simple to understand primer on some of the forces (the industrial military complex) that influence our decisions to go to war I suggest you watch “Why We Fight” a film by Eugene Jarecki. Of course, as it may disabuse you of some of your naivety, you may label it a leftist piece. Yes it is full of leftist propaganda by well known liberals such as Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Old 01-24-2007, 03:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Dr. Franko
The Terrorists attacked us do to our hegemony, imperialism and other self serving foreign policies. However you may believe that Bull about them attacking us because of our freedom, which of course is laughable sophistry.
To be blunt, you are absolutely wrong here. The leaders of AQ have said on multiple occasions why they attacked us. They have one goal--a world dominated by Sharia law. Suicide_bomber_01 doesn't give a damn about the details of US foreign policy. They think we're evil because we let our women drive and go unescorted in public. Spend a couple of days among some Islamic fundamentalists and your eyes will be opened.


Originally Posted by al-Zarqawi
We have declared a bitter war against democracy and all those who seek to enact it.
Democracy is also based on the right to choose your religion {and that is} against the rule of God.

Last edited by Grim; 01-24-2007 at 03:51 PM.
Old 01-24-2007, 04:05 PM
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"The call to wage war against America was made because America has spear-headed the crusade against the Islamic nation, sending tens of thousands of its troops to the land of the two Holy Mosques over and above its meddling in its affairs and its politics, and its support of the oppressive, corrupt and tyrannical regime that is in control. These are the reasons behind the singling out of America as a target."

Osama Bin Laden
Old 01-24-2007, 04:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Dr. Franko
"The call to wage war against America was made because America has spear-headed the crusade against the Islamic nation, sending tens of thousands of its troops to the land of the two Holy Mosques over and above its meddling in its affairs and its politics, and its support of the oppressive, corrupt and tyrannical regime that is in control. These are the reasons behind the singling out of America as a target."

Osama Bin Laden
Good quote. Let's go through it point by point.

1) Crusade against the Islamic nation--a rallying cry to Muslims to fight the US and establish and anti-US holy war. There is no crusade against the Islamic nation. We fought in Bosnia to defend Muslims, we fought in Kuwait to defend one set of Muslims from another, and we gave the Muslims in Afganistan the weapons they needed to repel the Russians. This is propaganda by OBL to recruit more troops.

2) Land of the two Holy Mosques--OBL doesn't want anyone that isn't Muslim in Saudi Arabia, another fanatical religious belief.

3) Oppressive, corrupt regime--OBL disagrees with the Saudi royals for many reasons, primarily their willingness to deal with the West (selling oil) and because they aren't holy enough.

Here's OBL discussing why he ordered the WTC attacks (which required all of 30 seconds to find):

"This is only one goal; those who want people to worship the lord of the people, without following that doctrine, will be following the doctrine of Muhammad, peace be upon him."

"I was ordered to fight the people until they say there is no god but Allah, and his prophet Muhammad."


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