Dubya and the troops

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Old 11-14-2003, 06:28 PM
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Originally posted by canyonslicker
Hmmmm..... ARRBILLY seems to love a brawl.

Dear Canuckist,

You seem to be one the chosen few who really unnerstans our way of life south of your border. Just sit back and throw snowballs at will.

Let's see .... there has been around 6 Canadian combat deaths total since the end of WW2. It must be nice to pick your battles as you see fit with others fighting on the front lines for you. Ooops I mean with others acting stupidly on your behalf.

Iraq ? Sorry you lost revenues from letting terrorist entering your country on their way here . The war will continue , great people will lose their lives to protect your whining booty.

Must you quote from someone else's skewed point of view and then question why someone doesn't want to answer you directly? Ask specific questions (of your own, if capable) for specific answers. i.e..

What would you do with countries harboring terrorists against your country?

How would you react to getting a symbol of your nation blown up?

How long would it take your country to weed out the worlds terrorists , or would you?

How long should a war against terrorism last?

Why wasn't Bush elected?

Why do people like you rely on only skewed sources instead of information so much you have to make them an example?

Who's smarter Beavis, Butt-head or you? (No answer required)

I did not read your arcticles of some else's ideas , I don't need to because I know the ideas are not your own.

So now answer some my specific questions without refering to your "resources".

Brain Freeze ON!!!
so what's all that dribble got to do with GWB cutting funding to your troops and veterans? Or the fact that he was awol for the greater part of his last years obligation to the national guard? Or that he's a coward who wouldn't go to Vietnam? Who has no problem picking a fight as long as he personally doesn't have to fight it? Huh? Huh? Come on! Bring it on!!
Old 11-14-2003, 06:30 PM
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Hey '01,

When you say arrbilly really fast 3 times , it almost sounds like your running over a cat.

Old 11-14-2003, 06:33 PM
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Originally posted by canyonslicker
Hey '01,

When you say arrbilly really fast 3 times , it almost sounds like your running over a cat.

oooh, great comeback! You just knocked the wheels off all my factual arguments.
Old 11-14-2003, 06:33 PM
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01 XLT Sport isn't just a "whiny neocon rhetoric dissing anyone who doesn't have your narrow tunnel vision world view", he has proven himself to be a rational voice on this site who believes in our country and our current leadership. Just because you do not agree with his views does not justify name-calling and slander on your part.
As far as President Bush being "the unelected coward in the white house " goes, you have obviously forgotten that Gore, using faulty sources of information, called President Bush and conceded the race. At that point, the race was over, Bush Won. You might make the argument that Gore used bad info to decide to concede the race, but that only adds to my point.
As a career Air Force NCO, I can only say that I, and everybody I know, am DAMN GLAD it was George Bush in office and NOT AlGore on Sept 11, 2001.
On the other side of the coin, I respect your opinion and have spent the last 16 years of my life ensuring you can continue expressing it. I do not agree with you, but I will fight to the death to ensure you can continue expressing your thoughts in an open forum such as this.
Have an Outstanding Day!
Old 11-14-2003, 06:39 PM
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Good post canyonslicker and a point I would like to make is since arrbilly is not from America he/she has absolutely NO right what so ever to converse on what the BIGGEST, BADDEST, country in the world is doing.

It is because of America, our knowledge, our courage that they have the freedoms they have where ever it is arrbilly lives.

That’s right arrbilly if it wasn’t for America you would NOT enjoy the freedoms you have…

I know that must really **** you off, but I am getting tired of the numbness of those from other countries with out a clue trying to debate something they have NO idea about, no logic to offer, no solutions to offer and just skewed BS from some website that loves to produce fiction (i.e fantasy, untrue, make believe, fairy dust, etc) writing and people like you take it as truth as fish to water.

I will not address any thing in the article because as I stated in my first post there is NO reason to address something that has already proven itself to be unreliable in any facts…

Since your country does NOT have the means to protect itself, let alone most of the world it would be nice if you excused yourself from the debate since you really have nothing to offer but fantasy…
Old 11-14-2003, 06:46 PM
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Originally posted by arrbilly
so what's all that dribble got to do with GWB cutting funding to your troops and veterans? Or the fact that he was awol for the greater part of his last years obligation to the national guard? Or that he's a coward who wouldn't go to Vietnam? Who has no problem picking a fight as long as he personally doesn't have to fight it? Huh? Huh? Come on! Bring it on!!
You like it huh?

Vietnam , been there , done that . What part of this free society did you contribute?

Cutting benefits? Sounds more Canadian medicine to me. As far as Veterans are concerned they are a more productive part of this society than the none serving leeches, although they deserve more.

About the National Guard and GWB , we all grow in our own time , as you might.

Picking fights with no personal stakes? I saw for the first time , today , a Bush/Cheney '04 sticker today. It can't get more personal unless your finger is on the trigger. Maybe you bean out of warfare for awhile but the Generals no longer lead the charge in the face of the enemy, instead , yes , they play a sort of chess.

I believe the only dribble I detect is running out your mouth or maybe it's running down your leg. Hard to tell because of where your heads is firmly planted.

Old 11-14-2003, 06:49 PM
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Originally posted by arrbilly
oooh, great comeback! You just knocked the wheels off all my factual arguments.
I don't believe I was addressing you at the moment.
Old 11-14-2003, 06:52 PM
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Hey arrbilly ,
I answered your questions , now answer mine , if you dare...

What would you do with countries harboring terrorists against your country?

How would you react to getting a symbol of your nation blown up?

How long would it take your country to weed out the worlds terrorists , or would you?

How long should a war against terrorism last?

Why wasn't Bush elected?

Why do people like you rely on only skewed sources instead of information so much you have to make them an example?

Who's smarter Beavis, Butt-head or you? (No answer required)
Old 11-14-2003, 06:57 PM
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You all have to understand that is seems (my opinion) that arrbilly just hates everything about America. You know damn well if he hates President Bush then he must have really hated President Clinton. How could he not, Clinton loathed the military, wussed out of Vietnam and instead of keeping his sorry butt here RAN to Russia to whine about how screwed up America was and how he did NOT support America.

President Clinton did not believe in the military but boy did he use them for about anything he could think of when he was in office. What is even worse is Clinton since he had no respect for the military barley replenished any of the weapons they used up on his behalf. It was like a toy for him, he had the military and his intern to play with all day…

So tell me arrbilly is there any President of America you ever liked? Or is it you just can not stand the fact that America, because of its military might is the worlds ONLY superpower left?

You act like a typical left wing nutcase spewing BS about nothing, offering nothing but insults to a country that enables you, your family and friends to sleep peacefully at night.
Old 11-14-2003, 06:59 PM
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Originally posted by exfordguy

I do not agree with you, but I will fight to the death to ensure you can continue expressing your thoughts in an open forum such as this.
Have an Outstanding Day!
I believe I said the same thing in a post some time back.
My point is that the original post was about funding cuts to troops and veterans. Not one of the dissers (is that a real word?) has come up with an argument based on fact regarding the original post. All they've done is call me a liberal (which I'm not) and yap about Iraq and terrorists. Go through my posts. Find anything I've said regarding Iraq or terrorists and post it.
Facts talk. Bul***** walks.
Old 11-14-2003, 07:00 PM
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Originally posted by canyonslicker
What would you do with countries harboring terrorists against your country?
I can answer that one for him:

Call America to help protect us like every other country does...
Old 11-14-2003, 07:03 PM
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Originally posted by arrbilly
I believe I said the same thing in a post some time back.
My point is that the original post was about funding cuts to troops and veterans. Not one of the dissers (is that a real word?) has come up with an argument based on fact regarding the original post. All they've done is call me a liberal (which I'm not) and yap about Iraq and terrorists. Go through my posts. Find anything I've said regarding Iraq or terrorists and post it.
Facts talk. Bul***** walks.
WAKE UP, read the other post. The link you provided to your liberal publication is, or at least, can not be taken as FACT. I already told you why and you continue to ignore the FACTS.

It has proven itself unreliable because it got something very simple CONPLETELY wrong…

Please practice what you preach “Facts talk. Bul***** walks”

You have so far only giving us Bul*****, so when you going to come up with some actual facts?
Old 11-14-2003, 07:03 PM
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Before we get into it here, let me start with a disclaimer:
I am not a democrat. I consider my views, a majority of the time, to be conseritive.
I would rather Bush be in office than Gore.
That said…..

OK, Let’s review.

01 XLT Sport…Before you reach for that keyboard and start typing an angry resp[onse, please try to read this entire post. First, let me say that I love reading your posts, and often times find myself agreeing with many of them, but more times than not they are an excellent example of narrow-mindedness / contradictory / “black or white” – “either this or that” thinking in action.

You wrote: “… since they already have one thing wrong then logic would state you can NOT believe a damn word you read in either article.”

Is this true of what you write? If I can point out one single thing that you are incorrect about in any of your posts does that mean that everything you write is wrong, not to be believed, therefore disregarded?

“There are only two choices, you like the terrorist way of life, or you like our way of life.” Really? Those are the only choices? I love our way of life, and part of that way of life…one of the wonderful things about the way we choose to live and govern ourselves is that we have the freedom to express our ideas and also to be able disagree with each other and our leaders. No where in the constitution does it say there are only two choices, it’s either all this or all that, it’s our way or the high way, etc. etc. etc. There has been a lot in your posts throughout these many forums that I have agreed with. But to love our way of life, the American way of life, does not mean that I am totally for everything this administration does, nor does it mean I am totally against everything this administration does. And it certainly does not mean that since I may not agree with certain things this administration does that I am therefore someone who loves and embraces the terrorist’s way of life, ideologies, beliefs, etc.

“The liberals LOVE and ADORE the terrorist way of life.” Really? My sister is liberal, a registered democrat who has no love of Bush what-so-ever, but believe me, she has no love or extremist Muslim terrorists. Nor has she “feed wacked out nut cases into KILLING more of our troops…”

And could you please make sense of this for me…
You state:
“Gore would have wanted this country to “try and understand why the terrorist feel the way they do…”
and then later state:
“Terrorist need to KNOW why we feel the way we do…”
So what you are saying is that you would act as Gore would in that you want them to understand us….
But not have us understand them….
Why is that? Why is it only a one way street? Why is it only our feelings that matter?

“The reason the problem is much bigger than it should be now in Iraq is because of Liberals and others who continually whine day in and day out about the situation.”

What about you who whines day in and day out about Liberals? Does this not undermine the unity that is needed in this country? Does not this divide us as a people? Shouldn’t we be working together to reach a common goal, which is ultimately the security of our country.

You see, I am not for any of our radical middle east friends putting an end to our way of life. But, I am also not for our own citizenry to be divided over something as important as this. When we see things in black and white then there is no chance the two will mix/meet/combine to form a stronger union. Divided we shall fall, and until we learn that lesson believing that there are only two ways to view things, that there is only right and wrong, that there are no alternatives available to us other than what we see within a narrow field of vision, well…then we all lose.

That said…
Like I said, I am glad Bush is Prez…however, the fact remains that this administration is not doing anywhere near enough for the benefit of our veterans. That is not to lay the blame on Bush. This has been true of all administrations. The article that was linked to at the beginning of this thread, if it does nothing else, should make us aware that our vets are not getting a fair shake. Forget the fact that it blames Bush. We all know this is not true. What it should do is inspire us, and the current administration to rise to the occasion and do everything we can to make it right, to make it up to the great men and women who have served this country, and to the families of those men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

OK, knock yourself out.

Last edited by kobiashi; 11-14-2003 at 07:06 PM.
Old 11-14-2003, 07:12 PM
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Quote' Well said…
Like I said, I am glad Bush is Prez…however, the fact remains that this administration is not doing anywhere near enough for the benefit of our veterans. That is not to lay the blame on Bush. This has been true of all administrations. The article that was linked to at the beginning of this thread, if it does nothing else, should make us aware that our vets are not getting a fair shake. Forget the fact that it blames Bush. We all know this is not true. What it should do is inspire us, and the current administration to rise to the occasion and do everything we can to make it right, to make it up to the great men and women who have served this country, and to the families of those men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Quote"

Well said,

Like I am saying , Veterans don't raise a big fuss because they very well adjusted as a whole and contribute greatly to our workforce. Most just don't want handouts and be put into the pot as the leeches of our society. They are proud and believe in working for what they get. Not like the 70's hippies who wanted to be paid back because they lost 2 years of their lives, disrespecting those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Old 11-14-2003, 07:14 PM
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Well it seems our Audio Installer aka arrbilly can't hang with free thought .

Sayonara, TROLL

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