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arrbilly 11-14-2003 02:44 PM

Dubya and the troops
with friends like him, who needs enemies?



01 XLT Sport 11-14-2003 02:57 PM

Don’t have time to get into all the BS spewed on them sites. However since they already have one thing wrong then logic would state you can NOT believe a damn word you read in either article.

The BS about the first President not to allow any press coverage of the dead coming home. It has been a LONG standing tradition to not use the DEAD as some kind of media event. It did NOT happen during the Clinton years either, therefore this BS about the first President to NOT allow the media to use the DEAD hero’s as some political show spin has been in effect long before President Bush came into office.

As I said, since both articles got something VERY SIMPLE wrong, you can NOT believe anything in their spew of BS… :thumbsup:

runnert 11-14-2003 02:58 PM

...And so the whacko extreme Bush haters come out from under their rocks again...This should get good :lurk:


01 XLT Sport 11-14-2003 03:04 PM

It amazes me that some liberals are so damn bent on helping the terriost win and take over. You have those of us like myself who are for the American people having the right to live as we do, in the way we do and then you have others who think the terriost are correct and their way of life is the ticket.

There are only two choices, you like the terriost way of life, or you like our way of life. The liberals LOVE and ADORE the terriost way of life. The vast majority of Iraq’s people LOVE what America did for them, it is only a few nut case wacked out morons that don’t like what is going on and attacking our troops.

It is the liberals who feed these wacked out nut cases into KILLING more of our troops by continuing to undercut the President and the RIGHT thing we are doing.

You would think if they “truly” cared about our military men and women they would be for them, but rather they are for the terriost, they just LOVE the terriost… :rolleyes:

arrbilly 11-14-2003 03:48 PM

Originally posted by 01 XLT Sport
It amazes me that some liberals are so damn bent on helping the terriost win and take over. You have those of us like myself who are for the American people having the right to live as we do, in the way we do and then you have others who think the terriost are correct and their way of life is the ticket.

There are only two choices, you like the terriost way of life, or you like our way of life. The liberals LOVE and ADORE the terriost way of life. The vast majority of Iraq’s people LOVE what America did for them, it is only a few nut case wacked out morons that don’t like what is going on and attacking our troops.

It is the liberals who feed these wacked out nut cases into KILLING more of our troops by continuing to undercut the President and the RIGHT thing we are doing.

You would think if they “truly” cared about our military men and women they would be for them, but rather they are for the terriost, they just LOVE the terriost… :rolleyes:

Hey Dittohead ( as I'm just a silly Canucklehead I didn't know the definition of dittohead till I did some internet research. What a great and apt phrase!!), if you go back and actually read the articles you will not find a single word about being yay or nay for the current conflict in Iraq or terrorists. It is simply about the disgusting way the awol deserter in the white house is treating the troops and the veterans who have faithfully served your country and in a lot of cases have lost limbs or suffered other grievous injuries. Also if you want you can go back and read any post from me and you won't find anything refering to Iraq or terrorists. Only your coward president. By the way, while I may not be shrubbies biggest fan I certainly don't hate him or anyone else. I leave hating to neocons and dittoheads. They're so good at it. Maybe you should pull your head out of the sand or your a$$ or where ever it is and have a look around at the real world ostrichboy. You seem to living in the same black and white fantasyland as Dubya, Rummie, Cheney, Wolfie, pillpopper Rush and O'Reilly.
:thumbsup: :beers:

98SCREAMER 11-14-2003 04:15 PM

Whut's a terroist?:rolleyes: :p ,,,,98

jaymz 11-14-2003 04:50 PM

Just because someone (like me) doesn't like Bushman, doesn't make me a "liberal" or any other label you might want to apply.

I have a son in the Navy (nuclear subs) and I will support him and the rest of the troops to the bitter end. I also supported the idea of getting rid of Saddam, and would have happily put a slug between his bushy eyebrows and not have even charged a fee for the bullet.

But, the bottom line is that Bush is an idiot who thinks in black and white and chooses to surround himself with people who push their private agendas.

Let's face it: they screwed up on this Iraq thing, at least the aftermath, and now our boys are paying for it. No, I don't think we should cut and run; we made this mess and now we are going to have to see it through or the terrorists will have a field day.

But, for me, one term of the Bushman is quite enough. Thank God he and his sycophants weren't in power during the Cuban missile crisis or we'd all have been toast.

And that's the name of that tune.

captainoblivious 11-14-2003 05:01 PM

Originally posted by jaymz
...But, the bottom line is that Bush is an idiot who thinks in black and white and chooses to surround himself with people who push their private agendas....
Whoa step back there a minute, most if not all politicians have a private agenda, not just the ones around Bush.

Also, some scenarios and decisions must be seen in black and white in order to solve problems.

As for Bush being an idiot, I have yet to see that. From what I've seen he is far from a good public speaker and has the tact of virgin dweeb at the Bunny Ranch, but that doesn't make you an idiot. But I still agree with the war as the right thing to do for our countries future.

I'd get into this more, but happy hour is starting .... :beers: :beers:

01 XLT Sport 11-14-2003 05:14 PM

Originally posted by arrbilly
Hey Dittohead ( as I'm just a silly Canucklehead I didn't know the definition of dittohead till I did some internet research. What a great and apt phrase!!), if you go back and actually read the articles you will not find a single word about being yay or nay for the current conflict in Iraq or terrorists. It is simply about the disgusting way the awol deserter in the white house is treating the troops and the veterans who have faithfully served your country and in a lot of cases have lost limbs or suffered other grievous injuries. Also if you want you can go back and read any post from me and you won't find anything refering to Iraq or terrorists. Only your coward president. By the way, while I may not be shrubbies biggest fan I certainly don't hate him or anyone else. I leave hating to neocons and dittoheads. They're so good at it. Maybe you should pull your head out of the sand or your a$$ or where ever it is and have a look around at the real world ostrichboy. You seem to living in the same black and white fantasyland as Dubya, Rummie, Cheney, Wolfie, pillpopper Rush and O'Reilly.
:thumbsup: :beers:

Now that there folks is classic liberal spin...

Don't worry about the truth, don't worry about offering an idea, just simple blame everyone else and call names...

You liberals are a funny bunch, as well as the web sites you call out as "telling the truth"... :devil:

01 XLT Sport 11-14-2003 05:31 PM

Originally posted by jaymz
Just because someone (like me) doesn't like Bushman, doesn't make me a "liberal" or any other label you might want to apply.

I have a son in the Navy (nuclear subs) and I will support him and the rest of the troops to the bitter end. I also supported the idea of getting rid of Saddam, and would have happily put a slug between his bushy eyebrows and not have even charged a fee for the bullet.

But, the bottom line is that Bush is an idiot who thinks in black and white and chooses to surround himself with people who push their private agendas.

Let's face it: they screwed up on this Iraq thing, at least the aftermath, and now our boys are paying for it. No, I don't think we should cut and run; we made this mess and now we are going to have to see it through or the terrorists will have a field day.

But, for me, one term of the Bushman is quite enough. Thank God he and his sycophants weren't in power during the Cuban missile crisis or we'd all have been toast.

And that's the name of that tune.

Thank God that President Bush is in the White House and in charge. He is the only one with the knowledge and BALLS to actually do something about it. It is very easy for people to sit around and act like nothing really happen.

For example President Clinton, for the most part, played stupid and acted like nothing had happen. His stupid phrase was “We will not let this happen again” What a joke that was, he let it happen time and time again. Why, because he did not have the courage like President Bush has.

Sometimes you have to put the polls away because the general public does not have a clue what the “right” thing to do is. Clinton lived and presided over the country basically by polls.

Also, could you have imagined what we would be going through at this moment if Algore had his way and stole the election and was sitting in the office? You would not even remember 9/11 it would be like a minor traffic accident.

Gore would have wanted this country to “try and understand why the terrorist feel the way they do” “Maybe there is something we need to do to make them feel welcome”

We do not need to know why the terrorist feel the way they do. All we need to do is let the terrorist know that if they screw with America they will all DIE. Terrorist need to KNOW why we feel the way we do, terrorist need to know what it is they need to do to make us happy so we don’t KILL them ALL…

The reason the problem is much bigger then it should be now in Iraq is because of Liberals and others who continually whine day in and day out about the situation. This is FACT, the terrorist feed off that, it gives them reason to kill even more military men and women because it feed the whining. If there is enough whining then guess what? America pulls out and the terrorist win. Iraq is a MUST win, if we lose then God bless everyone because we will be in for a hell of a nightmare, mark my words on that.

arrbilly 11-14-2003 05:36 PM

so where is your intelligent argument refuting what the articles state? All I ever see from you is a bunch of the usual whiny neocon rhetoric dissing anyone who doesn't have your narrow tunnel vision world view. Never have I seen in any of your noecon rants whether it be about GWB, Iraq, education or whatever a single verifiable fact. Every thing said in the articles is a fact out in the public domain. I can just imagine you sitting at your keyboard frothing at the mouth as you furiously type your little rants thinking "I'll show that wierdo. I'll call him a liberal who hates everybody cause that's what Rush would say. That'll teach him to mess with me!"
When you start posting facts instead of crap maybe I'll take you seriously. Currently I just snicker when I read your posts. :devil:

arrbilly 11-14-2003 05:38 PM

Originally posted by 01 XLT Sport
Thank God that President Bush is in the White House and in charge. He is the only one with the knowledge and BALLS to actually do something about it. It is very easy for people to sit around and act like nothing really happen.

For example President Clinton, for the most part, played stupid and acted like nothing had happen. His stupid phrase was “We will not let this happen again” What a joke that was, he let it happen time and time again. Why, because he did not have the courage like President Bush has.

Sometimes you have to put the polls away because the general public does not have a clue what the “right” thing to do is. Clinton lived and presided over the country basically by polls.

Also, could you have imagined what we would be going through at this moment if Algore had his way and stole the election and was sitting in the office? You would not even remember 9/11 it would be like a minor traffic accident.

Gore would have wanted this country to “try and understand why the terrorist feel the way they do” “Maybe there is something we need to do to make them feel welcome”

We do not need to know why the terrorist feel the way they do. All we need to do is let the terrorist know that if they screw with America they will all DIE. Terrorist need to KNOW why we feel the way we do, terrorist need to know what it is they need to do to make us happy so we don’t KILL them ALL…

The reason the problem is much bigger then it should be now in Iraq is because of Liberals and others who continually whine day in and day out about the situation. This is FACT, the terrorist feed off that, it gives them reason to kill even more military men and women because it feed the whining. If there is enough whining then guess what? America pulls out and the terrorist win. Iraq is a MUST win, if we lose then God bless everyone because we will be in for a hell of a nightmare, mark my words on that.

as usual you refuse to address the issue of the post. It has nothing to do with terrorists or Iraq. It has to do with the way the unelected coward in the white house is tying to under cut funding for veterans and troops who are putting their lives on the line which is something shrubbie has been proven unwilling to do himself

01 XLT Sport 11-14-2003 06:06 PM

Originally posted by arrbilly
so where is your intelligent argument refuting what the articles state? All I ever see from you is a bunch of the usual whiny neocon rhetoric dissing anyone who doesn't have your narrow tunnel vision world view. Never have I seen in any of your noecon rants whether it be about GWB, Iraq, education or whatever a single verifiable fact. Every thing said in the articles is a fact out in the public domain. I can just imagine you sitting at your keyboard frothing at the mouth as you furiously type your little rants thinking "I'll show that wierdo. I'll call him a liberal who hates everybody cause that's what Rush would say. That'll teach him to mess with me!"
When you start posting facts instead of crap maybe I'll take you seriously. Currently I just snicker when I read your posts. :devil:


canyonslicker 11-14-2003 06:20 PM

Hmmmm..... ARRBILLY seems to love a brawl.

Dear Canuckist,

You seem to be one the chosen few who really unnerstans our way of life south of your border. Just sit back and throw snowballs at will.

Let's see .... there has been around 6 Canadian combat deaths total since the end of WW2. It must be nice to pick your battles as you see fit with others fighting on the front lines for you. Ooops I mean with others acting stupidly on your behalf.

Iraq ? Sorry you lost revenues from letting terrorist entering your country on their way here . The war will continue , great people will lose their lives to protect your whining booty.

Must you quote from someone else's skewed point of view and then question why someone doesn't want to answer you directly? Ask specific questions (of your own, if capable) for specific answers. i.e..

What would you do with countries harboring terrorists against your country?

How would you react to getting a symbol of your nation blown up?

How long would it take your country to weed out the worlds terrorists , or would you?

How long should a war against terrorism last?

Why wasn't Bush elected?

Why do people like you rely on only skewed sources instead of information so much you have to make them an example?

Who's smarter Beavis, Butt-head or you? (No answer required)

I did not read your arcticles of some else's ideas , I don't need to because I know the ideas are not your own.

So now answer some my specific questions without refering to your "resources".

Brain Freeze ON!!!

canyonslicker 11-14-2003 06:27 PM

OH and another important thing.

Who runs Canada ??? Oh well I guess they're not important enough to make your or my reading list.....

Never mind

:D :D :beers:

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