memphis amp warranty
memphis amp warranty
i have never had a blown amp, but my buddie blew his mcd1000 and took it to where he bought it an "authorized dealer" and some lady there told him that he had to pay $45 in "frieght" if he wanted a new one. or send it in himself and that it would take 4-6 weeks to get a new one or have it repaired. does this sound right?
Originally Posted by just*rollin
i have never had a blown amp, but my buddie blew his mcd1000 and took it to where he bought it an "authorized dealer" and some lady there told him that he had to pay $45 in "frieght" if he wanted a new one. or send it in himself and that it would take 4-6 weeks to get a new one or have it repaired. does this sound right?