
JDM Engineering Question

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Old 05-03-2002, 09:28 AM
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If someone is just stating the facts as he knows them I cant see why everybody is getting thier panties all twisted up.I thought the whole idea of these boards were to have a place to voice your opinion be it good or bad and I certainly dont see what your amount of posts have to do with your opinion.It seems as if anyone who doesnt hold the others guys tuner in the highest regard cant insert his 2 cents worth without the the whole board turning into nothing more than a place to argue with each other.Who cares whos chip this guy is running?if hes happy with it thats all that matters.It seems like there are several different camps here and everyone has become a JDM guy or a PSP guy or whatever. What happend to just being some guys with some Lightnings havin some fun?
Old 05-03-2002, 09:56 AM
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Coming on here and saying you had a bad expereince with a tuner is fine. But coming on here in violation of the Member rules
any action taken on your part to re-register using additional email addresses and screen names will be interpreted as harassment, resulting in our contacting your ISP and if required, local law enforcement authorities immediately.
and acting like you are the only one who knows the real story and accusing other members of lying is NOT welcome.

There is a BIG difference between posting your experiences with a tuner or a part and attacking other members or blatantly advertiseing or shilling for a vendor.

The difference between a Wel;come post and an unwelcome post is for example....

" I have an XXX Chip and it rocks !! Before this I used YYY chip and it didnt pull as hard"

" XXX Screwed me, and is screwing everyone else and I am suing them but I am using a new name and wont reveal any details and everyone who disagrees with me is a liar !!"

Can everyone see the difference ??


Last edited by Silver_2000; 05-07-2002 at 01:43 AM.
Old 05-03-2002, 10:10 AM
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How is it that you always show up at just the right time? You must read this board a lot. LOL

Old 05-03-2002, 10:39 AM
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Jeeez, i remember the week I got a hair across my *** and decided I didn't like Doug......give up now.....he's a fighter!!!

Way to throw the book at him Doug-0.

If you wanna vent about a certain tuner (which for some reason I keep seeing flashed of "JDM" every time I hear that).....why don't you go over to or and vent on the JDM board......or better yet discuss it with them personally. Or is that not allowed with the whole lawsuit thing? Are you they guy that's been bitching about a pulley and a cage that was promised to you and you didn't get on time?

Old 05-03-2002, 11:30 AM
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Can't we all just get along?

i would just like to say that i have called all 3 tuners, and, being i am a extreme novice when it comes to engines, need all the help i can get. Let me just say that 2 of the times, i couldn't even talk to the tuner (i called 5+ times with same thing) so my questions weren't really addressed......and the other tuner, i get ahold of him under the truck or not, ALL THE TIME, EVEN AT 9:30 AT NIGHT TO EXPLAIN TO ME HOW TO PUT IN AN AIR KIT............i'm sure he was closed then but helped me out anyways........(which is why i use his stuff)


I have NEVER posted ANYTHING negative about any tuner because A) i don't know really what i am talking about and B) what will it solve? Call for yourself, if you don't like him, that doesn't mean everybody else can't use his stuff either......


Old 05-03-2002, 11:40 AM
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Originally posted by Kipster

Well Fritz,
The guy who's probably the best Ford tuner in the country (Jerry Wroblewski) is doing dyno tunes in San Diego this week-end.
I think they may have a couple of slots left.
San Diego Tuning Session
I got him to do a chip for my Mustang, that guy has forgotten more about Ford EEC-IV and V than I will ever know...
Old 05-03-2002, 11:46 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Uhh....calling a bluff

Originally posted by BLUE02BOLT
... I have been here so long, I KNOW I TAUGHT you ALOT of what you know, as well as many others around here. *****, you even sent me emails asking for help on some things...
First if you've been here for that long you should know that we have gone through more then enough Tuner wars, and frankly 99% of this board is sick and tired of all that cr@p. We've heard and seen it all. As Doug explained it there is a difference b/n an opinion and blatent flaming. You might want to research both meanings a little bit more.

As for smart, well I'm smart enough to know that your original ID on this board can be connected to your new one, even if your using different IP's. All it takes is a little work and research.
Old 05-03-2002, 12:03 PM
walker887's Avatar
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You know it is really funny , I was talking to Chikenears last night about this same very kind of stuff. you know it is ok to have a favorite, and you opinion is very and dandy. An honest question was asked and honest opinions where given. then it is turned into a personal attack on several members. If feel that is way out of line. IMHO I feel that all the tuners are on the same page , I as many buy from whomever I get the best deal from and that is that . I do not support anyone vendor. and many here do not . there is nothing wrong even if you do . and if your opinion is asked then fine. I have not seen anyone trying to force anything down our throats. we are all mostly adults and make our own decsions. we learn from our mistakes. but to insult and flame someone for speaking an opinion and go into there personal life is way out of line. that is the reason so many are going elsewhere to post and have fun. lets stop the tuner wars and enjoy what we have , and that is many options from where we buy our parts.

to change your screen name just to start trouble should be an automatic lifetime ban.
Old 05-03-2002, 01:41 PM
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I called JDM over a month ago now to order their lightning stage 1 and 2. I was on the phone with Justin when ordering and he told me that he had everything in stock and would be sending it out the next morning (Fri) or Monday at the latest. The following Friday I call to find out where my parts are and am told that they're in a pile on the floor next to his desk and would be sent out on Monday but that they now were backordered on the flip chip. I called again late Monday and the parts were still not shipped. I was told they would call me and let me know when they went out and never got a call. I called back Thursday at around 11am and was told that they had been sent and they would call me back with a tracking number. I never received a call back so I called them back at 6pm and they finally gave me the tracking numbers. I finally got my shipment on Friday but it was missing the pulley, boost bypass kit, sticker and they sent the wrong throttle body (ordered babolt and got accufab). Justin told me he was backordered on the pulley and that they would send me the right throttle body when they sent the pulley. I called back this past Monday and was now told that they will no longer be carrying the babolt throttle bodies but he would refund the difference. I also canceled the boost bypass kit and the windshield sticker during this call as I was able to go to autozone and do the bypass myself for $3. The JDM parts I've received thusfar have been excellent and the instructions were awesome. I just think that they shouldn't just tell the customer what they want to hear and just tell the truth. I would have understood. I hate to be waiting by the door for UPS for a week straight only to find out nothing has even been sent. Also don't tell people that you will call them back and then don't. A month later and I'm still waiting on a part that was supposed to be in stock back then. I have spent over $25 just on phone calls to JDM trying to find out where my $2100 worth of parts are. The parts are great but their customer service leaves alot to be desired. Just my .02 worth. I'm putting on the F2000 flame retardant suit now......
Old 05-03-2002, 01:50 PM
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dealerjim - no need for a flame suit, you post an experience without attacks. Just like Doug said.

Oh and I had to wait about as long as you did for my full exhaust system, but now that I have it I drive around like this all the time.
Old 05-03-2002, 02:02 PM
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I am in total agreement that JDM's parts are of the highest quality but I don't like to be told a different story every time I call. It just makes for a bad experience. Most people will understand and wait however long it takes but if you tell them it was sent today and two weeks later its still in your office then you will most likely lose a customer over it. When I called 2 weeks after I ordered and was told that my parts hadn't left yet and some were backordered, I almost just canceled right there and ordered from someone else. I am a very understanding person though. Thanks....
Old 05-03-2002, 05:07 PM
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Attn: Silver X

Had some trouble following your reply to my post. "5 posts will not due(sp) with the JDM guys" ??? What do you mean by that?

Whats your angle? I will not have any trouble finding support for Mike Troyer on this board.

I may be a newbie to this board, I'll give you that, however, I have been in the performance automotive world for 20 + years and doing quite well.

My five posts all have substance and either submit a question or kudos to someone (except this one) Can you say the same?

Please correct me if I missed you point, angle or whatever.
Old 05-03-2002, 06:26 PM
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I might as well get in on this experiences.

Johnny Lightning great guy ,spent about 2 hours total in 2 week period on phone. Never lied,always shipped on time,there most time when I called.

Sal, Very nice,kinda hard to get a hold of but when you do was very knowledgble and even offered to send a chip at no charge to compare to many Ive had.I sent it back and was never charged.and sent me parts promptly.

JDM, PARTS ARE TOP NOTCH! Best chip i ever had and came to my town and put a pully,chip/filter on for me to try at no charge unless I wanted them.I would do buisness with him again as long as THE PARTS ARE IN STOCK.Ive heard many people complain about lies and such and charging cards when part isnt available yet (remember invisable pully's)I was around then,Ive been around since the begining of this board.Most of you dont even know Im "BADASSSVT" or even who that is Funy thing is he didnt cash my check for 2 weeks! LOL I love his products and if they were in stock i would buy them over anybodys but, I know his customer service is to be desired;(If I am lied to by another tuner about availability,I will simply drive there and get revenge my wayThis seems to be a problem with JDM.

Now for some bashing Ya ya bashing!!!!!

I delt with mike troyer when he was getting his chips from superchips in FL.Nicest guy, always returned phone calls but SUPERCHIPS in FL S U C ks!! They screwed up my chip 3 times!!in a ROW!!,Lied about giving me another one when mine crapped out on me(I put a mark on it and they sent it right back to me the same way when I was supposed to get a new chip not new program!!).They sucked bad and i even had to stop payment on them.I wanted to go there and crack them for lying over and over.

swanson,was good to me but i KNOW his chip is what caused my truck to blow my motor.You all are probally wondering how right?How about these circumstances.I put in his chip,my truck blew up shortly after(very shortly) Not knowing,I gave a girlfriend of mine his chip and hers blew up after one weekend too! Dont take a rocket scientist for that one.That was on 99 though and hes probally better now.
my $10 worth
Old 05-03-2002, 08:30 PM
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Slightly O/T but in responce

to one or more guys that keep saying the 'old-timers' are(have been) leaving and are not posting on f150 anymore; you may be correct, but I know this to be true. I read/post on all three(f150, nloc, & svt) of the major Lightning sites daily--every day. This site continues to be more active than the other two put togeather. Maybe some of the older guys got tired of some b/s'ing or just bored but f150 online still is the most exciting and rewarding site I've ever seen or participated in---well, maybe not as exciting as "Almost Anything Goes" on .

Oh yeah, my tuner is better than your tuner---LOL. See my sig.

Old 05-04-2002, 05:45 PM
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my experience

ordered my stuff from julie on thrusday......had it monday. Program on side one didn't take so when Whip went down on a SUNDAY......Whip brought it down and Jim took care of his truck and reburned the program for me. Even sent it back in a box.....which I didn't send it down in. I know these guys slip here and there, but from my experience........that is one acts of customer service I've ever seen.

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