Wellstone memorial?

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Old 10-31-2002, 09:36 PM
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All this proves is that people that have no inclination as to what class is could never get it. No wonder they told the Vice President to stay away. I'm not talking about Mr. Wellstone. I won't say anything bad about him. Any decent person would be outraged at a memorial being turned into a rally.

So much for them being "politically correct."
Old 11-01-2002, 10:25 PM
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If you folks thought that kind of behavior was low, what did you guys think about the behavior of Phelps and his friends at the funeral services for Matt Shepard a few years ago? Wasn't that kind of behavior worse than what happened at Wellstone's service?

Anyway, who knows who did all the booing? I would not put it past the Republicans to plant operatives in the audience.

I know I wouldn't have boo'd the Repubs, but I would not have blamed anyone who did. Emotions run high and when they get released, it just happens and it just happened that the perceived enemy of liberals showed up at the service. Believe it or not, there are Democrats out there who hate people like Trent Lott as passionately as people like you guys hate President Clinton.

BTW, if you don't know who Matt Shepard was, he was the young college student in Montana who got beaten and left to die tied to a bondary marker, better known as a fence, by a couple of punk red neck homophobes. Phelps is the rabid "reverend" who hates gays and was leading a protest at the Shepard funeral service.
Old 11-01-2002, 10:52 PM
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One Last Thought

Ever notice who keeps creating topics such as this one? What you all need to be asking yourselves is "Why are we posting?"

Is it to make yourself feel superior to others? Is it to make fun of people who identify with things other than what you do?

Look at all the topics that elicit strong and controversial responses. Who are they started by? People like me or people like you? Who is being divisive? Why post such topics knowing what the responses will be? Why post such controversial topics, knowing it will divide the people here?

I think you people need to look at yourselves and figure out just what your motives are because it's people like you posting topics such as this one that causes emotions to run high, especially considering how little respect you have for others with differing opinions from what you THINK is right.

You should think before you post a topic. Are you trying to live and create a community or are you trying to push out people like me who have opinions that differ with yours?

I leave you with one question. Do you have respect for me and my opinions? Take a long hard look in the mirror before you answer that question.
Old 11-01-2002, 11:07 PM
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"Anyway, who knows who did all the booing? I would not put it past the Republicans to plant operatives in the audience."

"it just happens and it just happened that the perceived enemy of liberals showed up at the service."

Hello, WTF??? plant operatives in the audience? Perceived enemy of the liberals? I say again WTF? I thought it was a Memoral as did many and many of other people including the republicians that showed up. That's what you get for "trusting" then again they should of thought something was up with they asked the Vice President of the United States to NOT show up.

Why did the liberals not have the ***** to tell everyone it was NOT a memorial but rather a political ralley, and the FACT is that is what it was. I would agree if republicians showed up at a planed liberal political ralley they indeed should get booed since they have no reason to be there. They were there to pay their respects, because they like me had respect for Paul. May not believe in his views but had respect. That is the difference between conseritives and liberals. Conseritives have respect for others, have moral values, have taste, logic, common sence to know when its right to behave in one manner compared to another.

Liberals again proved their point use everyone for everything you can get. Only allow those they "feel" are the right ones into their little parties. Liberals are NOT inclusive, they do not welcome any one that has even a little difference with their views. Thats why they must cheat, lie and just plain play dirty with everyone else that has a vauled idea they the liberals have NONE so instead of logical debate they lie and scare people.

It is so sad that liberals could care less about the poor, the minorties, women, childern, homeless, the needy, the elder. Well I may be wrong there, they do care, and care they stay just as they are so they continue to have "issues" during elections. Rathering then solving any problems everyone is the evil enemy....
Old 11-01-2002, 11:15 PM
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Holy Crap...Everything is not about you.

Well, I guess I'll answer this one since you directed it at me.
I post because I like to debate with other people, regardless
of whether they are the same mindset as me or not. I do my
best to challenge everybody here to state an opinion and
back it up. Dennis, XLT Sport, liberal or conservative, I really
don't care. Dennis, think about what you're saying man. Of
course it will divide people. Crap, that is the stinking point!
I don't want to live a world where everyone thinks like me or
thinks like you. I want to challenge people to think about
their views and other peoples view. Hell, it's what I do for
a living everyday. I see over 100 kids everyday and each one
has a different view of how things should be. I encourage them
to express it, all of them. We debate, we argue, and we are
all better people for it. That's the stinking point. Sometimes
I wonder about you Dennis. You seem like a very likeable,
smart guy, until you spout some selfish crap like this.

It's not about singling you out, or pushing you out, or
whatever. It's about you challenging me to think and
me challenging you to think. I respect the opinion of
everyone here, I respect it enough to challenge them to
think. I honestly want to know what people think and why
they think that way. Any educated person on this planet

Just looking at some of the content of the "controversial" topics
you can tell there are some very smart people here. Some are
liberal, some are conservative, some are black, some are white,
some are democrats, and some are republicans. I want to hear
opinions from ALL of them. I have really enjoyed some of the
topics you have posted in the past, like the jailtime for the kids
in Florida. Then you come up and throw some nonsense
together like the post above. You are more intelligent than that.
Old 11-01-2002, 11:23 PM
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Another thought,

No one divides people other then liberals, they always have and they will continue to do so. Liberals put groups togeather, they see people for the color of their skin and put the different colors against each other. They see the money people make and put the different groups against each other. They see people for their age and put the ages against each other. They see people for their sexual orenation and put them against each other. They see people for what they believe in and put them against each other.

You never see liberals looking at others as equal human beings and putting them togeather to solve problems. Liberals why can you not look at people for who they are and not what they are?

These kind of post scare the sh*t out of you liberals because then you must face your beliefs (like you have any) and then begin to question your motives and values. Since you don't like what you see, since you can not every explain your position, since you can not address specific issues and questions you begin to distort and attack those of us that can address specific issues and questions, that maintain basically the same position since we believe in our beliefs and values with a burning passion.

You will at times see even those of us with the same basic core beliefs debate among our selfs and disagree and sometimes change our mind since we are free thinking and think with logic. It is not impossible for someone to change my mind on a issue or subject but it is only done when someone offers another solution or idea. Never will my mind be changed with scare tactics, lies, and misconceptions.

I have looked in the mirror and I like very much what I see. I see someone that has strong beliefs in something I care for with a passion, strong values, believes everyone is equal regardless of their skin color, if they are poor or rich, old or young. I have respect for others that have different beliefs them myself, so long as they are honest and truly believe in their beliefs, and when debating with me do so in a respectful manner which includes addressing specific questions I may have. However I have very limited respect with others that have a difference with my belifes when all they offer is lies, misconceptions, scare tactics and name calling because they don't really have an answer.
Old 11-01-2002, 11:32 PM
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Of course people can respect others with views different than their own. Think about people you respect. What makes you respect them? Do you only respect the people that are just of your political party or religious affiliation, or only like the sports or tv shows you like? Course not! Respect is something that is earned by the way you conduct yourself. Can you seperate the people from the opinion? I can respect a person and still disagree with their opinion.

As for divisivness, there is always the example of good and evil. For example we all think child molesters are evil....we just may differ on how we think the evil should be punished, but I don't think any of us would have them not be punished.
Old 11-01-2002, 11:50 PM
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As far as you go and the question of do I respect you my answer would be absolutely. You have had some very mind provoking ideas and theories. There are times I find myself rethinking a position I have on an issue based on some of your input in post. Now I may not change my mind, but just the fact it induces me to rethink something in and of itself is what these type of forums are all about.

Do I ever think you will agree with me on everything I believe in, the answer would be no. I don't for a minute think anyone in this forum, including the ones that come very close to my beliefs would ever agree with me on everything. I find absolutely nothing wrong with that either. The point is with mind provoking discussions, debates among many of people sometimes agreements can be reached. Now any agreement reached will never be the complete agreement that just one of us would have wanted, but close enough to satisfy the majority.

If politics operated in the same manner it would just amaze every single one of us on how much could be accomplished.


When I go getting all pissy about liberals it is not addressed to you. I am still not sure just where you sit, but I would be guessing more of a moderate liberal to moderate. It is the wacko liberals I am afraid of, just as much as the wacko far right nuts out there.

Last edited by 01 XLT Sport; 11-01-2002 at 11:53 PM.
Old 11-02-2002, 10:47 AM
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As I stated above, any decent person would be outraged at bad behavior at a memorial service.
Old 11-02-2002, 01:19 PM
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Frank S.

I would agree with you and believe that is the main point of this thread. If this had been a memoral for a republician and they did the same thing I would be one of the first stating how discusted I was over their actions. I would also be sending off some E-mails to some of the heads of the republician party stating the same thing.
Old 11-03-2002, 01:54 AM
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Frank S stated:

As I stated above, any decent person would be outraged at bad behavior at a memorial service.
Amen. I think that is the whole point, regardless of whatever other views you may have.

I don't think anyone is naive enough to believe there would be NO politcal overtones to this event. Paul was too strong willed for that to be the case. At what was billed as a "memorial", the content and presentation made no doubt about what the real intent was.

If you believe republican operatives were there to boo their people, I'm assuming you also lend credence to many of the other conspiracies that are floating about - like the republcans sabataged the plane, etc...

Not everyone sees black helicopters and conspiracies under every rock out there...

All and all, a sad time for EVERYBODY in MN to have to deal with any of these issues.

FWIW, the latest polls show Coleman with a small lead in one poll, and a statistcal dead heat in the other. Not that polls are worth much, but it should be pointed out that Wellstone had pulled out to an 8 point lead in this race against Coleman prior to his untimely death.
Old 11-03-2002, 07:53 PM
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I'm a registered Democrat and I thought it was tasteless for the most part. Wellstone was a Standup Guy and even though his views differ from mine on a lot of things I respected him.
The tasteless booing was rotten but a Conservative memorial would be no better so close to the elections.
Old 11-03-2002, 09:41 PM
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"The tasteless booing was rotten but a Conservative memorial would be no better so close to the elections."

I would disagree with that statement. You would never see that kind of laughing and having a blast at a conservative memorial. You would never see conserative asking other people in high office such as V.P. of the United States to stay away. They have much more class then what happen at Paul's party bash.

Are there any plans for an actual memorial for Paul?
Old 11-04-2002, 09:20 AM
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Never say never....

I have no doubt that conservatives would have
put a similar "spin" on a memorial, granted maybe
not to this extent, but it is certainly possible in
today's world. "Politics hath no shame".
Old 11-04-2002, 10:30 AM
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Oops! I was on my way to the ENGINE forum, somehow I ended up in this pendulum political discussion group, sorry. I'll let myself out.

Quick Reply: Wellstone memorial?

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