What gets on your nerves?

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Old 11-03-2002, 07:11 AM
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Originally posted by Habibi

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and make a generalized statement:
I've noticed that on a whole, people who drive in europe are better drivers than in NA. Seems to me they don't hog the passing lane over there, and are more considerate of that fact.

Anyone else ever notice that?

Originally posted by JDMnAR
Most definitely! At least in Germany, Drivers Education is mandatory before you can even think about getting a license. If I remember right, their drivers ed was a long-term commitment (I am thinking 18 months for some reason, but don't quote me on that). Additionally, each lane on the Autobahn had minimum speeds, and you could get ticketed for going slower.

I took about 18 lessons of 1 1/2 hour each back in 1981.
Also you have to know every sign and traffic rule and pass the exams.
You have to be 18 to drive a car.
Even moped drivers (aged 16 and older) need a driver license.

Law in The Netherlands says that you always have to drive on the most right lane if there is no traffic.
That means if you have passed a car, always take the most right lane.
If you are on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th lane without a reason you can get a ticket.
Minimum speed on the highway here is 80 kph.
Maximum speed is 100 kph and 120 kph.
Old 11-03-2002, 08:55 AM
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Talk about bad names!

I went to High School with a girl named Pepsi!!!!!!!!! I swear it's true!

And even harder to believe my name is only one letter! "H" yes my dear old mom gave me one letter for a first name. I have learned to like it. It was a great way to pick up women when I was younger.

No she is not a hippie, she is older than that more from the martini generation, she is however an artisit (Painter) by trade and she is a little progressive in her thinking.

As far as more stuff that gets on my nerves, when you slow way do to almost a stop to let someone in and they a. don't go then honk at you b. they go but then drive really slow
Old 11-03-2002, 04:00 PM
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There's a french guy at work who we call "pepsi"
... all in good fun though.

And what kind of name is Raoul??
Everytime I see Raoul, I always think of the movie "Easy Money" with Rodney Dangerfield. HAHAHA, OMG, what a classic.

I hate the fact that my neighbors 12 year old kid knows more about computers than I do.

I hate the fact that it's *** biting cold outside, and I can't wash my truck til spring..... looks like the touchless for the next 6 months.
Old 11-04-2002, 08:27 AM
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I guess 'Raoul' is a pretty good made up name.
Whoever wrote the movie 'Panic Room' thought so. Only one crook wore a ski mask to hide his identity. The other two were using their real names while he was known as 'Raoul'.

The funny part is one of the other crooks (Forest Whitaker) says "Raoul" sarcastically because he knows it not the guys' real name, the same way people at work say it to me.

But, not everyone here knows I'm 'Raoul' so, I get to run around like Guy Williams in Zorro.
Old 11-04-2002, 11:12 AM
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gets on my nerves?

Room mates
Old 11-04-2002, 11:48 AM
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Originally posted by Kory
My biggest pet peave while driving is when that little horizon, or honda, pulls out in front of me and thinks that my full size pick-up will stop or slow down as well as their little sport compact. I love filling up there back window with my grille and Ford emblem, they usualy get out of the way real quick. Then I have to peal my wives fingers out of the dash! HA.
I do the same thing! And I've dubbed the action "pushing". It scares the hell out of my passengers, especially if I start yelling and screaming.
Old 11-04-2002, 12:53 PM
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People that don't vote but still insist on whining and complaining about how the system sucks.

That is why before I engage in a political discussion I ask the question "Did you vote the election?". If they didn't then I don't even waste my time time talking to them . As strange as it sounds this usually makes them very angry . They say they don't agree with the propositions either way. They didn't like any of the candidates. Finally they end up saying something like "The system sucks because of people like you". Somehow now it's everyone else's fault who voted. These people see themselves as being responsible members of our society. I am sure everyone knows someone like this . They are everywhere . All I have to say is that if you don't vote then don't speak on the issues.
Old 11-04-2002, 01:12 PM
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How about sports know-it-alls?

You know the guy: "This is just like what happened when (Insert name of player no on ever heard of) ran the ball in to win it for the (Insert NFL team name) in the last seconds in '49".

As if what happened in a game held during the TRUMAN administration has anything to do with this particular 4th down and inches.
Old 11-04-2002, 04:23 PM
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I am with you on that. I am the same way when someone wants to debate or just plain wine about something. I ask did you and do you vote? When they say no, I say, NEXT....

Quick Reply: What gets on your nerves?

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