China & Russia Renounce the US Dollar

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Old 11-26-2010, 10:39 AM
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look out Kobi....... you make too much sense.
Old 11-26-2010, 10:44 AM
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Originally Posted by wittom
You do realize that you are posting your prepossession on an F150 enthusiast site? I'm guessing that the kind of intellectualls that you might find on the left coast, or here in the elite universities in my neck of the woods, would not be posting on an F150 enthusiast site, and certianly would not drive a planet killing pick-up truck.
I find that funny because you haven't contributed to this F150 enthusiast site in a couple years. All you do is try and convince everyone to vote Republican't on everything and try and restart the Cold War.
Old 11-26-2010, 11:05 AM
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Anyone who thinks that Communism is dead or that the Russians and Chinese have no nationalistic pride in dumping the dollar is just ignoring the facts.

The Russians have for years (literally decades) been looking for an opportunity to rise above the US. Admittedly, they could not do it on their own during the Cold War era. But now they have the help of the Chinese (yes, they are a Communist country that still murders people). And yes, this has all been facilitated by our own politicians' greed and 'mistakes' of spending beyond our means. With our massive debt we have given them the tool by which to rise above us. If you think that in the coming years/decades that the Chinese will not be throwing their weight around, well, talk to me again in 10 years.

I read an article the other day about how many of the older Chinese leaders see the US as a trade ally. But the younger Chinese (40 and younger) see the US militarily, as a nation that needs to be conquered/subdued. Take that for what it's worth.
Old 11-26-2010, 11:24 AM
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The US never tried to be a Super Power. The rest of the World would not allow that. We became the military super power because of the European countries settling their own disputes.

The standard of living is already declining in the US and will just continue to do so, until we get off our asses and get back to work. We started the industrial revolution as isolationist, and when we become that way again we will advance beyond the others, but not until the middle class has been restored by isolationism.

Remember when foriegn countries always came to examine our factories. They didn't have the imagination to advance the way our free country did. So they copied our work and made it better. Most modern inventions came from right here in the USA. We just gave all of that technology away to have it used against us now.
Old 11-26-2010, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Frank S
Anyone who thinks that Communism is dead or that the Russians and Chinese have no nationalistic pride in dumping the dollar is just ignoring the facts.

The Russians have for years (literally decades) been looking for an opportunity to rise above the US. Admittedly, they could not do it on their own during the Cold War era. But now they have the help of the Chinese (yes, they are a Communist country that still murders people). And yes, this has all been facilitated by our own politicians' greed and 'mistakes' of spending beyond our means. With our massive debt we have given them the tool by which to rise above us. If you think that in the coming years/decades that the Chinese will not be throwing their weight around, well, talk to me again in 10 years.

I read an article the other day about how many of the older Chinese leaders see the US as a trade ally. But the younger Chinese (40 and younger) see the US militarily, as a nation that needs to be conquered/subdued. Take that for what it's worth.
As opposed to the US, which is equally greedy/evil? Everyone is generally out for themselves...never with altruistic intentions
Old 11-26-2010, 12:03 PM
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Originally Posted by 4.6 Punisher
All you do is try and convince everyone to vote Republican't on everything and try and restart the Cold War.
Making statements like that make you come across as a moron. You should really think about what you type before you post stuff like that. I am not trying to call you out so much as to do you a favor.
Old 11-26-2010, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by 4.6 Punisher
I find that funny because you haven't contributed to this F150 enthusiast site in a couple years. All you do is try and convince everyone to vote Republican't on everything and try and restart the Cold War.
Well said

I dont think punisher needs any favors, he can speak his mind and stand on his own 2 feet.
Old 11-26-2010, 12:21 PM
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Originally Posted by b2therad
Making statements like that make you come across as a moron. You should really think about what you type before you post stuff like that. I am not trying to call you out so much as to do you a favor.
Inward reflection
Old 11-26-2010, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by b2therad
Making statements like that make you come across as a moron. You should really think about what you type before you post stuff like that. I am not trying to call you out so much as to do you a favor.
Actually that's exactly what he's been doing for the past 4 years. You can scrutinize all threads and posts made by him in the past 4 years to verify.
Old 11-26-2010, 01:08 PM
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Originally Posted by wittom
You do realize that you are posting your prepossession on an F150 enthusiast site? I'm guessing that the kind of intellectualls that you might find on the left coast, or here in the elite universities in my neck of the woods, would not be posting on an F150 enthusiast site, and certianly would not drive a planet killing pick-up truck.

If I were "that" simple minded, would I have the ability to be self aware enough to know it?

I'm sorry if what you see when you look down on your fellow American is a simple minded cheer monkey mentality. I would guess it's pretty uncomfortable living with such contempt.

A superpower would be a leader. The USA was a superpower because of American exceptionalism. There was American exceptionalism because of ordinary people who did extraordinary things. The USA became a superpower, not because of braun or might, but because of ingenuity and innovation.

From the formation of our republic to modern day, it's the American people who make this country great. Certianly our history has been marred by many egregious errors. We can't take back the pain, suffering and ignorance, but we can and do become wiser learning from our mistakes.

Over the past century there has been a growing number of people would believe that we should ceede our "power" to other countries. People who have highlighted our countries failures, while ignoring much of it's sucess. Today, that mentality is prevalent in our government.

If the USA isn't the "superpower" some other country will be. Will they root thier new found "power" in innovation and ingenuity, or will it be braun and might? Will they be inclined to protect freedom throughout the world, or convince the world that central planning is what's best for all people?

Some people see the superpower as the worlds police. Some countries might look at the position as one of power over others. I see it not only as a position of strength, strength to help and protect freedom throughout the world, but also as a beacon of salvation. I believe that our country is best suited to do this.

Sorry to subject you to this. I'm sure it's uncomfortable. It's just what you get from someone who is "that" simple minded.

Wow, where do I start? Oh wait, hold on. Doorbell.

Okay. Sorry. It was some kid going door to door selling American Flag lapel pins. I shot and fed him to my two dogs, Adolf and Benito.

I'm kidding. See what I did there? Some people will only half read or cherry pick what I'm writing here, (and some won't even make it past that second paragraph) and scream that I'm a fascist and a communist (because these days people tend to use these terms interchangeably, even though they are not the same). That is the use of irony for comedic effect. Ah, forget it . . . actually, I'm not at home, I'm at the airport (just got groped by a moron who daily violates the 4th amendment, but it's okay because now I'm safe from evil doers who are actually focusing now on cargo flights, but I digress). So I've got some time to kill and decided to respond to this nonsense.

Where was I? Oh yeah.

You do realize that you are posting your prepossession on an F150 enthusiast site? I'm guessing that the kind of intellectualls[sic] that you might find on the left coast, or here in the elite universities in my neck of the woods, would not be posting on an F150 enthusiast site, and certianly[sic] would not drive a planet killing pick-up truck.
Actually, there are a number of well educated, herringbone sports coat wearers, beard scratching types that frequent this form. There's one that pretends to be a goat herder, although I'm pretty sure I went to college with that guy (Princeton, if you're wondering - and UCLA. Yeah, I'm both an ivy leaguer and a left coaster . . . which makes me a double threat to America!!!!!) There's another guy in the Carolinas. Lives in a big brick house. Obviously successful so thankfully he's probably a believer in the free enterprise system. However, he rides a bike a lot so he's probably a health nut, and that means he could be a hippie, which means he's a Godless communist! Actually, a lot of the "intellectual" types who visit this site for whatever reason, that you hint at deriding, are spread among various schools of thought. Red, blue, yellow, green, pink.

Also, there are a lot of such people in this country who couldn't care less about driving planet killing pick-up trucks. I know that's not what Glenn and Rush want you to believe, but it's true. Sometimes fun is fun. On the other side, driving what is necessary is necessary. So called global warming be damned. Me personally, I drive what I want without regard to what others think. I've had eco-friendly cars, not so eco-friendly cars, and absolutely abhorrently anti-eco friendly cars. My next one will probably only get 11mpg. And I'm a registered Democrat!!! Take that all you hippie tree hugging freaks! I know what you're thinking… "No way!", but yup, it's true. And not only that, but I'm a democrat who doesn't like unions! Can you believe it?! Wow. The list could go on, but I'll spare you.

If I were "that" simple minded, would I have the ability to be self aware enough to know it?
Sure. You just gave proof right there.

I'm sorry if what you see when you look down on your fellow American is a simple minded cheer monkey mentality. I would guess it's pretty uncomfortable living with such contempt.
I've read a number of your posts since my return from a leave of absence. (In doing so I began to remember why I stopped frequenting this site). I notice that you do the passive aggressive high school pop psychology bit a lot ,where you counter someone you don't agree with by pointing out something you believe is a character flaw and feign pity (you often use the word "uncomfortable", which you do a second time later on in this post). It's funny, my daughter is a sophomore at my alma mater (yup, I'm a proud PU Dad, I've even got a mug that says so) and last year when she was taking some lower division psychology course I remember her and her friends engaging in some elementary psychological circular thinking. Each would discuss their opinion about whatever theory they were reviewing and after each finished the others would point out how each point made was that person presenting "their stuff". (Which is nothing more than an elevated form of "I know you are but what is the patient?") Since you repeatedly use a form of basic psych mind games with the pity thing, then I'm sure you'll understand the concept of projection. It's a pretty good bet that it's you who is not comfortable with something. What could that be? Guilt? Insecurities? I know some good shrinks in the Boston area if you want to dabble in some self-examination. I know you mentioned you were self-aware, but maybe not enough. I guess that would be pretty uncomfortable, since you're aware of it.

But enough about you. Let's read what you wrote:

A superpower would be a leader. The USA was a superpower because of American exceptionalism. There was American exceptionalism because of ordinary people who did extraordinary things. The USA became a superpower, not because of braun or might, but because of ingenuity and innovation.
Oh Christ . . . an idealist. Not only that but one who regurgitates the current popular catch phrase idea Beck and Palin are waving around. Just a sec while I cue the orchestral background music on iTunes before I continue to read on. I think I'll also need to have this pic up on my screen while I do it . . . .


As for "American Exceptionalism" . . . you asked in another thread if my thoughts on Beck, et al., were based on second or third hand hearsay. Nope. Out where I'm currently living, when you turn on the radio all you hear is sports, the trinity of Limbaugh, Beck, and Hannity, more sports, and some totally paranoid psychotic who does nothing but yell and bounce off the walls . . . name's Levin or something. I can't listen to him for more than a minute, but Limbaugh and Beck are pure entertainment gold. So, yeah, I listen to Beck. Originally because I had no choice but then because, well, sometimes crazy and stupid is just entertaining. Beck is frightening because I think he believes what he says. (Rush, on the other hand, is just entertaining. He says his crap with a wink. What's frightening in his case isn't what he says, or that he believes it - because clearly he doesn't - what's frightening is that millions of folks actually believe what he says).

If I'm not mistaken, Palin writes about "American Exceptionalism" in her book -which makes sense since "exceptionalism" is neither a recognized word, nor an "ism". I believe she essentially makes the point you did: "Over the past century there has been a growing number of people would believe that we should ceede[sic] our "power" to other countries. People who have highlighted our countries failures, while ignoring much of it's sucess[sic]. Today, that mentality is prevalent in our government." By the way, speaking of words and -isms that are not real, "progressivism", which Beck seems to think is something that leads to Nazism and Stalinism (nothing better than framing your arguments with false premisses that you can then knock down) isn't real either. However, if it works for you, then fine. At least we know where you get your ideas.

(And since I'm on the subject of moronic right wing puppet/commentators, I'm all about equal time. In case you're wondering, no, I can't stand Chris Matthews, or Olbermann, or any of their ilk. I think MSNBC is the DNC's shrill bitch (I don't know if you can write that word without it being censored so if it doesn't show up, think female dog), just as Fox is the same for the RNC. I can't watch CNN without wanting to jab sharp objects into my eyes and ears. Although, that said, Fox News really does take the cake for propaganda. I finally cancelled TV a few months ago as it was no longer bearable. And not just because of news and politics, but because TV generally stinks these days. Again, I digress.

If the USA isn't the "superpower" some other country will be.
So you've either bought into the fear thing (If not us then who?!?!?! Oh my God, it could be evil doers!!!) or you just get off on disseminating fear. Both, I believe, but based on your posts that I've read, the latter is the predominate. Is that why you are posting on a truck forum where most of its audience, as you have stated, isn't intelligent enough to understand such concepts? Is it because you believe that the stupid members of this site are easy to influence with fear? I'll bet the members of this site would disagree with you.

Will they root thier[sic] new found "power" in innovation and ingenuity, or will it be braun and might? Will they be inclined to protect freedom throughout the world, or convince the world that central planning is what's best for all people?

Some people see the superpower as the worlds[sic] police. Some countries might look at the position as one of power over others. I see it not only as a position of strength, strength to help and protect freedom throughout the world, but also as a beacon of salvation. I believe that our country is best suited to do this.
You're talking about the exercise of power as benevolent act. In and of itself that would be marvelous. But never has a nation entirely done so in such a manner. Protecting freedom and bringing salvation to others is using said power as what you referred to - "power over others" merely for the sake of . . . well . . . power, which brings us back to Superman with the flag. So being a superpower is about protecting the world from itself, eh? "Protecting freedom throughout the world" and as a " beacon of salvation"? Who appointed us to handle this? God? Is it because we are the "good guys" and therefore it is solely up to us to spread democracy throughout the world? Is it because we're the only ones who can be trusted to do it? (Which is an argument based on paranoia and fear). Salvation? From what? The "bad guys"? Since you're a fan of the pop-psych process, as evidenced by your passive-aggressive 'How sad for you' routine, then look up this psych term - "narcissism", apply it on a national level, because seeing our collective self as the protectors of freedom, and as saviors, is way up high on the narcissism scale. Sort of taking it to 11, if you will. You should also learn to recognize that "good" and "bad" need each other. You need them both to play them off of each other.

Democracy is not "gifted" (Hey, Black Friday Christmas gift joke! HA!). You can't give democracy to people, or as is often the case for us, shove it down their throats whether they want it or not. The kind of democracy you refer to, the type of freedom you imply, has to be earned. It can never be bestowed upon another.

And the irony of what we do on behalf of others? Our specialized spreading of Democracy isn't about values, it's about creating a consumer market for our services. Blow them up and beat them into submission with our military technology so that once defeated they will buy stuff created with all our other technology. (Of which everything just happens to be a subsidiary of Haliburton! It's amazing how that works!) (Little known movie, "War, Inc." check it out, it's funny. . . in a tragic kind of way).

"I believe our country is best suited for this." Again, why? Because we're the good guys? Because our cause is right and just? Because it's the will of God? (Because, as we all know, God wants America to WIN!!!) Bull. Our wars, our politics are not now, and never have been about the dissemination of truth, justice, and the American way. It is, and always has been, about power and profit. Everything else that arises from it is secondary. And such is not the case just for us, it is the same for every nation that engages in such behavior.

And as much as you'll think of framing my words as someone who is one of the " …people who have highlighted our countries[sic] failures, while ignoring much of it's sucess[sic]", know that I think this nation has done a lot of great things in addition to a lot of inane things. But this just in, so has every other nation. And not once was any of it about doing the right thing or about being saviors, it was about control.

Sorry to subject you to this.
No you're not.

I'm sure it's uncomfortable.
No it isn't.

It's just what you get from someone who is "that" simple minded.

Last edited by kobiashi; 11-26-2010 at 01:33 PM.
Old 11-26-2010, 01:23 PM
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Good Lord, I havn't seen a beating like that since Rodney King.
Well done kobi, you are the master of all.


Last edited by Habibi; 11-26-2010 at 01:48 PM.
Old 11-26-2010, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by kobiashi
So you've either bought into the fear thing (If not us then who?!?!?! Oh my God, it could be evil doers!!!) or you just get off on disseminating fear. Both, I believe, but based on your posts that I've read, the latter is the predominate. Is that why you are posting on a truck forum where most of its audience, as you have stated, isn't intelligent enough to understand such concepts? Is it because you believe that the stupid members of this site are easy to influence with fear? I'll bet the members of this site would disagree with you.
Are you sayin he is sayin we's is dumb? rude.

/awesome post. thnx, as usual
Old 11-26-2010, 01:43 PM
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Bravo Kobi
Truth is my favorite.
Old 11-26-2010, 01:49 PM
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Man, this thread is getting like the good old days of F150online.

Anyone seen Burt? Can we get him back in?
Old 11-26-2010, 01:51 PM
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Originally Posted by EnglishAdam
Man, this thread is getting like the good old days of F150online.

Anyone seen Burt? Can we get him back in?
Wow, the gang's all here now!

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