Terror attack in London

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Old 07-07-2005, 09:57 AM
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My heart goes out to all those innocent people who where killed or injured…

Terrorists are generally the stupidest people alive. They have no real brain function that allows them to come to their own conclusions and/or assemble some simple facts. This is another reason I have absolutely no problems seeing hundreds of thousands of them killed and massacred because they are worthless and serve absolutely no purpose to humankind.

Now, while terrorists themselves are completely stupid and clueless their leaders are NOT. They see what is happen just here in America. Sure, after 911 the vast majority of the public was for going after them ANYWHERE they might be and blowing their heads off but look at the polls now.

It appears there are more Americans that would rather cower down to terrorist and give in to them. These are the Americans that think the war in Iraq is NOT connected to the war on terror. These are the Americans that have no got damn clue what the war in Iraq actually means in the big picture for the war on terror. The majority of these Americans are not necessarily stupid but rather believe what scared liberals spew to them disguised as facts.

These bombings in London are aimed at those very same types of idiots that we have right here in America, the few that support terrorist and their actions who are also liberal and “feel everybody’s” pain.

I am sorry, but if you’re against the war on terror and the main war being fought against terror that is happening in Iraq you are then for supporting terrorist actions such as those in London. There are ONLY two sides one can be on, supporting the war on terror or supporting terrorist and their actions.

I hope this sad day in London will help to SHUT the liberals up with their terrorist propaganda non-sense and realize the people they support will kill them if and when they ever get the chance.

Terrorists don’t need to terrify a nation or the majority of their people. They only need to terrify enough liberals with big mouths to forward their cause and this is another attempt to terrify a few in London that might have a big mouth to spew to the public how they should cower down to the terrorist.

Let’s hope what is happening in America with our few big mouth liberals taking down our county and giving in to terrorist will not happen in London…
Old 07-07-2005, 10:01 AM
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At this point...I am gonna agree with dzervit (DAMN IT - AGAIN).

In the past he has said we need to turn that whole place into a huge piece of glass.
Old 07-07-2005, 10:31 AM
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Originally Posted by jamzwayne
At this point...I am gonna agree with dzervit (DAMN IT - AGAIN).

In the past he has said we need to turn that whole place into a huge piece of glass.

or rule the country so we can suck up their oil... all hail 10 cents a gallon!!! i hear the toll is up to 45 dead 300+ wounded
Old 07-07-2005, 10:55 AM
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I hope the USA will do everything possible to assist the English in making sure the terrorists rue the day they bombed London.

I hope we are swapping intelligence with the RAFright now to assist in selecting targets for this week's bombing missions and cruise missle attacks.

Perhaps this will serve as a wake-up call to those that are wavering in the war on terror. Muslim extremists want to convert you or kill you. Protect the borders and take the war to them before they bring it to you (again and again and again).
Old 07-07-2005, 11:05 AM
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Perhaps this will serve as a wake-up call to those that are wavering in the war on terror. Muslim extremists want to convert you or kill you. Protect the borders and take the war to them before they bring it to you (again and again and again).

my thoughts exactly
and this all has to do with religion??..give me a break
something HAS to be done and done fast!!
Old 07-07-2005, 11:11 AM
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Originally Posted by dirt bike dave
Muslim extremists want to convert you or kill you.
yep, there is no live and let live with them, there rarely is with extremists, but I think that the jihadists are particuarly bad in that regard.
Old 07-07-2005, 11:15 AM
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They keep trying BUT they're not gonna break the resolve of all those who know these scrubs need to be eliminated from the planet.... what goes around comes around, all they did was make more people aware that the fight will go on 'til they are ousted.. scum all of 'em ....

My condolences to all who have been victimized by this latest act of terror.

scum will be wiped out!!!!!!! scum WILL be wiped out .......

scum scum scum

the news now reports 33 dead ..
Old 07-07-2005, 11:17 AM
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Personally, Terrorists can kiss my fat hairy ****. I do not change my plans to suit them. I am an Englishman and cannot be cowed by anybody else.
I travel all over the world and proudly fly the flag. After the 9/11 attacks, I sowed Union Jack patches on the sleeves of my coveralls and yes, I was working in a Muslim country at the time. **** the lot of them.

It's time for "No more Mister Nice Guy". Britain has had an open border policy for far too long. I blame the British Government for it's wishy washy policies and allowing this to happen.
How can you not protect the borders on an Island, for ***** sake? Even when these people are here, they won't throw them out.
Look at the likes of Mohammed Bakri and Abu Hamza being allowed to preach hate for us from the Finsbury Park Mosque and nothing is being done about it.
We, the people, are STUPID for allowing it to happen and voting in a Government that ALLOWS it to happen.

You can't worry about all these peoples "Human Rights".
What about OUR rights to go about our business safely?
I say it's time for change and drastic measures.
This might sound racist but I think that everybody in the UK with a Non-White face should be rounded up and interred. After that they are processed. They get checked out and if they have a right to stay in the UK, then fair enough, they stay but are watched from now on.
Why brown faces? Well it's not exactly the Norwegians who are doing this, is it?
These people will have to take an Oath of Allegiance to the Crown. If you don't want to, you will be deported. If you do take the Oath then cause any trouble, you will be tried for Treason and executed.
If you have no right to be there, you are removed to your country of origin. If you do not give a country of origin, you will be dropped off in Afganistan or similar.
No more Mosques. Period. You may not practice any other Religion than Christianity which is our native Religion. If you do not like that, you may leave.
No more complaining about Christmas, Easter or 3 Little Pig stories. Again, If you don't like it, you can leave.
No protests about Britain or America. If you burn the flag or chant anti-western slogans, you are gone too.
No more government forms in a zillion different languages. You will learn to speak and read English.

Hmmm, what do you think? Too much or not enough?
I have worked all over the World and lived among people like this. Believe me, there are good and bad anywhere you go and I have Muslim friends but the extremeists take the biscuit.
They want to destroy us and turn the world into a 6th Century version of their world under Sharia law.
There is no argument with them. They are like little Terminators. You can't reason with them and they will not stop. Their beliefs are TOTALLY different to ours.
I remember during the Iraq/Iran war during the eighties that both sides would send CHILDREN across the minefields first to clear a way for the troops and tanks. Little children!!!
They are happy to do this because they believe that to die for their cause will send them to paradise with their 40 virgins.
Let me tell you now, if these terrorists got hold of a Nuke, they would have no compunction about using it against us or our allies.
The analogy is like your neighbour had a dangerous pit bull in his back garden. You have your kids in yours but your fence is a bit ****e. You also own a gun.
Pop Quiz: What do you do?

We should take these ****ers out now before they do it to us because, given a chance, they WILL do it to us.
No more of this "Bin Laden is in the mountains somewhere and we can't find him" Bull****. Nuke the mountains. That will do it.
Any country that supports Terrorism should be given ONE WEEK to round up their guys and sort them out. After that, bomb the ****ers properly. Just wipe them all out. I don't care who it is.
It's time to make the War on Terror a proper War. My Grandfather and his compatriots had no problems dropping bombs on Dresden and the like during WW2 because it was a WAR and it had to be won.
We should have the same attitude. Lets fight the war properly and win it now while we still have the chance.

Rule Britannia and God Save the Queen
Old 07-07-2005, 11:37 AM
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Thank you for your candor, Adam.

While you may go a little too far for me on some of your suggestions, I cannot argue that your ideas would make most the English much safer and would go a long way toward winning this WAR.

FWIW, lots of people in the USA were saying similar things almost 4 years ago. Promising to never forget, never rest until justice was done, etc... But within 3 years after 9/11, most of our people and politicians have gone soft on terrorism.

I plead with our governments and people to fight this war like a war! War is dirty business, but we MUST do what it takes to win.
Old 07-07-2005, 12:20 PM
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Originally Posted by wstahlm80
Wait till the liberals start to spin this one though...

Already begun...

My wife just emailed me about a debate she had with a coworker. The coworker was blaming the US about dragging England into Iraq. You have got to be kidding me!!
Old 07-07-2005, 12:25 PM
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Originally Posted by KSUWildcat
Already begun...

My wife just emailed me about a debate she had with a coworker. The coworker was blaming the US about dragging England into Iraq. You have got to be kidding me!!
Welcome to America.

politically correct
adj. Abbr. PC

    Roughly translated:

    An idiot without a sense of humor.
    Old 07-07-2005, 12:29 PM
    01 XLT Sport's Avatar
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    Perhaps an easier take on this situation with terrorist and how two sides look at them are like this:

    One side will try and tell you to reason with a bully, that if you try to understand where the bully is coming from the two of you can get along. That violence is bad, and talking is good.

    The other side will tell you to kick the chit out of the bully and your problems are solved because the bully won’t mess with those who fight back.

    Guess which side is right? The side that says to kick the chit out of the bully. The other side is a bunch of wuss bag, non-street smart, uneducated idiots that have no grasp on reality…

    The bully is the terrorist and NOT America or Britain. However if we shut the right people up we will prevail and kick the holy chit out of the bully.

    I too agree with shutting down Mosque until those who attend can guarantee they will not be used as a terrorist meeting room of which they currently are.

    Muslims in general need to start talking and disowning terrorist and their cause or they should be shipped out of MY country and other free countries. I am getting tired of the “deafening” silence…
    Old 07-07-2005, 12:32 PM
    01 XLT Sport's Avatar
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    Make no mistake, liberals in general are feeding this war on terror, liberals in general are one of the main reasons innocent women, children, and men are killed by terrorist.

    YES, words matter, and what is spoken in a public form such as TV broadcast MATTERS and causes reactions. Terrorist kill innocent people and liberals whine and complain its America’s fault, or Britain or who ever and guess what? It causes a reaction from the terrorist and they go out and do it again…
    Old 07-07-2005, 01:15 PM
    Faster150's Avatar
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    wow... english adam u have some of the longest posts on here....i dont even feel like reading that... maybee i will later when this headache goes away
    Old 07-07-2005, 01:22 PM
    EnglishAdam's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by CrAz3D
    You can't ship legal immigrants or naturally born citizens out of their own country...however I believe we can stop terrorism. If we can't convince them to stop we can make them stop. Prison doesn't do jack for people, we've all seen repeat offenders. The only other option is death for these evil people.
    Absolutely right

    If you are a legal immigrant or natural born citizen then you take an oath of allegiance to that country.

    If you go against that oath, you are guilty of treason.

    Treason is punishable by death.

    Originally Posted by CrAz3D
    Watching MSNBC & I see random people walking & getting water. & then I see it, I'm like WTF, you crazy Brits, they're passing out tea! That made me giggle
    You've got to have your tea. It's the law. Cures everything.
    Can't beat a nice cuppa

    Last edited by EnglishAdam; 07-07-2005 at 01:26 PM.

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