ok guys another religious question for the mind

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Old 06-14-2005, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by dinty
would Jesus approve of you "killing" the bowtie...I thought you were supposed to be loving of all creatures great and small??

this would be WHitey interpreting the words of Jesus to suit his own needs.
Old 06-14-2005, 07:28 PM
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I'll make a feeble attempt to try to bring this closer to topic.

I don't think it's all that unusual for some one from a band to "find" God. People may think of Korn as some Satan worshoping band but I think they were just making music that they knew angst filled teens would buy. I would be more surprised if some one from say the band Slayer were to leave the band to "find" God. Then again it's probably the same situation with them.

You know, that sandwich that had the likeness of Jesus on it looked like it might have been tastey. Well, maybe before it sat around while someone sceemed how to rip someone off with it. These "sightings" are utterly ridiculous! Next think you know there will be someone who sees a stain with the likeness of Jesus in their tighty whiteys

You know when you get harassed by the bald people in robes at the airport or the people who don't celebrate Christmas and birthdays that knock on your door? Do you ever get the same feeling when "some one"
posts in a threads like this?
Old 06-14-2005, 07:30 PM
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Angry Ok, gloves are off I guess.

Originally Posted by Mighty Whitey
Nope , those perverted versions came from Westcott and Hort. Two
reprobates that brought doubt on the 1611 KJB. You still can't answer
why it's the only one that anybody can print without worrying
about Zondervon taking you to court.

I've read the last chapter , I'm on the winning side.

Read Gail Riplinger's book " New Age Versions " NIV , NASB , Living , RSV
all came from HELL and aint worth the paper they're printed on.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it ... Laodicean Liberal !
Namecalling? Liberal? Gail Riplinger?

Are you sure you've read your Bible lately? I can't understand your animosity. You are the most un-Godly Christian I've met in quite awhile. You can't even defend a God that you claim needs defending. You bring NO glory to God. You offer no apparent reason to believe as you do. You badger, you bully, and you post drive by's like a coward. You use an old tactic of preaching that amounts to "Pound pulpit and yell, argument weak." And you constantly misquote and rip statements out of context. It's alot like dealing with a young child. You leave little room to assume that an adult conversation can take place, but I'm going to have that mustard seed of faith for it.

Instead of continuing to jack Zap's thread, I'm going to post a new topic just for you Mighty. If you can summon up enough rationality to intelligently answer some questions and have a Godly dialogue, then please look for my post either tomorrow night or Thursday night.

Edit: momalle1, I'm not sure if you'll care for this link, but here it is. The founder, James White, is a very smart man. However, there are a few topics on this website that I'm not sure if I agree with yet, and other topics that will surely offend many people of other religions that disagree with "Historical Christianity". I am just posting this web address as I have some of his resources, and have found some of his work outstanding in the field of studying the different translations. As Mighty Whitey fails to understand, the King James Version is a very reliable translation, but there are a couple small details in it that need to be addressed.

Alpha and Omega Ministries

Last edited by 1969Mach; 06-14-2005 at 07:45 PM.
Old 06-14-2005, 08:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Mighty Whitey
Romans Chapter 3 verse 4
4: Not at all! Let God be true, and every man a liar. As it is written:
"So that you may be proved right when you speak
and prevail when you judge

Wrong again , that's from one of them " New Age so-called bibles " that you
got from the bible of the month club. If it's true scripture , it's ONLY
the King James Bible ... It's not a version , it's the only inspired bible
for the english speaking. Preserved by God ( Psalm 12 ) ... It's the only bible that I can print without paying somebody. That's proof of
being preserved by God !

I don't know what version of the King James you are reading but I gave you the benefit of the doubt and looked it up in Old King James, and guess what. The verse said the same thing word for word in both the King James and the NIV. So just for grins I also looked it up in my Living Bible, my Study Bible, and my Youth Ministries Bible. Take a guess at what I found. Beside that in each and every one of them the chapter in it's entirety is still talking about wether you should be circumsized or not. We have never talked about circumsion in this thread, this verse has no significance what so ever to anything we have discused so far. By quoting a verse that had no meaning to anything being discussed you lowered your creditability as a witness.

Again I ask of you.... Why did you choose a verse pertaining to circumsision to quote to begin with? What was the logic behind that?

Edited to add:
There are 3 different versions of King James! So which of those 3 are you calling the Only
Is it the
  1. Old King James
  2. New King James
  3. 21st Century King James

Last edited by PSS-Mag; 06-14-2005 at 08:31 PM.
Old 06-14-2005, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Mighty Whitey
I've read the last chapter , I'm on the winning side.

No sir Mr. Whitey it is apperant that you have not read or other wise you did not comprehend the last chapter. If you did as you claim to have then you would have caught Revelation Chapter 22 verses 18 and 19! Could you please quote these two verses for me from your self claimed ONLY version of the Bible?

Last edited by PSS-Mag; 06-14-2005 at 08:48 PM.
Old 06-14-2005, 09:51 PM
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You know, that sandwich that had the likeness of Jesus on it looked like it might have been tastey. Well, maybe before it sat around while someone sceemed how to rip someone off with it. These "sightings" are utterly ridiculous! Next think you know there will be someone who sees a stain with the likeness of Jesus in their tighty whiteys

You know when you get harassed by the bald people in robes at the airport or the people who don't celebrate Christmas and birthdays that knock on your door? Do you ever get the same feeling when "some one"
posts in a threads like this?

WOW! my thoughts exactly... I may not have the same views as a lot of you, but I don't push my beliefs on others... it's up to the individual to decide... and what I can remember.... this thread started out as what's worse... not what's your beliefs.... so, mr. tighty mighty whitey, have you ever found Jesus in your korn? ...mrs. zap!

(Disclaimer: The views expressed above are solely that of mrs. zap! and is in no way reflective of the opinion of management or ...zap!)
Old 06-14-2005, 09:57 PM
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Come on guys, whitey is ONLY trying to help, he said so himself

Mach, any links, I've been researching myself, but any other info is great.

If you really want to know the truth, learn the ancient languages, gather all the scrolls and read it yourself.
Old 06-14-2005, 10:13 PM
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Old 06-14-2005, 10:35 PM
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oh man...not good....now the mrs is calling out mister mighty tightey whitey buddy....what a tangled web we weave....go see the new thread (mmtw)...this is going to get outta hand fast...just read the disclaimer...zap!
Old 06-14-2005, 11:03 PM
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Quote I don't know what version of the King James you are reading but I gave you the benefit of the doubt and looked it up in Old King James, and guess what. The verse said the same thing word for word in both the King James and the NIV.

Now we're getting somewhere , Compare The KJB with the NIV ( Non
Inspired Version owned by Zondervon ) on these ...

I John 5:7

Acts 8:37

Isa. 14:12 - 15

Just a few , I have dozens and dozens more. Go ahead , I dare you.

Remember God said ( Not Mighty Whitey ) ... Rev. 22:18 - 19 and Matt.
5:18 ... Westcat and Hort " the author of those perversions " are guilty
of both of those commanments.

Quote There are 3 different versions of King James! So which of those 3 are you calling the Only

I told you , as usuall , you're not paying attention ... 1611 AV the only one
that I could print in my house without copyright problems.

All other false bibles have man's hand and wallet on it. Read Psalm 12

That concludes todays class on corruptable seed vs incorruptable KJB !
Old 06-14-2005, 11:09 PM
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are you slow or what? answer my question...or is it your modem that's slow..... ...mrs. zap! (or is the lawyer mentailty seeping in???-ANSWER THE QUESTION FOR ONCE! ) (Here it is again: have you ever found Jesus in your korn?)

(Disclaimer: The views expressed above are solely that of mrs. zap! and is in no way reflective of the opinion of management or ...zap!)

Last edited by zapster; 06-14-2005 at 11:12 PM.
Old 06-15-2005, 02:27 AM
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You dont have to nor should you feel the need to prove anything to me. By trying to justify your choosen beliefs to me you feel that you are justifying it to yourself and God. My friend you are not only deeply but gravely and eternally damningly mistaken! I know you have posted the scripture about "throu no man, but through God." So that saves me the time of typing it all up for you because you already know it. You can not get to God throu me or anyone else so why are you trying to?

My main concern and reasoning for my posting was not the differences in the different version of my Bibles. But my concern and reason for posting was and still is this....

Again I ask you and beg of you to answer: Why you felt that a verse about circumsion was the proper verse to quote to justify anything here in this thread?

And if you think that you can try and dance, slander, or slither your way out of answering then you are mistaken.
Old 06-15-2005, 02:29 AM
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Edited to add:
Anyone else not intersted in the history of biblical text or the Christian religion should skip over this post. You have been warned!
End of Edit:
__________________________________________________ __________

Out of courteousy I will respond to your questions about the differences in the different versions of the Bible. It can best be related to the Hymn "Amazing Grace"!
The Bible in any version says that we are supposed to be Fishmen of Men.
A foolish fisherman will cast an unbaited hook out and expect to catch a fish. A poor fisherman will bait his hook and continue casting even though he may not get a bite. A wise fisherman will bait his hook and if he doesn't get a bite he will change his bait and try something different until he does.

How does all of this relate to the song Amazing Grace you ask...?
Well I'm glad you asked!
The Hymn Amazing Grace is the best example because it was originally a secular song. In it's day it was what would now be considered Rock & Roll! (Back on topic of the thread! Wink Wink) The Church took this Rock and Roll song and interpreted it as a Praise song. Since then millions of Pagons, Heathens, and sinners alike have accepted Jesus into their life because of its message and they were able to realte to it!
Modern day example many churches have accepted the song "Hanging by a Moment" by the band Life House as a praise song and because of this they have fished thousands of souls for the kingdom of God. Because they are able to relate to it. (That’s awesome!)
The Bible has been written in many versions so that all men might know and relate to his word. All Christian Bibles have the same message just spoke in a different way. Interpretation of any of them including the King James is totally up to the reader.

Example: It's much like when you interpreted your Bible to say that you should have a gun because God says to get a sword.. You quoted a portion of Luke 22:36 and interpret that clipping to mean for you to get a gun. Because you think that a gun is the equivalent weapon of choice in modern day to the Biblical sword. When in actuality the Biblical equivalent or ancestor of a Gun would have been the Sling. You know the weapon that took down Goliath. A sword compares in no way to a gun when translated from Biblical times into modern day! That Scripture may not and even probably wasn’t even referring to a sword as a physical weapon of physical war or defense at all. What else does the Word get compared to? Fill in the blanks for me because I can’t seem to remember. The Bible is my _____ and the word is my _____.

Now I'm not saying guns are bad... I'm a life member of the NRA and I support our right to keep and bear arms 100%! But you should not use that scripture, especially a clipped version of that scripture as justification for your choice.

Just like you should not have used a clipped scripture that is talking about circumcision earlier in this thread.

Again I would encourage you to read Revelation Chapter 22 verses 18 and 19 in your King James that you may see why I might justly warn you against this practice, and that your eyes might be opened to see the light of the Cult like similarities of practicing this technique.

My friend I will keep you in my prayers as well as the many of which you have offended and who because of you state that they no longer have any desire to seek the truth of any of God’s word.

I do not hate you. But I do strongly HATE what you have done. You have potentially and seemingly intentionally single handedly contributed to the loss of legions! You can’t save them all. But you managed to possibly lose several thousand of them all with in 1 week thats just hear I'd hate to see your daily life witness! With out a single one here being saved as a result of your crusade! Not only is that HORRIABLE odds... That also has to be a record! I’m not even sure if Satan himself has ever been able to corrupt that many souls in this little time as you have!

Do you know what the definition of insanity is?
According to Webster’s dictionary, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result!
You continue to cast your bare dull hook out into the water of this forum over and over again then wonder why you continue to not get a bite. So you cast it out again… Just a suggestion but you might think about changing your tactic to get a different result!

Last edited by PSS-Mag; 06-15-2005 at 03:17 AM.
Old 06-15-2005, 02:43 AM
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we need a yawn smiley quick
Old 06-15-2005, 02:54 AM
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Originally Posted by buckdropper
we need a yawn smiley quick

Yea I know I apologize.
I was fueled by the spirit and couldn't stop.

It ws like I was on Nitrous Oxide!

Last edited by PSS-Mag; 06-15-2005 at 02:57 AM.

Quick Reply: ok guys another religious question for the mind

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