Terri Schavo is dead

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Old 03-31-2005, 05:28 PM
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Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel
I disagree. Consider that maybe he wanted to finally be able to peacefully say goodbye to his wife without the threats and tension from the in-laws (who have filed several legal actions against him). Just because he cannot have any kind of peaceful situation with the in-laws in the same room, so he does not allow them to be in the same room with him, doesn't make him a 'monster'.

Besides, Terri died 15 years ago. The in-laws and their supporters are the ones who made a three ring circus out of it. How about the idiots sending in their 10 year old son with a bottle of water (as if Terri could actually pick up the bottle and take a swig)? If put in the same position I would bar those loonies from my wife's bedside as well.
maybe you are right. but at the same time maybe they all could have made peace for that moment (even though I'm sure the parents will sue in the near future)
Old 03-31-2005, 05:29 PM
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Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel

The in-laws and their supporters are the ones who made a three ring circus out of it. How about the idiots sending in their 10 year old son with a bottle of water (as if Terri could actually pick up the bottle and take a swig)? If put in the same position I would bar those loonies from my wife's bedside as well.

the parents position lost ALL credibility when then joined hands with Randall Terry. Just like the loonies sending in their 10 years olds that have no idea what the issue even is.
Old 03-31-2005, 05:43 PM
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My opinions do not count regarding the circumstances of this case, but a couple of things I would like on the record.

Once the decision was made that Terri was to be allowed to die, if that is the proper terminology, to me the method used was nothing short of barbaric. Terri was, as far as I can understand, dehydrated to death over a period of 14 days. Deliberately and systematically, everyone knew the end game result. And... I don't give a damn if she knew it or not, it was wrong in my mind.

If she was going to be allowed to die then why did they not administer morphine, which is a method for terminating the life of a person for whom there is no hope that I have all too much personal experience with? The result is the same, the method is, to me, much more humane.

My other issue is the media and political circus that I have personally been embarrassed to witness these last months and weeks. A very old fashioned word, but I thought it shameful.
Old 03-31-2005, 05:47 PM
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Originally posted by Bill Murray
My opinions do not count regarding the circumstances of this case, but a couple of things I would like on the record.

everyone's opinion counts. generating dialogue is how we hear all sides of the story. To bring forth perspectives that maybe we didn't consider.

Only then can we make judgements. The term "one-sided" comes to mind when leaping forward without hearing the other view.
Old 03-31-2005, 06:18 PM
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My take on this is like the last thread. Since I have no idea of what Terri may have wanted it would be hard to push my opinions on others. I think generally the spouse should have the legal right to decide what will happen to the other spouse regardless if they know what the others wishes would have been.

However, with that said, I do believe there needs to be a more logical definition of what a “legal” spouse is. I do not believe a marriage certificate is enough. Now, we know Michael moved on in his life, moved in with a woman and had children with her.

Should he, logically, still be considered a “legal” spouse acting in his wife’s best interest? My personal opinion would be no. He moved on with his life and basically cut ties with his former wife “except” for the “legal” tie of a marriage certificate.

I think, again personal opinion, that once he fathered another child with another woman that his legal rights should have been revoked from that moment on. He does have a conflict of interest since he has another women and a child with that women and therefore, neither morally, ethically, and in my opinion, legally has any rights over his former wife.
Old 03-31-2005, 06:48 PM
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I think one important thing that people need to realize is that she didn't feel any pain, she was medicated the entire time and didn't feel a thing. And also she was a vegetable. It makes me sick how some people try and sensationalize and make things out to be worse than they actaully are. That's my two cents...........

Now can we as a country now focus on issues that matter, I am sick of hearing about this.
Old 03-31-2005, 07:30 PM
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Originally posted by Lois_must_die
I think one important thing that people need to realize is that she didn't feel any pain, she was medicated the entire time and didn't feel a thing. And also she was a vegetable. It makes me sick how some people try and sensationalize and make things out to be worse than they actaully are. That's my two cents...........

Now can we as a country now focus on issues that matter, I am sick of hearing about this.

It doesnt matter if she could feel the pain or not..she was basically tortured (in my opinion) to death, and I dont care who you are, thats just not right. If a decision was made to let her die, then one of 2 things should have happened. 1..she should've been given her daily food or nutritional intake and let her take her course and die on her own. or 2..she should've been given morphine and let alone to die peacefully. Again..she should have never been tortured to death.

For you to say the country needs to focus on something that matters and your sick of hearing about this, actually makes me sick, to now know what kind of person you are. This, unfortunately turned into a very public matter, which therefore became an issue that mattered to the american people. Put yourself in the parents shoes..how would you feel? what would you do? if it was YOUR son or daughter..would it MATTER than?? What should we focus on now? what holds enough merrit to be in the news today? the guy thats rapping women in the city? the guys who are robbing our banks and grocery stores everyday? how about all the people getting stabbed or shot and left for dead? How about our men and women fighting for your freedom overseas right now...does that matter?
I say it all matters, whether or not you like it is what doesnt matter. Im glad for Terri she is in a better place now and no longer has to deal with people like you.

Last edited by BREWDUDE; 03-31-2005 at 07:32 PM.
Old 03-31-2005, 07:47 PM
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Originally posted by dzervit
Thank god. Now the news outlets can focus on some other assinine story.... I wonder what's next?! I'm voting for the kid that got the obscene tattoo on his forhead...


Now THAT'S good TV...

oh baby....i just CANT WAIT till the movie comes out....i wont go...zap!
Old 03-31-2005, 07:53 PM
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I respect the opinions of everyone here.

As J-150 said:
everyone's opinion counts. generating dialogue is how we hear all sides of the story. To bring forth perspectives that maybe we didn't consider.

Originally posted by BREWDUDE
1..she should've been given her daily food or nutritional intake and let her take her course and die on her own. or 2..she should've been given morphine and let alone to die peacefully. Again..she should have never been tortured to death.
I would like to pass on my opinion.

It's my opinion that dieing naturally doesn't involve a feeding tube. The feeding tube was her life support, and without it her life was "unsupported".

If she had been given morphine, the person administering it could have been convicted of murder. Assisted suicide is not leagal. I think that we all agree that assisted suicide would have been far more humane, still, legally it wasn't an option.

I'd rather we didn't have to hear about the after math of this whole ordeal, even though the media has to report on something and unless something else comes up....... I think that if we are going to dicuss this ordeal we should be dicussion the importance of making sure that it's clearly known what you want in the event that you are in a similar situation. Also, we should be dicussing assisted suicide, as a legal option.

I think it's sad the way this whole thing played out. I feel bad for the family. I believe though, that Terri is in a better place.
Old 03-31-2005, 08:37 PM
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Maybe we can wrap her in copper wire to see if she generates electricity turning in her grave.

Check this...

I seriously hope there is no truth to this...Talk about *****ting where you eat.

Old 03-31-2005, 08:56 PM
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Originally posted by 01 XLT Sport
My take on this is like the last thread. Since I have no idea of what Terri may have wanted it would be hard to push my opinions on others. I think generally the spouse should have the legal right to decide what will happen to the other spouse regardless if they know what the others wishes would have been.

However, with that said, I do believe there needs to be a more logical definition of what a “legal” spouse is. I do not believe a marriage certificate is enough. Now, we know Michael moved on in his life, moved in with a woman and had children with her.

Should he, logically, still be considered a “legal” spouse acting in his wife’s best interest? My personal opinion would be no. He moved on with his life and basically cut ties with his former wife “except” for the “legal” tie of a marriage certificate.

I think, again personal opinion, that once he fathered another child with another woman that his legal rights should have been revoked from that moment on. He does have a conflict of interest since he has another women and a child with that women and therefore, neither morally, ethically, and in my opinion, legally has any rights over his former wife.
I agree with this 100% and the comment where a quicker death should have been administered. While it's true that Michael was seeing other women, he did do quite a bit on Terri's behalf, for quite a while. As far as that goes (the other women), to anyone that paints Michael as evil because of this, you try spending several traumatic years without companionship, then come and tell me how you do. I'd like to think I could bear it, but I haven't had to try. The law is quite clear on this, if they had been married, but living apart for 40 years, when one of them died, the other would get the entire estate.

Last edited by momalle1; 03-31-2005 at 09:30 PM.
Old 03-31-2005, 09:20 PM
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Originally posted by Whitetrash SVT
Maybe we can wrap her in copper wire to see if she generates electricity turning in her grave.

Check this...

I seriously hope there is no truth to this...Talk about *****ting where you eat.

I'd take that story with a grain of salt. They are as bad as CBS, oh wait, they are CBS. The only difference is they are an openly political affiliate, IMO. I think they've been "on the husband's" side from day one. They'll run with whatever rumor they can get.

Anyway, I'm glad it's finally over for her. Her only hope was 12+ years ago when her parents should have been able to pay for whatever kind of therapy they wanted to try on her. I don't feel everything that could have been done was. I seriously doubt that for the last 12 years she had any hope of being "rehabilitated". So, in the end, I hope this is really what she wanted. I completely agree with the other statements that this was an awful way to go. Man, when my time comes, at least stick me with a knife, it'll be over faster.
Old 03-31-2005, 09:49 PM
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I thought I was finally through hearing about "feeding tubes" and now the Pope has one!

I agree she was in No pain. She basically Was on morphine or something equivalent I'm sure. People just need to come back to reality for a moment here. Feeding tubes are removed Every Day. Spouses make the decision if you don't have a will. Not your Mommy. If you don't trust your spouse to make this decision, get a divorce.

The reality is it would have been thousands of times EASIER for Terry's husband to just forget about her and leave her to her parents. Something drove this guy. It wasn't money. Like you've said, he's going to lose everything defending himself against these lawsuits.

We trust our judges. We don't question them when they sentence some guy to the chair. I trust the judges on this one as well. They've seen the evidence to the Supreme court for the last 15 years and the Judges have decided Terry Really did want the tube pulled. Michael fought for this.
Old 03-31-2005, 10:14 PM
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Originally posted by BHibbs
We trust our judges. We don't question them.....
When your from the state that I'm from, you may tend to question the judges. But then I guess that's a completely different topic for a completely different thread.
Old 03-31-2005, 11:20 PM
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And also she was a vegetable. It makes me sick how some people try and sensationalize and make things out to be worse than they actaully
Wrong. She only required a feeding tube. A vegetable must rely on respirators, heart machine, etc. If this were an animal being starved/dehydrated, you would've seen the world being torn apart. You can rationalize her murder anyway you want to make you feel better. Sick.

Quick Reply: Terri Schavo is dead

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