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Old 04-20-2004, 11:17 PM
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First off, there is nothing wrong with being a Conservative.
01 XLT Sport is the ultimate conservative, I've met him and except for the conservative thing he is a decent guy.

Just want you to know that if you want to be a conservative, you have to tow the conservative line. You can't say stuff like "oh no, millions will starve" or "oh no, millions will die" that is stuff liberals say.

Conservatives say stuff like, "Bomb'em, Nuke'em" or "Close off the borders, no one or nothing in or out!" so see, being a conservative is cooler because you get to say tough cool stuff like that.

Its ok to think stuff like:
"oh no, millions will starve" or "or no, millions will die"
on the inside(it's liberalish), just don't say it.
Conservative is cool.

Last edited by Raoul; 04-20-2004 at 11:19 PM.
Old 04-21-2004, 12:20 AM
TXCoUnTrYbOy's Avatar
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i think we both misunderstood each other. i said it might be my convervative/republic thinking as a joke. guess it wasnt the best joke but it sounded cool when i thought of it.

i said those things imitating the protestors and what they should be thinking. of course no one WANTS to see millions of people dead. my opinion, if it happens, it happens. dont care whos fault it was. may be just cause im a teenager, but my philosophy is "If it doesnt directly affect me, i dont give a damn". i was going around saying they need to nuke them from the start. i even have a tshirt that says "Baghdad Spring Break 2003" then has 3 guys in radiation suits standing in front of a huge mushroom cloud. id consider myself conservative, and in no way liberal
Old 04-21-2004, 12:29 AM
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Well anyways, i did get to see bush (from a distance) and it was a cool thing. I watched his plane land only because there has never been a 747 landing at the Buffalo/Niagara International Airport so its all new to us small town folk you know. Okay now back to the hijacking, gentleman have at it!!
Old 04-21-2004, 05:48 AM
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Boy buckdropper this one really got away from you didn't it?? Glad you got to see Bush even if it was from a distance. How exciting!

As to the rest... well put 01 XLT Sport. My vote is with Bush...
Old 04-21-2004, 06:23 AM
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The "boys" get real excited when bush is mentioned. So its just natural for them to drum their chests like a grouse.
Old 04-21-2004, 07:02 AM
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Old 04-21-2004, 07:12 AM
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Originally posted by 01 XLT Sport

Do you really believe all that? If so, then your beyond any help I could provide you…
Well at least you are open minded about it.

Fact, Iraq did indeed have and may still have WMD’s. I would refer you to the United Nations, their resolutions and the fact that all countries associated with the United Nations have also stated the FACT that Iraq had WMD’s and was producing or had the means to produce WMD’s.[/QUOTE]

It will be a fact when they are found.

Fact, Saddam hated America with as much passion as many liberals hate President Bush, that’s a lot of foaming at the mouth. Saddam had the means and money to put WMD’s in the hands of terrorist to hand deliver to America with no need of the “big brown truck”. Iraq was the Home Depot for terrorist seeking about any type of weapon they would like to purchase to use against America.[/QUOTE]

A lot of people hate America. A lot of nations are "Home Depot's". When are we going after them? When are we going to capture Osama? Don't even say that we can't.

Fact, for over 10 LONG years America had exhausted ALL diplomatic means to resolve Iraq’s refusal to FOLLOW and carry out what they agreed to after Saddams first *** whooping.[/QUOTE]

So you're saying Clinton actually put in an honest effort here?

Fact, we are now using diplomatic means to resolve what Clinton left behind in North Korea as we should. No need to launch a few cruise missiles from ships like Clinton did. Perhaps if a few years go by with no development then we may need to deal with North Korea with military action. However please note that today China is trying very hard to persuade North Korea to completely rid itself of its nuclear weapons program. I would say it looks like when things are done RIGHT and CORRECTLY, unlike in Clinton’s years, that diplomatic means may work. It’s yet to be seen but it seems as progress is being made.[/QUOTE]

Seems and Fact shouldn't be in the same comment. You should get a dictionary.

Fact, the liberal way of doing things, like in the Clinton years, gets MORE military killed. When you do the job half ***, pull out of an operation or mission because of a few casualties like Clinton did it reinforces to the terrorist that America is weak and does not have the GUTS to follow through. Therefore you get the kind of killing you have in Iraq, killing people, dragging their bodies through the streets for CNN to whine about it and think the American public will CRY WOLF and time to pull out.[/QUOTE]

Like not capturing Osama

Fact, that is not happening this time. Many people are beginning to believe America says what it means and means what it says. It makes a big difference when you have a LEADER in office who is NOT worried about opinion polls like Clinton and Kerry. If President Bush was as worried about polls as Clinton had been we would have been gone from Iraq long ago.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the Iraqi people look like they believe it.

Just because there has been no WMD’s found yet does NOT prove anything as far as there were none. There were WMD’s and Iraq was unable or unwilling to explain what happen to them. They either destroyed them, moved them, or sold them that is a FACT so until one of those have been proven out the WMD’s are out there somewhere, just hope we find them before someone else attempts to use them… [/QUOTE]

It doesn't prove that there are any.

The reason I bring Clinton up is he is one of the main reason we have the problems we do now with terrorist. The man had 8 years to deal with it and he either refused to do so or was just too weak minded to do the RIGHT thing for America. 911 happen in large part because Clinton made America weak by his policies just like Kerry would… [/QUOTE]

Uhm, didn't Bush Sr. start with the whole end terrorism by attacking Iraq thing? Why don't you mention his failing, oh yeah, you're biased.
Old 04-21-2004, 07:28 AM
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Originally posted by buckdropper
... Okay now back to the hijacking, gentleman have at it!!
I know Thread Hijacking. Thread Hijacking is a friend of mine and this sir, is no Thread Hijacking.

Can you really look at Bush and not have the word 'Iraq' pop into your head?

If you really intended to keep this thread limited to your view of him at the airport, I guess we can try...

...uhhh, did he stumble?
Old 04-21-2004, 08:09 AM
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Originally posted by buckdropper
Well anyways, i did get to see bush (from a distance) and it was a cool thing.
There is no such thing as "from a distance" to the owner of the "picnic table WMD".
Old 04-21-2004, 08:42 AM
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Originally posted by momalle1
Fast forward to now, Junior tells us how bad Saddam is, that there are ties to Al Queda and that he has WMD's. Neither of which proves to be true, in any way, shape or form.
Alqaida ties

secret bunker

Old 04-21-2004, 09:03 AM
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Saddam having WMD’s is indeed a fact. You state it would be a fact once they are found. I think your confusion is based on misguided news reports and other write-ups in papers and/or the Internet.

At the end of the first gulf war Saddam had to, and indeed did, declare all (or most) of his weapons and his capabilities. This is when the inspectors went in to insure first he was telling the truth and second he was actually destroying all the weapons he agreed to. The inspectors were NEVER able to verify that all the weapons had indeed been destroyed and therefore until someone proves they have been destroyed, moved or sold it is a FACT that Saddam had WMD’s and they are somewhere OR Saddam lied about how many weapons he had. In either case that makes Saddam the liar about the WMD’s being in Iraq and not America and the entire free world (those associated with the United Nations) that also backed up those FACTS prior to getting weak back spines.

The first gulf war of which you seemed confused by the above sources was NOT a war on terrorism it was to simply remove Saddam’s forces out of Kuwait. I do agree that we should have went after Saddam then however Bush Sr. kept his word and met his objectives that he told the American people and Congress to begin with which was to remove Saddam from Kuwait.

If it was not for news stations like CNN portraying the “highway of death” as some sad story we may have went and took out Saddam. The problem was the weak minded liberals felt sorry for the thugs that had raped and murdered innocent women and children in Kuwait and felt they deserved a “break” to go home in peace without us killing them like a turkey hunt.

The liberals got what they wanted, to let the thugs of life go free and now they try to blame a man that kept his word to the American people and Congress about what he was going to do and when it would be over.

Even though I wish we had taken out Saddam then I cannot deny the FACT that Bush Sr. did an outstanding job and did EXACTLY what he said he would do.

You are correct that there are many bad countries out there and like “Home Depots” for terrorist but there is only so much that can be done at one time. So like in business you take care of the biggest problems first then work your way down the line if need be. Sometimes taken care of the big problems has a great effect on the small problems working them self out. A great example is Libya, small problem but seen a bigger problem being worked out (Iraq and Saddam) and the little problem went away. Good business decision, wouldn’t you agree?

Bottom line is President Bush has kept his word just like his father did. Problem with that is it really upsets liberals who can never make up their minds. Take Kerry for example, one minute he supports the war the next minute he does not, or the ”I voted for the $87 billion dollars to support our troops before I voted against the $87 billion to support our troops” that is the kind of talk that terrorist LOVE, it tells them the person speaking is WEAK and CONFUSED and SCARED with NO moral value and NO courage what so ever, that they will do what ever seems right at the moment and what the polls tell them to do.

That makes America weak and puts every America citizen at HIGH risk of being killed by terrorist to get the WEAK without any COURAGE to change their mind. Kerry would be an extremely WEAK FOLLOWER trying to be a President. Kerry would NEVER be a leader because he does not have any of the traits needed to be a good leader. He is weak, spineless and has NO courage at all.

Don’t give me the “Kerry served in Vietnam” and thus he has courage. He did at one time, and then he came home and tried to SCREW all his friends over in Vietnam and made things MUCH harder for the ones serving in Vietnam with him running his whinny *** mouth about BS that were “supposedly” going on in Vietnam. He has a few misguided vets on his side but many, many more which would not give him the time of day…

The democrats blew it, their best shot was Edwards and they let him get away. In my opinion if anyone had a chance, even though very slight of beating President Bush in 2004 it would have been Edwards. Good for us that Edwards is not in it, don’t matter if he will be Kerry’s VP or not, Kerry has no shot and will lose…

Last edited by 01 XLT Sport; 04-21-2004 at 09:05 AM.
Old 04-21-2004, 09:09 AM
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Originally posted by runnert
Alqaida ties

secret bunker

You always have a way to turn a liberals bad day into a nightmare…
Old 04-21-2004, 09:10 AM
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Well, I guess as long as you have an open mind about it....
Old 04-21-2004, 09:18 AM
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I do have an open mind to facts, not illusions, myths, fantasies, falsehoods, or sound bites…
Old 04-21-2004, 09:21 AM
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From runnerts' Alquida ties link:
"...although there was no indication any of the evidence tied Ansar to Saddam Hussein as Washington has maintained.

There were indications, however, that the group has been getting help from inside neighboring Iran....
I think the story is implying that the terrorist link was with Iran rather than Iraq.

But what the heck, both countries start with the letter 'I' it was an honest mistake.

We must invade Iran as soon as possible. This proves they are linked to terrorism beyond a doubt. We must do whatever it takes to get Forces on the ground there. If it means reinstituting the draft and conscripting every male under 48, then so be it.

Quick Reply: He's Coming today!!!!!!

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