please don't race or screw around on the streets

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Old 11-26-2003, 08:18 PM
grinomyte's Avatar
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to anyone that whines, that's not all that graphic, i've seen worse, but he did state, BEFORE YOU CLICK, GRAPHIC NATURE, duh.

In anycase, I'm always kinda split for opinion on posts like this. In one sense, yes things happen and we should attempt to be safe, and i am very concious about things like that. When i see people driving around with their passengers having legs out of the windows or on the dash, or when they drive really close to the steering wheel, i almost hope they get into an accident just so they would learn their lesson.

On the other hand, it kinda irks me, it always seems like threads like this are trying to say, don't ride a bike, don't enjoy it, don't do anything that's remotely unsafe (just as an example, insert the other themes for other similar threads). He may have just had bad luck, he coulda fallen off a cliff, he coulda tripped on his face and died. Lot's of crazy crap happens everyday, much worse than that, thats nothing really. Don't let the small minority scare you from doing what you want to do, just don't be a retard when you do it.

Be safe out there.
Old 11-26-2003, 08:25 PM
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Originally posted by grinomyte
to anyone that whines, that's not all that graphic, i've seen worse, but he did state, BEFORE YOU CLICK, GRAPHIC NATURE, duh.

In anycase, I'm always kinda split for opinion on posts like this. In one sense, yes things happen and we should attempt to be safe, and i am very concious about things like that. When i see people driving around with their passengers having legs out of the windows or on the dash, or when they drive really close to the steering wheel, i almost hope they get into an accident just so they would learn their lesson.

On the other hand, it kinda irks me, it always seems like threads like this are trying to say, don't ride a bike, don't enjoy it, don't do anything that's remotely unsafe (just as an example, insert the other themes for other similar threads). He may have just had bad luck, he coulda fallen off a cliff, he coulda tripped on his face and died. Lot's of crazy crap happens everyday, much worse than that, thats nothing really. Don't let the small minority scare you from doing what you want to do, just don't be a retard when you do it.

Be safe out there.
My only thing is that if you are thinking of doing someting crazy, just remember there may be consequences.

also, if you do it in traffic, those consequences may include others.

I'm not saying I obey the speed limit all the time, or any time for that matter, But I only get crazy when I know that the only person who will be hurt will be me.
Like speeding on the expressway.... Only when there are NO cars in sight do I take it over 110mph.
(I'll do 109 with cars around)(jk)

I agree... Don't be a retard when you do it!
Old 11-26-2003, 08:26 PM
cpeapea's Avatar
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i used to street race a ton. dont anymore. but my question is, what does that wreck have to do with street racing? was the truck racing the bike? i know that wrecks can happen at races (lord knows ive seen enough) but im confused of the context of these pictures. besides unfortunatly you could post as many horror stories as you like but people are still going to do it.

i do agree with both grinomyte and l-menace
Old 11-26-2003, 10:42 PM
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Ouch. That sucks.
Old 11-26-2003, 10:44 PM
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Originally posted by captainoblivious
Ouch. That sucks.
I'm sure he didn't feel a thing
Old 11-26-2003, 10:49 PM
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I am really confused at this one.

No where does it say that anybody was street racing or screwing around.

Accidents happen everyday. How do you know the bike did not get a flat or drove over some oil.

This thread makes no sense to me.

If it was Documented street racing or more details , the MAYBE its relevent , but for now its just an accident.

Move along people, nothing to see here.

Old 11-26-2003, 11:06 PM
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i think i menace was trying to convey what the OUTCOME of a street race involving a bike COULD be. I know this is an L forum, but we all do drive a little on the fast side (it's kind of hard not to when you are driving a 400 or 500 hp vehicle).....just think if it was an L instead of a dump truck, and YOU were racing some SS or WS6 and crossed into oncoming traffic.....i know it's a stretch, but i think that's where he was going.....
Old 11-26-2003, 11:18 PM
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Originally posted by LightningCT
i think i menace was trying to convey what the OUTCOME of a street race involving a bike COULD be. I know this is an L forum, but we all do drive a little on the fast side (it's kind of hard not to when you are driving a 400 or 500 hp vehicle).....just think if it was an L instead of a dump truck, and YOU were racing some SS or WS6 and crossed into oncoming traffic.....i know it's a stretch, but i think that's where he was going.....
I here what your saying and agree 100%,

But those pics was of an accident that we have no details of. You can find these pics anywhere.

Old 11-26-2003, 11:28 PM
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People get killed all the time in car wrecks. There is no evidence of any racing and there are no details of the event.
Accidents happen and there is no predicting them many times. Any given person could pass on at any given time. When your number is called thats it.
Now as far as bikes go. I am in the motorcycle business. I see people all the time who are 1st time riders. They almost always come in wanting the biggest fastest sportbike out. People can't seem to understand you HAVE TO CRAWL BEFORE YOU WALK. They think they can just jump on something and "not use all the power." Heck, most riders could never use all the power in today's modern 600cc Sportbike. I try tro often times talk sense into people, but they don't want to start on a small bike because "I'll just have trade it in in 6 - 8 months anyway" or "it is not cool enough for me."
Antoher thing that gets me is "Wednesday night Bike night" These guys get together at the watering holes, get lit up and ride their bikes. Where is the sense in that? I mean it is great for the service department, every thursday I hear "so and so wrecked last night, or the bike comes in on a truck and the story is "I got run off the road by a car." Get real, they don't tell their insurance companies "I went to the bar last night, got drunk, tried to ride home, and couldn't keep the bike straight because I was wasted"

Sorry for the rant,
but if you think about it, most wrecks / accidents could be avoided with some thoughtfullness and less trying to be "cool" or fun while operating powerfull machinery.

Old 11-27-2003, 01:46 AM
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are people actually getting mad because someone put a post up to remind us how easy it is to lose a life over stupid shiot like racing fast.... grow up people dont tell him what to post or not to post when he gave u fair warning about it before u clicked.

thankyou I-menace i think that was a good reminder to all of us how our ***** can get the better of us somtime....
Old 11-27-2003, 01:59 AM
grinomyte's Avatar
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no one got mad, and it wasnt race related as far as i can see.
Old 11-27-2003, 02:13 AM
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Originally posted by bluelightning
My 6 year Old Nephew just seen the pic and is grosed out. This is a forum for truck info not making its members sick by accidently scrolling across gorre like that
Did you not read the prior posts that the pictures were graphic? I don't agree with pictures like that being posted on here, but only an idiot would let a 6 year old look on the internet after being warned and especially after you had previously veiwed the picture over an hour earlier. The only one to blame is yourself.

Last edited by MaxTorque02; 11-27-2003 at 02:17 AM.
Old 11-27-2003, 02:28 AM
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Originally posted by Tony Montana
are people actually getting mad because someone put a post up to remind us how easy it is to lose a life over stupid shiot like racing fast...

thankyou I-menace i think that was a good reminder to all of us how our ***** can get the better of us somtime....

I am not mad. Actually I can care less, but can you please explain to me how them pictures of a motorcycle hitting a truck has ANYTHING to do w/ me driving my L.


Old 11-27-2003, 02:46 AM
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Aw man, I just got backk from anight of a ltlle a$$ so my stomoch is already not feeling good, you made me just puke....

Thanks though i needed room for tomoorows turkey

Old 11-27-2003, 02:58 AM
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You know it gets really tiresome reading these self righteous bull***** post from people that own a 380HP (if it's still stock) truck. If speed upsets you that much why don't you sell it to buy a low horsepower econobox and go join MADD.

People seem to be able to look at a picture and know all about what happened. It seems the conclusion is alway street racing and incredible speed. Well I've got news for you. If you don't want to look like those pics then stay home and never drive again. That can happen to you going 20 mph under the right (or should I say wrong) conditions.

Here is a little story for you. My 2nd cousins only child died last Friday while riding his 3 wheeler. He was 15 years old and in the 9th grade. He had just finished his last season of junior varsity football with the high school coaches eager to put him on the varsity line next year. He was 5' 10" 285 lbs. but still just a kid. It was dusk or a touch later when he happened to be on a 2 lane road instead of the trails. A large truck hit him and knocked him off the 3 wheeler into the path of a car traveling the opposite direction. According to the newspaper the seat was still stuck in the grille of the truck much like those pics of the helmet. It was a closed casket viewing.

There was no street racing, incredible speeds or drunk driving involved just two heartbroken parents looking for some answers. Maybe some of the know-it-all's in this thread could help them out.

Last edited by LTNBOLT; 11-27-2003 at 03:05 AM.

Quick Reply: please don't race or screw around on the streets

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