2004 - 2008 F-150

Test drive was dissapointing !!!

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Old 01-15-2005, 09:54 PM
dg512055's Avatar
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Test drive was dissapointing !!!

I test drove a new 2005 FX4 supercab today. I have been driving Chevy for 15 years. I currently have a 1998 Z71 Ext. cab, all stock except BFG AT tires. I am looking at trading to Ford, so I went to the dealer to drive a new Ford. The truck looks fantastic and has impressive interior. But the ride quality fell way short of my expectations. It shook, vibrated and hobby-horsed for most of the first 4 mile drive with me and better half. Salesman then took truck for more gas and a short drive. They said take another route as the 4-lane we used first is kind of rough. I drove a route that took me to my place of employment and other areas with
smoother roads, The truck rode like a log-wagon most of the time. There would be stretches where we could imagine it was smooth, but mostly there was shaking that made the bed move around in the mirror with an amplitude of about 1 inch. It would acually become uncomfortable throught the seat and floor. The dealer tag stuck in the dash shook up and down against the windshield. The gas pedal noticalby shook my right foot. Dealer tried to explain flat spotting, but we put 30 miles on the truck and it never got better. (It has Goodyears on 18 inch). My dad showed up at the dealer to look at the same truck. (He drives an '03 F-250 7.3 diesel). He noticed something wrong in the first 100 yards. His F-250 is a cadillac compared to the F-150 we drove. The worst part is that I got back in my 7 year old 62,000 mile Z71, it was like night and day. My old Chevy rode MUCH, MUCH smoother and quieter that this truck.

My intention here is not to knock Ford, but to merely express a sad kind of dissapointment with the test drive experience. I did not yet drive other Ford truck because it was late in the day and the dealer did not have any other FWD I was interested in. They did tell me that they would check the tires and call me Monday for another drive. Dealer also said that this was common for the 1st 200 to 300 miles and the shaking would go away, and if it did not, they would balance / rotate / force / or replace the tires.

Has anyone else experienced this with FX4 trucks? Do other F-150's drive smoother than this? Should I give up and go the the Chevy dealer?

Old 01-15-2005, 10:04 PM
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Vast majority of the trucks are smooth as glass, ride/handle like a sports car. There are some ones with major issues out there, I ain't gonna sugarcoat it for you. If you really like the looks, etc. of a Ford, drive a couple more, and you should find one that rides normally. A lot of tire issues with these trucks, among other things. Hang around here for a few days, and you'll find out what to look for during a test drive.

above all, don't let a dealer give you a bs line about 'it will go away in a few hundred miles' and stuff like that. All they care about is their comission. after the sale, they let the service dept. worry about it. Don't buy one untill you test drive it and it is trouble free.

If you drive a couple more and still aren't happy with any of them, please do yourself and all of us a favor and don't buy it. Chevy, Ford, Dodge, and yes, even Nissan and Toyota build fine trucks. everybody also sends some real piles of junk out the factory doors as well. Buy whatever gives you that 'ah, that's nice' feeling as you drive down the road with it and be happy. Best of luck to you.
Old 01-15-2005, 10:18 PM
jbone108's Avatar
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The vibe will not go away after a couple hundres mile it will only get worse. I would find another truck. I have been fight ford sense I bought my new F150 to fix the vibe with no luck I'm now at 10000 miles. I love the truck and would buy one again in a minute just wish I could get rid of the vibe.
Old 01-15-2005, 10:25 PM
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Sounds pretty uncommon honestly. I have the luck of having to rent various types of vehicles on a very regular basis for work. Of those vehicles (Dodge, Chevy, Ford, etc...)(trucks specifically), the F-150 is easily the smoothest and quietest in my honest opinion.

I owned a 2001 SuperCrew prior to this 2005 SuperCrew and the ride quality difference between those two trucks is unbelievable. Even my wife, who NEVER notices vehicle similarites, made a comment about how much more smooth the new truck is versus the old one.

To put it in one member's terms that I read here at f150online.com, the old truck rides like a floor jack compared to this one.

So, in summary... I'm not sure what the deal was. The Chevrolets that I've rented in the past were honestly not on the same playing field on ride quality as the F-150. Maybe it has something to do with the FX4 packages' stiffer suspension? I've not personally driven an FX4; only XLTs and Lariats.

Bottom line is that you need to get what you want. Maybe it's another Chevrolet but, before you close the chapter on the Ford, test drive another one just to make sure.

Best of luck with your decision and welcome to f150online.com!!

Old 01-15-2005, 10:44 PM
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Before buying my 05 SCREW King Ranch I drove about 8 or 10 different F150 Super Crew trucks. One of the most compelling reasons to buy the F150 was how smooth the truck drives. My grandfather said it drives like a towncar. I hope I am not jinxing myself here because I have been reluctant to chime in on the "whos truck does not vibe" threads just for that reason. But this naked aggression will not stand. I know there are people with serious vibe problems but I just don't see it...fortunately.
Old 01-15-2005, 10:46 PM
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dg, there are some new model F-150's that have serious issues with chassis vibrations. Some have been lucky enough after many many service visits to have that corrected, others have not and eventually had the truck bought back by Ford.

My 2004 F-150 is absolutely flawless in ride an cabin quiteness. Just today I had 5 people in the truck and we took a 20 minute drive to go look at a new house. The real estate agent kept saying how amazing the truck's ride was, and how beautiful it was. My point being, is that the majority of F-150's are perfect and smooth, but the few that aren't are an absolute nightmare.

I think you should drive a few more and find one that has no vibration issues, and if you like it I would buy it without a second though. But DON'T let the dealer BS you about flatspotting or anything else, run away from that truck. Good luck and let us know what you decide!
Old 01-15-2005, 11:17 PM
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Troll alert!

One post and it is negative. Maybe he's someone who wandered here from the Titan message board. If you are for real, I would say that the truck you drove was defective. One thing to consider is that the FX4 has suspension tuned a little more for offroad than the other models. It will ride a little rougher...but not the way you describe.


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Old 01-16-2005, 12:15 AM
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As mentioned above, make sure to drive other F-150s....I had a Chevy before this too and all I can say is that my new Ford is the best looking exterior/interior, best riding, all around best truck I've ever seen or driven, I call my truck a 4x4 Towncar, it's so smooth and luxurious I feel spoiled every time I drive it. It doesn't even compare to my Chevy.....so much better. So make sure you drive another one, I'm sure it'll be better. Good luck!
Old 01-16-2005, 09:10 AM
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To go further on an earlier post.

New member, one [first] post to complain about the ride??

Odd, don't you think??

I know I repair all makes/models at my shop and the F150's ride the best and take less repair.

Now back to this ONE post. I know that if I went out and test drove, what ever, and didn't like it.....well why would I run home and do a search on the internet for a web page on that make/model just to post a compaint....I don't think so.

Sorry it doesn't add up. Just someone bashing a product.

Check his profile--First day he registered, first post, only post, first bashing, drives a cheby=BS
Old 01-16-2005, 09:22 AM
bmdavis3's Avatar
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Ride FX4

Sorry you had the problem!!I bought the 04 Fx4 and rides and drives better than my 03 Fx4 hands down..Mine has 7800 miles
and the only service I have done is replace tires because I ran over a peice of furniture that fell off the back of a saturn that should not have had a peice of furniture in the trunk!! It fell apart and I hit it lodging a total of 14 lag bolts into the cheap BFG's that came on truck..Had to be towed back to dealer and they gave me a choice of GY or M's I have Michelin Pilot LT on it now
and it even drives better on those...Give them another try...
Old 01-16-2005, 10:00 AM
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Hello ?? Where are you, dg512055?? I think we scare him/her

Old 01-16-2005, 10:09 AM
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Drop the Rancho shocks if you want a better ride. Maybe go try a Lariat and see if you like how it rides. Either the Ranchos are your problem, or you got a bad apple off the lot or you're just imagining things Mine is smoother and quieter than just about any car I've rode in - no joke.
Old 01-16-2005, 11:33 AM
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When I bought my brand new F-150 2wd Supercrew at the end of August, I had the same problem. My first mistake was that I didn't take the truck for a test drive. I know....I know....I should have taken it out. However, I was trading a 2000 supercab F-150 for a 2004 F-150 Supercrew, and since I've driven a 2004 supercrew at work, I didn't think I really needed a test drive. Well, when the salesman went to fill up the truck, I checked the paperwork (including the window stick that he handed me before he went to fill up). I noticed that the truck had sat on the lot since January! Also, the odometer was at 8-miles. And it is a 2wd. All of that, to me, meant that it probably hadn't been driven at all (when I asked the salesman, he stated that he didn't know for sure...though they went through three batteries getting it started! It had sat for awhile.... :-)). O.k....when I drove the truck off the lot and headed home, I got on the interstate and noticed that the truck shook something awful! I almost went back to the dealer and complained! However, I figured I'd drive it for awhile and see what happens as I reasoned I probably had a flat spot in the tire. Sure enough, by the time I got home (80-miles from the dealership), the shaking wasn't evident anymore.
So...my purpose in writing is this: At least in my case, there was some truth to the fact that the tire had a flat spot in it (it was the passenger side front tire). Other than that, this truck is the best riding, most comfortable, and best designed vehicle I've ever owned. Yep...I did change the tires on my truck as I really don't care for the Continental/General brand. I did that four months AFTER the flat spot incident. I agree with Copenhagen848, test drive another truck. To assume that all the new Fords don't measure up because of one incident with one truck, isn't a fair way to judge the new F-150's. Just my opinion....
Old 01-16-2005, 11:57 AM
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When I test drove my XLT 4X4, it had been sitting a long while and it shook, vibrated and the brakes made a grinding sound as I drove it. I bought it with the assurance that any problems would be corrected if they didn't go away. After I drove it a couple of days locally, the brakes smoothed out when the rust wore off, the tires smoothed out and it has been smooth as glass ever since.
Old 01-16-2005, 12:34 PM
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Are you serious in your question . " Should I just forget it and go to a Chevy dealer?".
What you experienced is uncommon. But I am willing to bet you do not buy the Ford. Or if you do, you will be one who comes here to do nothing but complain about your purchase. I suggest you do go back to your Chevy dealer.
This is just my opinion, but you did ask for it didn't you??

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