‘WSJ’: New Raptor ‘Frivolous’ But Awesome

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'WSJ': New Raptor 'Frivolous' But Awesome

Wall Street Journal Presents a City Slicker’s Take on New Ford Raptor

New York City represents a different world than what most of us know and love. Night never falls, noise never stops, and instead of smelling nature when you wake up, you smell garbage. So it’s no surprise that a New Yorker would have a different take on the new Raptor than most. And we get to see Ford’s new off road beast cast in an entirely different light thanks to Dan Neil of The Wall Street Journal.

We here at F-150 Online prefer to call the new Raptor “revolutionary” and “rock solid.” Neil refers to it as a “frivolous man-toy,” and “especially awing in width.” He even goes so far as to say that the Raptor is “more than a little ridiculous when it’s out of its element,” admitting “I wouldn’t want to deliver pizzas in it.”


Even the most hardened city slicker thinks the Raptor is an awesome ride
— even if they do consider it ‘frivolous.’


These, of course, are all hilarious and irrelevant comments to dyed-in-the-wool truck fans. After all, while parallel parking a truck in downtown Manhattan might prove slightly difficult, the Raptor isn’t too big to go anywhere. That includes navigating a parking garage while looking for that elusive empty spot so you can enjoy a detoxifying juice cleanse while on break from your high stress tech job.

But even though he may fail to fully understand real truck owners, Neil can’t help but succumb to the allure of the mighty Ford Raptor. He admits that the truck is “well-sorted, comfortable, [and] quiet,” and its appearance “practically seethes badass.” But he feels that most Raptor owners will never actually flog their trucks off road, for fear of destroying them.

Neil’s comments fully demonstrate the wide disconnect that has formed between overcrowded cities and the rest of the world. But it’s also proof that even to the most hardened city slicker, the Raptor is still an awesome ride — even if they do consider it “frivolous.”

Brett Foote has been covering the automotive industry for over five years and is a longtime contributor to Internet Brands’ Auto Group sites, including Chevrolet Forum, Rennlist, and Ford Truck Enthusiasts, among other popular sites.

He has been an automotive enthusiast since the day he came into this world and rode home from the hospital in a first-gen Mustang, and he's been wrenching on them nearly as long.

In addition to his expertise writing about cars, trucks, motorcycles, and every other type of automobile, Brett had spent several years running parts for local auto dealerships.

You can follow along with his builds and various automotive shenanigans on Instagram: @bfoote.

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