MY RIDE! A 2010 Ford F-150 SuperCrew V8

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The Ford F-150 is one of the greatest rides out there, and it really ought to be treated as such. While it isn’t the fastest around a track, the flashiest ride at the car show, or the most expensive truck to buy, it has its own perks that make it worthy of renown. Just to name a few, the rig is durable, dependable, affordable, and great at its job. It’s hard to get much better than that!

Today we’ll be stepping into the garage of F150Online member darekr and taking a closer look at his wonderful Ford F-150 that lies within!


Darekr is the proud owner of a 2010 Ford F-150 SuperCrew with a 5.4L motor and a long bed. It didn’t take long after he purchased the ride to begin customizing it and making it his own. As it sits now, the truck has a Roush exhaust and 2013 Style power folding tow mirrors. We’d definitely say that his F-150 looks pretty great.


Go stop by darekr’s garage and leave some comments, browse the photography, and have a great time! Be sure to keep your garage up to date and maybe you’ll be featured next week on MY RIDE!

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