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Sundevil2188 04-09-2009 01:16 AM

Originally Posted by jrfonte (Post 3671333)
shame on yall for picking on that poor kid

He asked for it with his "Im 16 and am way better then you" attitude.

Low_e_Red 04-09-2009 03:58 AM

Originally Posted by Sundevil2188 (Post 3676462)
haha this clown went back and edited his post after I straight up called him out on it? Way to take it like a man. LMFAO I leave for like 4 days all kinds of hilarity ensues.

But on the topic of the off topic, school these days do suck. Hopefully the next generation of teachers (my major) can turn things around. Dont worry you old fogies, I rep the old school well.

Ahh hell, now I know the school systems are gonna be screwed in 3 years....

jrfonte 04-09-2009 07:07 AM

Originally Posted by Sundevil2188 (Post 3676464)
He asked for it with his "Im 16 and am way better then you" attitude.

oh! :eek: well i didnt see that tear into his a** guys

phiphi45 04-09-2009 10:06 AM

its amazing how someone can get mad about someones attitude when they come on here and tell us they will save us if every teacher can be as amazing as they will be.....right

efuehrin 04-09-2009 10:10 AM

Originally Posted by phiphi45 (Post 3676744)
its amazing how someone can get mad about someones attitude when they come on here and tell us they will sae us if every teacher can be as amazing as they will be.....right



Sundevil2188 04-09-2009 12:03 PM

Originally Posted by phiphi45 (Post 3676744)
its amazing how someone can get mad about someones attitude when they come on here and tell us they will sae us if every teacher can be as amazing as they will be.....right

so your saying we should allow kids to have these piss poor attiudes? Ive seen it first hand man, my lill bro is the same way. He thinks that the world revolves around him and that his **** dont stink. He thought no rules applied to him and he could do whateve the F%$* he wanted. This punk is the same way...no respect for anyone other then themselves. Adults today coddle their kids, and the ones that do punish them get accussed of bull**** like child abuse or endagerment. I was raised to have respect for my elders even if I dont agree with what they say. Its called manners.

Sundevil2188 04-09-2009 12:03 PM

Originally Posted by Low_e_Red (Post 3676552)
Ahh hell, now I know the school systems are gonna be screwed in 3 years....


Jditta 04-09-2009 12:18 PM

Originally Posted by Sundevil2188 (Post 3676911)
so your saying we should allow kids to have these piss poor attiudes? Ive seen it first hand man, my lill bro is the same way. He thinks that the world revolves around him and that his **** dont stink. He thought no rules applied to him and he could do whateve the F%$* he wanted. This punk is the same way...no respect for anyone other then themselves. Adults today coddle their kids, and the ones that do punish them get accussed of bull**** like child abuse or endagerment. I was raised to have respect for my elders even if I dont agree with what they say. Its called manners.

I agree

pylda 04-09-2009 12:42 PM

As a HS teacher, I am around these "kids" each and everyday. There is definitely a difference between the kids here now than when I was here. To go along with all of the negative reasons already listed, there are a lot of good qualities that HS kids have now that I didn't when I was in school. Some of you do not have anything to really base your opinions on regarding HS kids these days. I guess I am young enough to relate to most of them.

By the way, I graduated HS in 2000.

04screw22s 04-09-2009 03:59 PM

anyway...not to go off topic...has anyone asked him how the kicker sounds?

jrfonte 04-09-2009 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by Sundevil2188 (Post 3676911)
so your saying we should allow kids to have these piss poor attiudes? Ive seen it first hand man, my lill bro is the same way. He thinks that the world revolves around him and that his **** dont stink. He thought no rules applied to him and he could do whateve the F%$* he wanted. This punk is the same way...no respect for anyone other then themselves. Adults today coddle their kids, and the ones that do punish them get accussed of bull**** like child abuse or endagerment. I was raised to have respect for my elders even if I dont agree with what they say. Its called manners.

x2 but i raise my 10 yr old like i was raised with a firm hand when he needs it. i see alot of kids nowdays in stores and stuff backtalking there parents and telling them to shut up and stuff and just think wow if i would have done that to my parents when i was there age i would have been beat down in the store and when i got home but because of that i have respect for others that most kids dont have these days. there is way to much of sparing the rod and spoiling the child these days. imo

dumontdude10 04-09-2009 05:31 PM

Originally Posted by Sundevil2188 (Post 3676911)
so your saying we should allow kids to have these piss poor attiudes? Ive seen it first hand man, my lill bro is the same way. He thinks that the world revolves around him and that his **** dont stink. He thought no rules applied to him and he could do whateve the F%$* he wanted. This punk is the same way...no respect for anyone other then themselves. Adults today coddle their kids, and the ones that do punish them get accussed of bull**** like child abuse or endagerment. I was raised to have respect for my elders even if I dont agree with what they say. Its called manners.

dude u dont know ***** about me i dont have a piss poor attitude. I'm not ur lil bro. i know rules apply to me who said they dont. i know my ***** stinks and so does urs. and i do have respect for elders this is the first thing that ive actually got to do for my self. i ve put everyone first. ive been busting my a$$ helping my dad since i was 8. for the last 5 yr ive gotten nothin for my self ive given all my that wasnt in my back to my parents and grandma trying to help out on bills. every time i did something wrong like talk back or yell i got my a$$ beat. so dont FV&%!ng say i dont have manners. for tyhe last 3 yrs ive been trough hell. my mom lost her high paying job at GE. my grandpa died. my dads the only one working. i cant find a job cuz no ones hiring. My mom just broke her leg iv been ever beck and call making sure shes ok not gunna hurt he self more. iv only gotten about 10 hrs of sleep this whole week. I said i was sorry and everything then u come in here start been and a$$hole to me saying i dont respect any one only thinking about me. You dont know me so u shouldnt talk. this is the easiest way to lose peopl from this web site. ever since i was 8 i have never talked back to any one in my life untill now. im not spoiled like most people think i am I pay for EVERYTHING i have. i paid for my quad my rc car my truck everything because i worked my a$$ off mowing yards and building houses trying to save money for me to do things because my mom and dad cant really give it to me. im just pissed that u think every hs kid is like ur bro maybe UR bro is the one that need an attitude adjustment.

dumontdude10 04-09-2009 05:36 PM

Originally Posted by 04screw22s (Post 3677274)
anyway...not to go off topic...has anyone asked him how the kicker sounds?

it sounds really good.

phiphi45 04-09-2009 05:36 PM

thats not what i said, maybe you should read my post again. what i meant was dont get on here with your underwear in a bunch about someones attitude being ****y and then say well when there are more teachers like me the world will be better....same attitude different age

dumontdude10 04-09-2009 05:41 PM

Originally Posted by phiphi45 (Post 3677403)
thats not what i said, maybe you should read my post again. what i meant was dont get on here with your underwear in a bunch about someones attitude being ****y and then say well when there are more teachers like me the world will be better....same attitude different age

nvm i thought u were talking about meand what i just said :/

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