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FlashmasterK 04-27-2010 11:17 AM

Okay, profiling in general, whether its race, gender, age, whatever, still. Its a good thing, helps you make better decisions by playing the odds.

Bluejay 04-27-2010 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by FlashmasterK (Post 4194566)
Okay, profiling in general, whether its race, gender, age, whatever, still. Its a good thing, helps you make better decisions by playing the odds.

Agreed. Just using good judgement and common sense to lowere risk. Works until the 95 year old GM pulls a 45 and demands your cash. :lol:

FlashmasterK 04-27-2010 11:30 AM

haha, right?

There will always be exceptions, granted. But if we dont profile, we are treating everyone like they are all the same, when that is obviously not the case. But for some reason, we are so hung up on doing just that, treating everyone the same. Everyone should have the same oportunites, the same advantages.

61Tbird 04-27-2010 12:02 PM


donbeeler49 04-27-2010 12:34 PM

I live in southern AZ and things are really out of control. It's about time they inforce the laws and prosecute illegals. It costs this state a fortune to care and educate people that don't belong here. Cops are not gonna go out of their way to see if your illegal. But if they get cause "breaking a law" then they will be investigated. If the Feds would have patrolled the border thirty years ago and businesses wouldn't have hired illegals in the first place we wouldn't be in the mess we are in now. I really think all the companies that hire illegals should have their property siezed upon the second offense for hiring illegals then auctioned off and the money put into the state coffers.
The first offense would be 10K minimum for each illegal they hired.

K-Mac Attack 04-27-2010 01:26 PM

Ok I had to chime in here...especially Super FX4 thinks I am a communist. :)

First off the law is racial profiling. Lets not sugar coat it and try to make it something it isn't. It singles out a group of people.

That said, I don't have a problem with the spirit of the law. I agree that if you are here illegally then you should be sent back to where you belong. We cannot afford to take care of people that aren't our own citizens.

I do have concerns about how the law will be applied. I can see where people could easily be harassed about their origin just because they are Latino. It could become very intrusive for people.

Ideally it would be a secondary enforcement procedure. Like if they pull you over for speeding to double check citizenship would be fine.

I see this kind of like the DUI checkpoints they will do from time to time here in the Chicago area. They snarl traffic up for miles to check every driver out. Kind of overkill.

Bottom line is though...if it weeds out those that don't belong here and has a positive impact then I have no problem enacting nationwide...not just Arizona.

It needs to be done on a broader scale though. It isn't just Latinos that are here illegally...many people who you would never guess are as well. Maybe it is time to issue National Identification cards.

FX41 04-27-2010 01:37 PM

Originally Posted by K-Mac Attack (Post 4194747)
Ok I had to chime in here...especially Super FX4 thinks I am a communist. :)

First off the law is racial profiling. Lets not sugar coat it and try to make it something it isn't. It singles out a group of people.

That said, I don't have a problem with the spirit of the law. I agree that if you are here illegally then you should be sent back to where you belong. We cannot afford to take care of people that aren't our own citizens.

I do have concerns about how the law will be applied. I can see where people could easily be harassed about their origin just because they are Latino. It could become very intrusive for people.

Ideally it would be a secondary enforcement procedure. Like if they pull you over for speeding to double check citizenship would be fine.

I see this kind of like the DUI checkpoints they will do from time to time here in the Chicago area. They snarl traffic up for miles to check every driver out. Kind of overkill.

Bottom line is though...if it weeds out those that don't belong here and has a positive impact then I have no problem enacting nationwide...not just Arizona.

It needs to be done on a broader scale though. It isn't just Latinos that are here illegally...many people who you would never guess are as well. Maybe it is time to issue National Identification cards.

The only group of people that this law singles out is the group that breaks the law. It is a secondary offense. Much like a DUI, you have to do a lot wrong to get one, you can't be pulled over, just becuase an officer thinks you are drunk, they have to probably cause, like swerving, speeding etc, etc, This is just the same. You will not get deported for being latino, you will get deported for being illegal. It does not matter if your white, black, chinese, if you do not have the proper documentation to be here legally: :wave:

P.S. I have gotten two autogenerated replies from my governor and my representative, nothing from the congressman.

Stealth 04-27-2010 02:28 PM

It singles out a group of people.
Yes, illegal immigrants. :coffee:

AZ Mr. Bill 04-27-2010 02:36 PM

I do not consider it racial profiling when over 90% of this people that are illegal immigrants in Arizona are Mexicans. I call it a coincidence.

If you have ever been to Phoenix, you would see how the illegal population has destroyed this city. You can hardly go through some neighborhoods in this city without your windows rolled up and a loaded pistol beside you, and this is during the day. There are some areas that even the police will not go into when the bullets start flying. And these are cops that have been in the war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan.

How bad is the illegal immigrant problem here? Just yesterday in Phoenix, an illegal drop house was raided and 24 illegals found. This is a weekly thing in this town, not to mention the illegals in the back of pickups that bail and flee like roaches once the vehicle is stopped. There are areas of Phoenix where Spanish is the offical language of the area. Go to any government office or hospital and the majority of those getting government aid are speaking Spanish, and very possibly illegal. Your tax dollars squanderred.

I applaud our governor and our legislature for passing SB1070. Now, there are illegals already leaving for California and other 'more illegal friendly' states, or they are returning to Mexico, and the bill has not became law yet.

Just 4 years ago, as part of a group, I took a tour of the US border with Mexico in Arizona. At that time, there were parts of the 'border fence' that were 3 strands of barbed wire laying on the ground. Many areas DID NOT have any fencing at all. And I did not see any Border Patrol agents in the areas.

I say this bill is the tip of the iceberg. Let's get that border fence up, just like an Israeli border fence. Then lets reform our immigration policy to more closely match Mexico's immigration policies. What is good for them is good for us.

FATHERFORD 04-27-2010 03:22 PM

Unless the border fence is constructed like the great wall of china, I don't see a fence doing much good except wasting tax payers money.

I'm more for the "mine field" idea myself.

dirt bike dave 04-27-2010 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by AZ Mr. Bill (Post 4194860)
ILet's get that border fence up, just like an Israeli border fence.

Looks like the virtual border fence project has been put on hold.


nonwoven29 04-27-2010 03:57 PM

Nice I love it well stated. I just sent Congressman Heller of Nevada an email about the AZ law.:beers::beers:

Originally Posted by Super FX4 (Post 4194262)
It is a guarantee that someone will enter this thread stating that:

We should not be profiling
We should not do it this way
We should not send them back
We should make them legal

It is also a great chance that this same person will be a person that is in favor of a big government 'to look after us' and 'to help the poor'. There is one small problem though...

Back in the early 1900's we had this thing called Open Borders and people could freely enter and exit a free country called the USA. As the USA approached the mid 1900's, these things called 'social programs' were enacted. These were along the lines of SS and unemployment at the time. The USA soon found out that people were flocking to the USA to gain the social program status. Then we started down the road of big government spending, taxing, and debt because of these things.

The USA made an effort to cut off these borders so that it would stop draining the country. So the root of this problem is that government, the same government that enacted these social programs, cut off the borders (or atleast tried).

So now we have this problem... There is ONLY one way to stop this problem without using force or removing someone's rights. We must go back to a country that has absolutely NO social programs and then open up the borders. If we have no social programs, then the ones that do not have good intentions will stay in their home countries. The ones that want to better themselves would come here and begin producing which would help our economy.

nonwoven29 04-27-2010 04:04 PM

To TRUE LMAO :thumbsup::rocker:

Originally Posted by FATHERFORD (Post 4194925)
Unless the border fence is constructed like the great wall of china, I don't see a fence doing much good except wasting tax payers money.

I'm more for the "mine field" idea myself.

dirt bike dave 04-27-2010 04:46 PM

While very effective at controlling illegal immigration, mine fields and Great Walls could be bad for the environment.

If saving the nation means harming the environment, well, then, the nation will just have to fall. You can't go disrupting the migration patterns of the desert kit fox just because you want to save the nation.

nonwoven29 04-27-2010 05:07 PM

I hear what you’re saying Dave but we can’t have them sucking the life out of use either. My daughter is 7months old now and all I can think is I better start putting away 10% of my pay for private schooling. I hate this if I cam her illegal I would get free health care, a home for free or for next to nothing, I could expect every one else to speak my language could expect to get the red carpet rolled out for me and all because I wasn’t born hear hell I could expect the Government to give me a hefty hand in getting a business. SCREW THIS CRAP I’m sick of them running back to there country after they rape are woman, doing all sorts of other unspeakable horrors. This is one of the main reasons I got my CCW in the first place but first and foremost the protection of my family. Let’s not rip up Mother Nature lets think smarter not work harder.

Originally Posted by dirt bike dave (Post 4195022)
While very effective at controlling illegal immigration, mine fields and Great Walls could be bad for the environment.

If saving the nation means harming the environment, well, then, the nation will just have to fall. You can't go disrupting the migration patterns of the desert kit fox just because you want to save the nation.

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