A Twin-Turbo Lightning Yetti is Not a Beast You Mess With

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“Making a car go fast is pretty cool, but making a big truck go fast is badass.” Those are the wise words of Jimmy Dolan, lover of speed and owner of this beautifully wild twin-turbo Ford Lightning. It’s nicknamed “Yetti,” and Dolan had no idea what a beast it would become when he bought it stock.

The first mod was a tune from Total Induction Tuning Solutions, but Dolan was inspired by a turbo truck he saw at the shop. Before he found the correct powerplant, he set up the chassis for bigger power, then ordered a 417-cubic-inch small-block Ford from Bennett Racing Engines. Two 88mm Bullseye Power Turbos and a Turbo 400 transmission later, and the 3,900-pound Lightning is running 4.99-second 1/8-miles at 147 mph.

Dragzine has some more details on what the next plans for the Yetti are right here.

via [Dragzine]

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