Ford Monster Comes Truck Rescues Neighbor from Houston Floods

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This is definitely not something you see every day! As most of you have probably heard — whether you heard about it through news networks, friends or family members, or some form of technology that we’re sure you have — Texas is getting hit pretty hard right about now.

Severe thunderstorms are rocking the area, which, due to the limestone that lies only a small distance under the ground, is causing a great deal of flooding. While many pictures and stories have certainly surfaced out of the recent chaos, this story is definitely our favorite!


Why, you might ask? Well, this story has to do with a Ford truck. Actually, it has to do with a Ford monster truck. Because what else would you be cruising around in when the land turns to sea?

While some people might give “rafts” or “kayaks” as an answer, we’ll counter by saying that they’re no fun. After all, who wouldn’t want to drive their lifted beast around the water-filled roads of Houston? We certainly would!


Nonetheless, this wasn’t a scenic drive in the countryside. Well, whatever is left of the countryside, which never really existed in Houston in the first place. No — this was a daring rescue! The owner of this Ford monster truck set out with the purpose of rescuing his neighbor.

The mission had its risks, since in flood waters this deep it was perfectly plausible that even this massive beast could be swept away! Thankfully, that didn’t happen. In fact, the “redneck rescue” was ultimately a success, and certainly drew the attention of the media!


It drew our attention too, since this is after all, another testament to the outstanding brand that is Ford. While Houston is still suffering from these terrible floods, it’s nice to know that the good ol’ neighborhood redneck is out helping the town! Feel free to read more on the story here!

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