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Skagel 03-20-2002 12:01 PM

500th post!!! Man, I need another hobbie!
500 posts here at f150online and this isn't the only f150 website I post at...I need another hobbie.....any suggestions?

Rockpick 03-20-2002 01:22 PM

Maybe get out and drive your damn truck... lol. It can't stay garage kept forever.

Skagel 03-20-2002 01:44 PM

good suggestion, but it is gonna snow tomorrow...and with snow comes salt....and with salt comes cancer.....tomas will not be getting cancer at his young vibrant age.

LINYScrew 03-20-2002 07:03 PM

Congrats on your 500th. By the way take the truck out, even if its only for a little while before it snows.

Hey Skagel! you going to NY soon? Where and When?

Rockpick 03-20-2002 09:40 PM

Pictures of a MINT TOMAS in the snow would be awesome... White background... MINT TRUCK.... sounds like a FORD Ad waiting to happen...

All the guys and I have been talking about you and your truck via email.... we figure it'll be more cost effective to moth ball your truck thus, you'll be seeing a truck full of mothballs at your home in Michigan soon. Heck, we figured you never drive the thing for fear of 'EVERYTHING'... may as well preserve your investment.

Skagel 03-21-2002 08:12 AM

Yuck..hate the smell of mothballs, but maybe a huge cedar box for him would be kinda cool!!! And ya wanta talk about preserving ones investments....mom's truck which she purchased at christmas has 153 mile on her....

I am flying into the JFK saturday afternoon...I work on the 29th floor on Madison and 23rd i believe the cross street is. Anyways I will be there all week...I do analyst work for TOYOTA!!! oh and because of my obsession with tomas one of my coworkers traded in his little penis mobile (BMW) for a scab KR....haven't seen it yet, but it is chestnut. I think he got it in the 2-wheel drive.....anyways if I have time I will snap some pic's of it because...well, not sure about ya'll but I want to see the scab KR...

TroyK 03-21-2002 08:11 PM

Originally posted by Skagel
Yuck..hate the smell of mothballs, but maybe a huge cedar box for him would be kinda cool!!! And ya wanta talk about preserving ones investments....mom's truck which she purchased at christmas has 153 mile on her....

I am flying into the JFK saturday afternoon...I work on the 29th floor on Madison and 23rd i believe the cross street is. Anyways I will be there all week...I do analyst work for TOYOTA!!! oh and because of my obsession with tomas one of my coworkers traded in his little penis mobile (BMW) for a scab KR....haven't seen it yet, but it is chestnut. I think he got it in the 2-wheel drive.....anyways if I have time I will snap some pic's of it because...well, not sure about ya'll but I want to see the scab KR...

yuck!!!! i can't stand cedar because it reminds me of how a hamster cage smells...barf!

Rockpick 03-21-2002 08:39 PM

LMAO.. hampster cage...

Skagel, Like mother... like daughter.. (*153 miles*). Hell, she doesn't drive hers either..

YOU WORK FOR TOYOTA?!? Oh dear lord...

Skagel 03-22-2002 09:25 AM

yes, I work for Toyota.....they love the fact I configure all the screen savers in the office with pictures of tomas!!!

and once I had to do some work at the Ford world headquarters in Dearborn...guess what I drove to work?....the hyundai.....yep...and I parked it right next to a nissan.....

pkagel 03-22-2002 12:13 PM

just put a ford badge on the hundai, nobody up there would know what it was because you never see them up there anyway. they'd just think it was some obscure little ford that they didn't know about.

Skagel 03-22-2002 12:26 PM

yes, pkagel I have thought about that....but I love getting those WTF is that looks.....since I shaved off the identifying hyundai marks it makes it difficult for non foreign car driven people to know what the heck my hyundai is.

ya just gotta keep them guessing!:D but howabout I put a KR badge on it...hehehee...or a sticker that says, "when I grow up I wanna be a Ford"

pkagel 03-22-2002 01:53 PM

i kinda like the rkanch badge idea, you could put the nice leather in it and really screw with those guys at the plant.:D

LINYScrew 03-22-2002 10:09 PM

A Hyundai with the KR interior, that's a picture I
don't even want to think about.

DBubba 03-23-2002 12:47 AM

Garage Kept
Hey Skagel,

Don't take the comments about keeping him "pinned up" to hard. I bought a '95 F150 S/C to drive to and from work to keep the miles mud and damage off of mine. Its safe and clean and ready to go on a sunny day. A few wipes with the duster and I'm ready to go " in the nice truck". My freinds call the 95 my "****ter"... and its a pretty nice truck. <G>

Skagel 03-23-2002 07:00 AM

yeah sure I'll invest that kinda money in the hyundai....just like a ricer to pay more for the mods then the car is actually worth....hell the watch I wear is worth more then my hyundai so any mod would cost more then the car itself.

thanks DBubba fo stickin' up for me.....since nobody else would!:(

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