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Skagel 10-12-2001 10:25 AM

Oh a little note for those of you who own the charcol blue KR. my neighbor is a retired chemical engineer from BASF. he took part in creating that paint. He talks very highly of it. I hope he is right.

TroyK 10-13-2001 05:38 AM

hey skagel,

i can definitely say that i'm glad i picked the charcoal colour!! i've gotten tons of compliments on it. however, it was a tough choice. the chestnut and estate green are both very nice too. however, the exclusivity of the blue is what swayed me the most...i don't think it is available on any other ford product at this time. cheers!

Skagel 10-13-2001 06:31 AM

Originally posted by TroyK
hey skagel,

i can definitely say that i'm glad i picked the charcoal colour!! i've gotten tons of compliments on it. however, it was a tough choice. the chestnut and estate green are both very nice too. however, the exclusivity of the blue is what swayed me the most...i don't think it is available on any other ford product at this time. cheers!

i must say ditto on the choice of paint. i also like the fact that it changes color just by changing the angle you are looking at it.

i have had my baby for three weeks now and i still wake up in the middle of the night just to go out to the garage to look at him:D

DAVEMAN 10-13-2001 06:50 AM

Hey Skagel,

I was at my dealer yesterday getting my other two tires changed out, you know the Wrangler AT/Ss. I got all five now 'cause they had two defective ones almost two weeks ago that they just couldn't get to balance out. Anyway, how I digress.......While there, I started to list all the items I wanted to get fixed and the truck happened to be up in the air at least 4 feet and I got a clear shot under the passenger door and just above the step. Man was I pissed, found some more of that masking tape and said holly ****.

There was no trim color paint from the hinge part of the door all the way to the other end at the bottom. I told the dealer and he said, well, no one can see that so that's why they leave it like that. Bull crap! That **** is going to get painted along with my whole damn hood too but that's a whole other story.

Have you ever read my thread on 2001 quality problems, it is pretty scary, if you get a chance you should read it if you haven't already.

On the lighter side.

Are you sure Thomas is not just some dude with blue eyes you go to see in that garage? Some of the guys reading these posts are probably thinkin' man I wish I was Thomas! I guess you like to keep the dudes thinkin' but that's kinda hard when our brains loose oxygen due to blood being directed elsewhere, hehehe.



DAVEMAN 10-13-2001 04:03 PM

Okay guys,

This time you’re probably wondering if I'm bragging or complaining. Believe you me, I'm complaining. I was at my dealer yesterday and was having both of my new Wrangler AT/Ss tires mounted on the rear, long story but while the truck was up on the rack, I noticed some additional paint problems that I had missed before. This looks so obvious now but if you are not looking for them you can't see them. Either way, this has totally pissed me off and they will either fix the problems or I'm going to the next level and seek the help of an attorney. I will probably add this stuff to the thread I already started about Ford’s Super Crew quality going to hell. How could someone doing this kind of crappy work sleep at night knowing that some sucker is going to end up with his handy work?

Here are the links to the photos that I’m reluctant to show but somehow I’m hoping that by bringing this to light that Ford will do something here. Plus you guys can look and check yours to make sure this is not a problem with many trucks.

Opinions and comments are welcomed. Be easy on me though for not finding the additional problems until now, I guess I’ll never give Ford the benefit of the doubt again before I spend hours looking under something before I buy it.

But you know, even if I would have found the problems before taking delivery, the dealer would have told me the same thing, we’ll fix anything that you find is unacceptable to you and that goes for almost any part of the truck. With all what the dealers tell us, then why should we be pissed? I guess it’s just our expectations are too high for the first impressions to be anything less than spectacular quality.
Do you want to know what really bothers me more than the flaws in my truck? While I was waiting at the dealership yesterday, they were auctioning off a 2002 Thunderbird and man is that car beautiful and the fit/finish is immaculate and that goes for the inside as well as the outside. I noticed that the MSRP on the ride is only a couple thousand more than my KR, yet you couldn’t find a single flaw in the paint or for the whole car for that matter. BTW the beginning bid started at MSRP, which was over $39k. My contact at the dealer told me there were at least 8 people who wanted the same car and that is what sparked the auction in the first place. The dealer was expecting to get offers of well over $45k. Now, to get to the part that bothers me. Why the hell should the owner of a $37.5k KR truck have to deal with paint issues like the ones I’ve had to deal with. The trucks must have a hell of a lot of profit in them if Ford can deliver 10 times the inside and outside quality on a 2002 Thunderbird and let the paint as well as a lot of other quality features fall short of exceptional.


logical 10-13-2001 05:18 PM

I left my $ .02 in the other post.

DAVEMAN 10-13-2001 05:40 PM

Hey logical,

Thanks for the reply; you must be the master of brevity too.

How about visit that thread again 'cause I've added more stuff that you may not have seen yet. There are several questions that I would appreciate if you answered for me as well as anyone else who can add something helpful.

On a different subject, I'm thinkin' of getting myself a another handgun. I haven't had one for over 20 years, I would kind of like to get something with a clip, got any suggestions like size, semi-automatic vs dual action, magazine capacity, plating etc.?

Let me know if you think I should start a new thread on this topic and I will do it so we can continue this conversation if you think it's necessary.



logical 10-13-2001 06:55 PM

yeah, a separate thread in general discussion is probably a good idea so you will get more than just my 2 cents. Whan you say a clip you are saying a semi-auto which come in single action or double action and even double action only. semi auto means it feeds itself ammo from a magazine (or clip) and the actions I think you understand.

If you want to carry it and are willing to practice the operation of it, I suggest a double action only semi-auto in stainless in either 9mm or .40. If you want a simple to operate, fairly easy to carry (but not quite as thin as some semi-autos) gun , get a taurus or smith & wesson titanium 5-shot revolver in 38 special. Errrrr...this is getting too long...I'll wait for the new thread and go see what you posted in the other area about your paint.

Skagel 10-13-2001 07:34 PM

ok guys. i have a little info on our paint complaints and i assure you unless you haven't opened the hood of your truck you have them. it is not just the kr or screws it is all trucks, and all vehicles that ford makes. i got that one straight from a ford employee. it is just how they build them now. it is cheaper for them. in our cost cutting economy ford has stopped doing a lot of things. i am sorry to say there is little we can do accept write letters, send emails, and make phone calls. and if you are fortunate to live around dearborn like me get in some faces. my plans for my truck is getting my hands on my paint (hopefully auto zone carries the charcol blue) not sure, but if you open your door you will get the color code. that is the code you will need to match your paint

TroyK 10-14-2001 04:24 AM


it does appear that your truck suffers from alot of paint problems. i'm almost afraid to take a closer look at mine!! but i will this weekend just to see if the underbelly looks as bad as yours. my kr does share your two tone cut-line mis-match that they try to cover up with the pinstripes. like i said before, so far my kr is better, paintwise, than the traded in xlt...hopefully more investigation won't turn up any bad news!! i'll keep you all filled in.

logical 10-14-2001 01:26 PM

First, I agree it looks bad and like I say, eventually I'll cover mine. If you look at your truck I bet you'll see that the rear edge of each door, especially the rear doors are lower than the adjacent panel. When the truck is painted the doors of course have no glass, trim, etc. in them so they are set in the body shop to be slightly high in the rear.....kinda like an unlatched lamborgini door would look. That way once all the weight is added they are at least close to being alligned and sealing and just need minor tweaking. So a straight tape line at the factory comes out looking like a crooked one...make sense? I don't know an easy way to avoid this but I really think they instead need to go to tape that wraps the edges and hides this situation.

TroyK 10-14-2001 11:19 PM

logical, et al...

i understand what you are saying. however, seems to me that with all the technology we have these days, ford should be able to do a better job. btw, i checked under my truck this evening and it appears to be fine. no missing paint, or tape still attached. the paint on the underneith is of a rougher texture like that on the lower doors but i imagine that is to minimize damage from rocks and stuff...


i never really looked closely under my xlt s-crew, but i do remember pulling masking tape off from underneith one of the doors. makes me wonder if that truck suffered from the same "anomolies?" as your truck. keep us all informed!

dufunnel 10-15-2001 10:21 AM

I'd like to see the new bench seat that the 2002's have. I haven't found anyone yet that has taken any pictures. Someone have any or can take some?

Skagel 10-15-2001 10:47 AM

i have a 2002 kr and opted for the four captians chairs. i didn't like the look of the 60/40 split bench in the back. the 2002 brocure shows the pic. i am afraid you might be dispointed as i was. just my personal opinion though.

Lost Pup 10-17-2001 10:34 AM

I have been visiting local dealers to review various Screw options as I prepare to order my own and came across a Chestnut 2002 King Ranch. I immediately noticed the "short" pinstripe detail as I inspected the vehicle. I questioned the saleperson reguarding "fit & finish" of a 35k truck and was directed to the truck manager. No argument or dispute of the condition but an offer to have the pinstripe either corrected or the dealer bodyshop would remove the factory applied stripes and "paint" apply custom pinstripe's of my choice. Of course I would have to purchase the truck first. Again this was a 2002.


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