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Frank S 10-31-2010 07:57 PM

Fair and Balanced

Ah yes, the Democratically controlled MSM conspiring against the Republican candidate. I'm so very surprised !

Bonus link: http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/201...carly-fiorina/

Where's the "tolerance" and "civility", leftists?

Putting a sign like that up in the Atl would get one arrested.

K-Mac Attack 10-31-2010 09:16 PM

It is about as fair and balanced as claims Rush Limbaugh made about the attempted bomber in Manhattan, saying he was a registered Democrat when he wasn't even registered to vote.

It is about as fair and balanced as Sarah Palin claiming that Obama and the Democrats Health Care Reform bill was going to have Death Panels!

It is about as fair and balanced as having Obama shown with a Hitler outfit or a bone in his nose. BTW a GOP candidate actually saves the Democrats the time of Photo-shopping pictures by actually parading around in a Hitler outfit!

Both sides have slung so much hate and venom at each other that nothing surprises me.

Plus there is the First Amendment! Offensive and disappointing...yeah but it's a sign of the times and will get much worse, I promise!

wittom 10-31-2010 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by K-Mac Attack (Post 4383208)
It is about as fair and balanced as claims Rush Limbaugh made...

It is about as fair and balanced as Sarah Palin claiming that...

It is about as fair and balanced as having Obama shown with...

Plus there is the First Amendment! Offensive and disappointing...yeah but it's a sign of the times and will get much worse, I promise!

The mayor of New York, an elected mayor of a city, not an entertainer, said that the Time Square bomber was home-grown, maybe a mentally deranged person or somebody with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health care bill.

"News" organizations like the Huffington Post and Media Matters countered the "dealth panel" claim, not by denying them, but by saying that they already exist. They aren't expressly called death panels, but they do in fact exist and are a part of Obamacare.

Obama shown with....?



You find the First Amendment offensive and disappointing?

K-Mac Attack 10-31-2010 10:21 PM

I never defended anyone displaying Bush that way either. I personally view it as disgracing the Office of the President.

Whether I agree or disagree with the President, I hope for the best as it is our country and its future at hand. Anyone that wants to see the President fail and bring our country down is Anti-American.

There were never any death panels in the health care bill. There were benefits for end of life planning. Some people want every courageous step taken to save their lives no matter how painful, while others want to go peacefully.

Currently we do have death panels though...people who have no money or insurance are faced with the inability to purchase medicine and get proper treatment. If that isn't a death panel, I don't know what one is?

I don't find the First Amendment disappointing or offensive. Free speech is the cornerstone of our freedoms. It is disappointing to see people stoop to blatant lying and deceit to spread their message.

wittom 11-01-2010 12:00 AM

Originally Posted by K-Mac Attack (Post 4383280)
It is disappointing to see people stoop to blatant lying and deceit to spread their message.

Yes. It is dissapointing.

Here is a good example:


...and another:



K-Mac Attack 11-01-2010 12:14 AM

And taxes are at historical lows! Much lower than even under Reagan.

I haven't seen anything saying that you won't be able to keep your doctor in the health care bill.

Under the current system people frequently have their insurance options change if their employer changes providers. The cost goes up every year for less coverage.

06bluemeaniexl 11-01-2010 12:15 AM

K-Mac... seriously dude, you are officially blocked. I cannot stand your ignorance and stupidity.

Frank S 11-01-2010 12:19 AM

Originally Posted by 06bluemeaniexl (Post 4383430)
K-Mac... seriously dude, you are officially blocked. I cannot stand your ignorance and stupidity.

That's why I put him on the ignore list earlier today. He makes no sense and always reverts to insults. I'm guessing he did the same here. :lol:

code58 11-01-2010 01:39 AM

Originally Posted by 06bluemeaniexl (Post 4383430)
K-Mac... seriously dude, you are officially blocked. I cannot stand your ignorance and stupidity.

And that's being extremely kind!

K-Mac Attack 11-01-2010 02:10 AM

The GOPers are afraid to hear anyone that has a thought that differs from their own. Rather than wanting freedom of speech and to enter into an honest debate backed by facts, they run and hide when they are exposed for the frauds they are.

2008 was a referendum on the GOP. Fewer people vote in the mid-term elections and the GOP got scared when they got trampled in 08 and rallied the troops. In 2012, they will face their reckoning! LOL!!!!

Klitch 11-01-2010 03:35 AM

Originally Posted by K-Mac Attack (Post 4383493)
The GOPers are afraid to hear anyone that has a thought that differs from their own. Rather than wanting freedom of speech and to enter into an honest debate backed by facts, they run and hide when they are exposed for the frauds they are.

2008 was a referendum on the GOP. Fewer people vote in the mid-term elections and the GOP got scared when they got trampled in 08 and rallied the troops. In 2012, they will face their reckoning! LOL!!!!

hopefully in 2012 we all will. this place is ****ed. Start over! or dont.

wittom 11-01-2010 07:32 AM

Originally Posted by K-Mac Attack (Post 4383429)
The GOPers are afraid to hear anyone that has a thought that differs from their own. Rather than wanting freedom of speech and to enter into an honest debate backed by facts, they run and hide when they are exposed for the frauds they are.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Pot calling the kettle black.

Practice what you preach.

Originally Posted by K-Mac Attack (Post 4383429)
And taxes are at historical lows! Much lower than even under Reagan.

What taxes are at historical lows? Income taxes? Payroll taxes? Capital gains taxes? All taxes?

I make well under 250k. I pay alot more in taxes than I did two years ago. Maybe not income taxes, payroll taxes or capital gains taxes, but there many taxes that have increased. So, not ANY taxes is actually MANY taxes.

Originally Posted by K-Mac Attack (Post 4383429)
I haven't seen anything saying that you won't be able to keep your doctor in the health care bill.

I love how people say "read the bill". What good is reading the bill if it's a thousand pages and you don't have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?

So, you've read the bill?

Originally Posted by K-Mac Attack (Post 4383429)
Under the current system people frequently have their insurance options change if their employer changes providers. The cost goes up every year for less coverage.

So, what changes? Employers will have the option of paying a less expensive "penalty" or tax, whichever they decide it is, instead of providing health insurance. This would push that employee into a public system. If you like your health care coverage, if you like your doctor, you can't keep them, if your employer chooses or is forced to funnel you to a public system.

K-Mac Attack 11-01-2010 10:59 AM

Wittom-- I have never blocked anyone or blown off their opinion as stupid. I may not agree with them and defend my position. That is a debate. To just. Say someone is crazy and not defend it is childish! I appreciate your input.

As far as taxes, if say your property tax went up, that is a local issue. Obama can't control your county or city. Fed. taxes are lower than ever and that is indisputable. Up to the late 70s the top tier was 70+%. None of Bush's tax cuts have ended. For example you're right if you call license plates a tax. In IL they went from 78 to 99 last year. Not Obama's fault. Not Congress...that is my state gov't which is the most corrupt in the nation. To be Gov of IL is a certain sentence to the Fed Pen! Both those with a R or D!

No I haven't read the bill either. I am sure many who voted on it didn't either.

Right now employers dictate your coverage without your input. At least with the exchanges it seems you will have more control over your coverage.

While we all have to believe what they say is in many bills that are passed, I do have sources I trust more than the likes of:

Rush who can't seem to find the truth if it hit him, plus he's probably stoned on narcotics anyway :)

Palin who complained of Death Panels that were never substantiated.

Beck who cries over every story he speaks of!

We all have to be cynical but Lib or Conservative, the only way to know they are lying is to see their mouth open!

jgger 11-01-2010 12:09 PM

We all have to be cynical but Lib or Conservative, the only way to know they are lying is to see their mouth open!
Yes, but the point the OP was making is that it shouldn't be that way with our "News" outlets. The idea of a free press was to be able to report things without fear of repercussions (sp) from the government, not to MAKE THINGS UP TO SUPPORT AN AGENDA! What this shows isn't an error in reporting, but pure fabrication. Seems CBS has a problem with this......does the name Dan Rather ring any bells.

Now the super duper-everybody gets icecream-big protector government you talk about should step in and ban the reporter and T.V. station and sanction CBS for this action.....but alas they are supporting the lib point of view so nothing will come of it.

K-Mac Attack 11-01-2010 12:49 PM

No the news should be truthful and honest. Dan Rather is no better than a Rush Limbaugh. They both lie and spin the truth to fit their ideology.

Saying Rush is an entertainer and giving him license to lie is a crock too. Many people listen to these people and take their word as the gospel. It isn't like they are the Comedy Cental guys...they are up front about their stance. They are comedians.

Whether it is CBS, CNN or Fox they should tell the truth without spin doctoring, editing or other lies.

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