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D's984x4 01-06-2009 02:03 AM

How to stop an addiction
I have a very very close friend who cant go through a day without smoking weed every couple hours... she wakes up and smokes, smokes at her lunch break, smokes before dinner and before she goes to bed. I hate seeing her ruin herself over this. She does have alot of problems and I understand that she smokes to get rid of the stress she has but honestly who doesnt have stress? She does have some problems with family and health issues and I have tried helping her realize she can deal with her problems other ways...but she wont listen and is very stubborn about it. I know some say you cant get addicted to weed but she gets very mad and very bitchy when she does not get her high and wont stop till she does, Its almost like she cant function without it. Anyway, I just was wondering if anyone has been through anything like this and what they did? For now I have done the smartest thing possible and stopped talking to her and I'm trying to let her go but I feel that there is a way to help her. And please no negative responds or making fun of it...Its an emotional subject for me. Thanks guys, Hope your having a better night than I am.


Old Dogg™ 01-06-2009 02:15 AM

Most times people have addictions that mask other problems they cant or will not deal with. Since she can only get so high off the weed she keeps smoking it and has probably built up a tolerance which makes her smoke more and more.
She probably feels more normal than high in her mind.
If not weed it would be something else but weed is one of the less destructive drugs legal or illegal to abuse compared to sex, or harder drugs.
As a friend you could point out how much you care and what you observe good and bad about her and thats about it.

It's impossible fixing adults unless they admit they have problems, want to fix themselves and ask you for help.

Screw-Me-05 01-06-2009 02:49 AM

Addicted to WEED...... wait till she gets popped for buying it? then she'll stop... smokin weed is so 80's? she should be slammin "H" by now
Maybe you can get her on that TV show intervention for smokin weed lol

JHens4 01-06-2009 02:52 AM

in california, i doubt she's gonna be in trouble for buying it especially if she has her medicinal card

MitchF150 01-06-2009 03:04 AM

You are a true friend for wanting to try to help this gal. But, as OD pointed out, until she figures out she has a problem, then your words are probably not going to make a difference... Other then frustrating each of you...

She probably is at a point where it does take more and more THC to achieve that 'high' that she needs to 'cope', so that's why she is smoking so much now..

Cigarettes, alcohol, pot, etc.. It's all the same to the person who chooses their poison.. Until they realize what they are doing and want to quit, anybody telling them otherwise is the 'enemy' and will probably push them deeper into the habit..

Until I truly wanted to quit smoking cigarettes about 15 years ago, I just scoffed at those that told me otherwise... I know cigarettes is not completely the same as pot, but the 'addiction' is the same and the need for a smoke will overcome a lot of talk and even self control.. Unless you've been addicted to something and tried to quit, it's not easy and most don't make it on their own, but the big difference is the person must WANT to quit first...

It might cost you your relationship if you pursue your effort when she is not ready yet.. Unfortunately, it often takes a complete break down or tragic event to trigger that WANT to quit in the other person, so you are forced to wait and watch..

Your choice is to sever the relationship and see if they reach out to you, then be supportive and offer your help, or keep talking and trying to help as much as you can.. I've seen personally, where trying to 'help' has severed the relationship anyway, and in such a way that the addict continued their drunken way even more, just to show the 'helper' that they were 'wrong'.... Each situation will be different of course, but this is just an example of what I've seen happen in a similar case...

I wish you and your friend the best of luck and hopefully it's not too late for your friend..


Tumba 01-06-2009 06:54 AM

You have made a good decision to give it a rest. I have been through a few
addictions due to physical pain, the Doctors wouldn't listen to me, and made
many attempts to classify my probems with bull**** answers and brushing me
off. If it were not for the love and understanding of a wonderful woman, I'd have
never gotten past it.
The way to find the cure, is to find the underlying issues that are plauging her
at this time.
There is an internal mechanism built into us, that when we find it solves all our
problems. When it is found a calmness changes the very root of our existance.
Sounds like BS, I know. It is however there, built right in.

You can help her. But it takes a lot of effort. Also by helping her, you will be
learning yourself.

Camarothatcould 01-06-2009 07:46 AM

Weird. I just made a thread like this on another forum, about a person close to me who I caught smoking cigs.

I myself am straight edge and cannot see any good out of anything like this crap. Addiction is the ultimate weakness. . . all I can say is cancer cures smoking

ddellwo 01-06-2009 03:47 PM

Is she pretty? If so, please post pictures.......:fyi:

Gotts2BMe 01-06-2009 04:16 PM

I used to and kind of still am in a similar situation. I will give you the coles notes because the story is very very large.

My now ex girlfriend had a very bad addiction to drugs, Cocaine, weed, crack, E, acid, whatever she could get her hands besides heroin because she hates needles and meth (yes there is alot of meth in E I know). Well anyways her serious problem with addiction comes from her immediate family, her family is seriously f)ucked. Mom cheats on her dad like crazy, dad is a trucker so he is gone all the time, her whole family has a problem with addiction. When she was 15 she O/Ded on E and was in a coma for 3 weeks. She had a son when she 18, the dad was a meth head and literally dragged her by the car when she was pregnant, beat on her regularly.

The bottom line is she had a ****ty life growing up. I left her when she never came home the one night high on E again the weekend before christmas. Packed my bags and was gone that day in less than 2 hours, and now she WANTS to get better. The individual has to want to get better before anything will happen. You may have to sever your relationship to actually help her.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink...

Strikeswiftly 01-06-2009 04:17 PM

As forementioned I am straight-edge myself, but didnt always live this way. I guess personally it took seeing the closest person in my life, for the last time in the eyes of a drunk and screwed up point of view. I couldnt even remember what we did, or talked about all I have is one picture of him from that night to remind me of the last time I saw him. He got up and left the next morning before my stupid ass could get up, never seen him again. The dude didnt die he just moved clear across the country, I dont get to talk to him ever. We knew each other from middle school all the way up to my Army stint. Without that guy and his family who took me in and showed me that there was a way to get out in the world and create things for yourself and make dreams come true. It was hard to stomach for awhile, but I decided I wouldnt never touch another one and I havent for 4 years now. I have even bought a case of beer just to test myself and I poured all of them down the drain within a month after being in the fridge. I guess I hit my low, it might not have been as low as some but it was cold, dark and hard.

I wish your friend well, as for you it is not ethical to drag yourself behind her. You care about her of course, because your putting yourself up for target practice literally on a public forum talking about a addiction I personally admire it. I dont know why the mind is the way it is, people who suffer from constant pain, joints that pop and come out of socket, migrane headaches are a huge reason ppl stay high around here. I contribute the headaches due to the high amounts of sinus and humidity in this area IMO. Never the less they have to escape somehow. I personally believe that she or him or them are on drugs for pain or other reasons because they really dont want to leave this Earth at this point. They still love life, even thou they might not act like it by doing their desired drugs. So I do believe its only going to happen when a event in her life changes her. I wouldnt recommend being Rambo and choosing to get between her and where she gets it, that might put you in a major situation. If you guys are super close and you cut the cord she might hit her bottom without you. If your not that close but you care enough, I wouldnt want you to put so much of yourself into gettin close then letting go or you will end up finding reasons to forget the pain of leaving her, expecially if it dont end up the way you want it. Anyways I wish you luck my friend and Drive on you are doing the right thing.

keith97xlt 01-06-2009 05:32 PM

you can only try to help someone so much and get on her about it. at some point your gonna have to have the " you wanna wreck your life go ahead attitude" ive had friends in the past that had drinking problems for example. i tryed helping them as much as i could..eventually it was like banging my head against a brick wall and i stopped hanging around with them and they are no longer my friends. we have our own lives to worry about.

MercedesTech 01-06-2009 05:48 PM

I would be thanking god everyday if the only drug she chooses to abuse is weed. No ill affects, many positive. Will help cut cancer risks if she is also a cig smoker. Seems like she has the wrong idea about it, but thats not something YOU can change. She needs to change.

Honestly, I see nothing wrong with smoking. Nothing at all, in any way. She may be going through a phase. Many do. Where they want to get as high as they can, as often as they can. That will soon wear off, and she will become a normal stoner. Plenty of very well off people, smoke everyday. Again, I see nothing wrong with it. Just learn the time and place.

btw, it is chemically impssible to become ADDICTED to pot. Your body will not create a chemical dependancy on it. So, technically she is NOT addicted. However, you can form a habit. It become habitual to smoke. Some people create the habit so bad, that they need to do the action of smoking, far more then actually getting high. Like I said, this is a phase she is going through. Show her whats its like to always be toasted. Go out and do things. Eventually she will realize doing something high as a kite, sucks, and its better to wait, and bake at a better time. if you wait and smoke properly, you will get far more high anyways. More bang for the buck. And unless your smoking some schwag, it'll save you some serious coin too.

Anyways, I played nice, now let me ask you a question. Why is it bad ? Because YOU don't agree with it ? If your truly a friend, why try and change someone ? Accept them for who they are, or move on. Why push your beliefs and opinions on someone else ? Why is it bad to smoke ? If she smokes all the time, but isn't hurting anyone, whats the deal ? If she can keep her job, keep her family, and still enjoy her life, why change it ? You have the right to choose not to smoke, shouldn't she be able to choose to burn ?

I guess what I am getting at, is why is it a bad thing ?

Also how old are you guys ? late 30's ? 40's ? no ? Then I wouldn't worry yourself too much. A grown adult doing these things is different then some teenager/young adult. IMO at least.

Djacobs28056 01-06-2009 06:03 PM

good luck. My cousin died of an OD. He was one month older then me. We were real close when we were young. You can try to help but it mostly falls on deaf ears. His little brother is following down the same road and i have done everything I could do to help him. Sometimes, I wear my Appalachain hat because he went there, lived/loved being there, died there and it reminds me of him. It reminds me not to blame myself (B/c I did for a little while. I knew he was in trouble and sort of turned a blind eye) for his mistakes, to remember him and to KEEP TRYING to help the others. Good luck. Hope all works out.

Patman 01-06-2009 06:33 PM

best of luck with her, keep praying if you can

azmidget91 01-06-2009 06:38 PM

didnt really read every post but i agree with the getting busted, call the cops on her, when you know she will be smoking or have it on her, call the cops and tell them she has it on here and is a good friend and think the only way to get her to stop is if she gets busted. worth a try i guess

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