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00XLSportV6 04-29-2004 02:11 PM

Disgracing a war hero...

What a danm moron. If he like Peurto Rico so much, Go the fuvk back! :mad:

fatman66 04-29-2004 02:38 PM

wow, if I were in the area of that guy I might be inclined to wait for him with a bucket of piss or something less pleasant to throw in his face. In my neighborhood, a guy who writes stuff like that is called a POS, thats "piece of *****".

fatman66 04-29-2004 02:41 PM

of course why am I not surprised that this guy was a grad student, that is a haven for spoiled, unrealisitc, liberal (b/c they think its cool and don't have to live in the real world) trash.

01 XLT Sport 04-29-2004 03:12 PM

That Kerry loving socialist liberal CHILD hasn’t seen Rambo, let him spout off about Tillman or any other person in the military like that in front of my face THEN HE WILL WITNESS RAMBO OPENING A WHOLE CRATE OF WHOOP ASS ON HIM….

Not trying to say I am some kind of tough guy because that I am not BUT beware should someone ever talk CHIT about anyone in the military OR try to burn the American flag in my presence…

J-150 04-29-2004 03:15 PM

the issue I have with all of this is that because he is a celeb, he gets a stadium named after him. Even gets a posthumous promotion.

What about the other hundreds that have died in Afghanistan and Iraq? The average Joes and Janes that are not celebrities.

Where are the stadiums named in their honor?

jamzwayne 04-29-2004 04:02 PM

I have a solution to this.

Put him in a combat situation. Put an M16A2 service rifle in his hands and see if he see's combat as a "Rambo" type situation. If he comes out of a fire fight alive, I bet he would think of himself as a hero. Its easy to talk about combat from the side lines, but in the popping and cracking of rounds zipping over your head.......completely different story. Been there, done that.

God Bless our Troops - THEY ARE ALL HERO's.


36fan 04-29-2004 04:28 PM

of course why am I not surprised that this guy was a grad student, that is a haven for spoiled, unrealisitc, liberal (b/c they think its cool and don't have to live in the real world) trash.
Easy there fatman - I'm a grad student that lives and works in the real world, while raising a family, and dealing w/ the ***** life hands out. Some of us go to grad school to get ahead in life, not put the real world off.

Obviously Ms. Rene Gonzalez is clueless. Rambo is a one man army - Rangers go everywhere in pairs. Additionally, in the real world, most people don't die after being shot.

As for his service being not necesary, obviously he thought it was necessary to give up the cash and luxuries he had to to sleep on the ground in a dirt hole to protect the freedom and luxuries of the average American, including Ms Gonzalez's right to be a unthankful whiny b!tch that can put off the real world while attending grad school.

the issue I have with all of this is that because he is a celeb, he gets a stadium named after him. Even gets a posthumous promotion.
It said they are going to name the plaza by the stadium after him, not the stadium.

fatman66 04-29-2004 04:44 PM

36fan, I didn't say all grad students are, but where I am, there are a lot of them whol ike to use it as a way to put off the real world for another four years, be lazy, complain about classes, work less than 30 hours a week in the lab, get tuition paid for and get a stipend. they all like to mouth off and prove how foolish and unrealistic they are about everything from beer to politics. There are also a lot of hard working ones who do have families and real world responsibilities out there too. I have to work with ones like I described all day and they seem to get a kick out of looking down on the guy working full time while taking classes for his master's. My words were rash and inconsiderate and I'm sorry if I offened any graduate students who are not like that Gonzalez POS. Man that article made me mad. I bet a guy like that would prolly ***** himself and cry like a b!tch if he ever had to be in harm's way.

jamzwayne 04-29-2004 04:48 PM

Originally posted by J-150
the issue I have with all of this is that because he is a celeb, he gets a stadium named after him. Even gets a posthumous promotion.

What about the other hundreds that have died in Afghanistan and Iraq? The average Joes and Janes that are not celebrities.

Where are the stadiums named in their honor?

Stop and think about that statement for just one (1) moment.

Do you know Jason Bisnick?


Do you know Pat Tillman?


Troops that have given their lives fighting for our country have more than just a stadium or plaza named after them. They become a part of this countries history, and they ARE remembered.


Odin's Wrath 04-29-2004 04:50 PM

Originally posted by J-150

What about the other hundreds that have died in Afghanistan and Iraq? The average Joes and Janes that are not celebrities.

Where are the stadiums named in their honor?

Most probably in their hometowns. The guy was a national celebrity; so, he receives national attention. Many of the fallen heroes, of less prewar notoriety, are no less honored by those that knew them at home, or by those that understand and appreciate what they have given for their country's future generations. I'm sure there are monuments going up all over this nation to commemorate the individual sacrifices of those that have left this world behind in an attempt to make it a safer, brighter place. Grim work though it may be.

yysenhimer 04-29-2004 06:00 PM

F**king ignorant and clueless...http://stlouismtb.tripod.com/smiles/screwy.gif

Jag 04-30-2004 10:02 AM

Pat Tillman was over there protecting our freedom so idiots like him can spout all the mindless bulls$%t crap he wants.

Personally, I'm also disgusted by the college newspaper even giving this jerk space in their columns.

sKerry will love people like this a..hole in November. :mad:

Frank S 04-30-2004 10:23 AM

Obvioustly this little boy is jealous of Tillmans' 'fortitude'. The sad part is that our 'higher' (if you want to call them that) learning institutions are full of this type of arrogance. Obviously has no concept of our freedoms or the sacrifices made so that he can express himself. If he were in China, he'd be MIA.

jamzwayne 04-30-2004 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Frank S
Obvioustly this little boy is jealous of Tillmans' 'fortitude'.
Testicular fortitude, if I may add.

36fan 04-30-2004 11:04 AM

My words were rash and inconsiderate and I'm sorry if I offened any graduate students who are not like that Gonzalez POS. Man that article made me mad. I bet a guy like that would prolly ***** himself and cry like a b!tch if he ever had to be in harm's way.
No offense taken fatman - I know the type you are referring to. It's kind of fun being in class w/ some of the grad students. I can walk in w/ an arrogance knowing I have a job, and school is not my life. I also know that these kids that I'm in class w/ are going to get out of a masters program and HOPE to get an entry level job like I had 5 years ago - and find out the majority of what they learned in classes will never be used again:D

Obvioustly this little boy is jealous of Tillmans' 'fortitude'. The sad part is that our 'higher' (if you want to call them that) learning institutions are full of this type of arrogance. Obviously has no concept of our freedoms or the sacrifices made so that he can express himself. If he were in China, he'd be MIA.
Actually, they aren't - but you don't hear about all the students that support our troops. Only moroons like Rene Gonzalez makes the news.

The real question is why did ESPN give this story national publicity?

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