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jamesf 06-07-2004 10:27 PM

hood rust
I own a 2001 F150 supercab, flareside, lariat. I recently discovered rust on the front of my hood. This rust originated from a seam that runs the width of the hood, on the underside. This truck is barely 3 years old and just out of warranty. The dealer and Ford in gerneral will do nothing for me. Has anyone else seen or heard of a similar problem with 2001's? Thanks, james

Rockpick 06-08-2004 11:53 AM

I though the hood was aluminum?

RED WING NUT 06-08-2004 05:31 PM

Originally posted by RockPick
I though the hood was aluminum?
It is unless his isn't OEM.

swampview 06-08-2004 08:37 PM

Originally posted by RED WING NUT
It is unless his isn't OEM.
My hood is OEM and it has the same problem, just not as bad.

Leading edge of the hood, driver's side, about an inch wide, rust bubble . . .

Oops! I have a 2000, F150, XLT.

Raoul 06-08-2004 08:52 PM

I don't think aluminum can rust.

Aluminum is usually, zincate - copper plate - nickel plate - chromium plate.

Maybe the nickel and chromium plate has deteriorated and you are seeing the copper plate deteriorate and think it's rust?
I guess it could look like rust.

Maybe the front of the truck has been exposed to some kind of acid like acid rain that could have settled there?

01 XLT Sport 06-08-2004 09:09 PM

Raoul is right, aluminum does NOT rust. It can however corrode. When it does it looks like a pit with white ash, or what looks like white powder. It will continue to get worse if not taken care of.

Usually aluminum has a protective coating on it, like with aluminum rims. If it gets a good enough pit in it to break through the protective coating then salt will start the corrosion process. I don’t remember what we used in the Navy to repair this corrosion but it was some good lethal stuff because you could put it right on and over the pitting and it would stop the corrosion completely.

Sometimes if it is too bad or to big of an area it has to be cut out and patched. Not sure what else will cause aluminum to corrode and I am pretty sure it is just salt that can start the corrosion IF the protective coating has been pitted enough.

Like I said when aluminum starts corroding it don’t look like normal rust, it will be white and powdery looking…

Rockpick 06-08-2004 10:14 PM

Just when I thought I was going to have to hire a metallurgist, in steps 01 XLT. I tell ya what... I sure am glad that I voted amongst the moderators to keep him around...



Raoul 06-08-2004 10:30 PM

I heard the vote was three to two.

01 XLT Sport 06-09-2004 07:08 AM

Originally posted by Raoul
I heard the vote was three to two.
That third vote cost me some serious cash too... :devil:

Raoul 06-09-2004 07:22 AM

You think I didn't notice that he used to drive an XL and after you start causing trouble he's driving a King Ranch?

Of course the official line is that it's all coincidence.

Rockpick 06-09-2004 08:39 AM

Peculiar isn't it?

2stroked 06-09-2004 10:34 AM

Actually, although the hood SKIN is aluminum, I believe the support structure under it is steel. This could lead to classic "rust" on the support frame and what is sometimes called "white salt corrosion" on the skin. Under paint, both would look very similar - as in a bubble. And you got that from a Mechanical Engineer! Now, where's my Pocket Protector?

jamesf 06-09-2004 05:46 PM

When I refer to rust, I refer to "classic bubbling" of paint. I do not have any exposed metal on the hood yet; just three "bubbled" spots and it looks just like rust, just before it breaks the surfface. The same bubbling can be found underneath, probable where the undercarriage of the hood is joined to the top. There is a definate seam which is where this starts. Looks exactly like the crap I fought on a brand new 1987 F150 Flareside I purchased. The truck, in its retro styling, had numerous spot weld joints on the exterior and from each welded seam...came rust..in as little as 2 1/2 years. I am quite disappointed with this rust. Its the reason I have not bought a Ford in 14 years!!!

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