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-   -   So what did Guigster's FX4 get for it's 6-month birthday? (https://www.f150online.com/forums/2004-2008-f-150/155690-so-what-did-guigsters-fx4-get-its-6-month-birthday.html)

Guigster 05-02-2004 09:13 PM

So what did Guigster's FX4 get for it's 6-month birthday?
How about a friggin dent?! And long indented scratch! Oh and a scuffed wheel lip molding!

I washed my truck yesterday for the first time in about a month and a half. It has been this long due to uncooperating weather and a full schedule. And at some point between washes, someone apparently hit my truck, while pulling in or pulling out of a parking space somewhere.

I haven't quite figured out how it could have happened yet, because I park near nobody when I go places. Looks like I'll be parking farther now.

It's at the bottom of the driver's side rear door (in the two-tone). Indented scratch starts there. Then right after the door is the dent. Then where the bed starts is another indented scratch back to the wheel lip molding.

This type of damage could not be done unknowingly. Why are people a$$holes and just take off? No note. No nothin'. Low-life jerk-off.

I'll post pics when I figure out this new camera of mine.

GotTorque?04 05-02-2004 09:31 PM

That sucks! I cant stand people who do spineless things like that. Who knows, maybe it was someone who was jealous and wanted to abuse your truck. When I was younger and worked at Wal-Mart I saw quite a few of these types throwing carts at nicer vehicles before jumping in their rusted out chevette and driving off like it was no big deal! Hopefully your insurance will cover it!

Guigster 05-02-2004 10:25 PM

Ha! Insurance. That's the biggest scam running these days. I have full coverage, but I'm afraid that if I claim it, I'll take it up the pooper for the next three years like I did when I got in an accident with my Explorer. They had to pay about $400 to repair my vehicle. And then jacked up my insurance by about $300 per year for the next three years. So I don't know if I'll be claiming this.

I've posted some pics of the damage in my gallery. Here is a picture of the main dent. To see the rest, go to my gallery and check out the Exterior album.

Warning: These pictures are graphic.

hotdogs2 05-02-2004 10:49 PM

wow really sorry to here about the damage
you gotta hate people sometimes:confused:

vtn98 05-02-2004 11:02 PM

That is sickening! Thanks for the "graphic" warning. I can feel your pain, though.

I had my truck home for less than 2 days when a major thunderstorm blew through the area with 40-45 MPH winds. My truck was parked in the driveway in the same place my old POS Honda sat for 2 years...right next to my daughter's basketeball hope. Well, the wind managed to blow over the hoop and it lands rim first square in the middle of my hood. Left a good size dent and a couple of major scratches. Got it fixed and it looks good as new. I did claim it through my insurance, but it only ended up costing me about $380 to get fixed and I have a $500 deductible. Good thing was, my insurance company insures the repair work, too. SO if it gets messed up down the road, they have it on file and it will get fixed again for free.

So it might be good to get it through insurance. Also, they shouldn't raise your premiums if it was parked and it was not a "driving accident"

Guigster 05-02-2004 11:10 PM

I'll have to give them a call and ask them if my premium gets raised for an incident like this. I also have a $500 deductible. There is also a scratch on my door that appears to be from another door. Wouldn't surprise me if it was the same jerk. Just adding insult to my truck's injury.

What bothers me the most is that I feel like I got one pulled over on me. I am always so conscious of where I park and what I park next to. And if someone is next to me when I come back outside, who wasn't there when I went in, I give the truck the old once over.

grayflare 05-02-2004 11:10 PM

Man, that really sickening. Dont you just hate the direction this world is heading? When you cant park your truck somewhere without it getting hit. Not to mention the lowlife that just drove off without saying anything.:mad:

KJB 05-03-2004 09:25 AM

I feel your pain...someone hit my wife's car like that last year. They nailed it pretty good, slid down the side then jammed on the brakes. The scrape took a nose dive at the end. The damage ended up at $1500, but my insurance did no go up.

Guigster 05-03-2004 09:27 AM

I simply hate the fact that we live in a world full of a-holes. And that because someone was careless...

I now have to be inconvenienced to get my truck fixed.
I now have to pay for it.
And I am the one who has to look at it until it's fixed.

I can just picture the person who did it. Dumpy white rusty car. Either a young punk or an old skag. I'm actually leaning towards old skag. They hit it. Didn't give a damn. And said to themselves, "Look a this thing. This jerk's got money. They can fix it themselves."

I guess it could have been worse. I just now have to hope it looks seamless when it's fixed. That's my biggest fear. That it comes back just off color or something.

SilvrDrgn 05-03-2004 10:16 AM

Man, that really sucks! People that do such things really tick me off. I had some old lady open her door hard into my 2001 F-150 when I was parked at a store. There were plenty of other parking spaces closer to the store, yet she still had to park her stupid rice burner next to me. I was sitting in my truck at the time, and her door hit the side of my truck so hard that it actually shook. I got out to look and give her a piece of my mind, and she was like "What?!? What'd I do?!?" I wanted to smack her upside the head!

bigsherm77 05-03-2004 04:13 PM

That sucks! Mine was keyed when in was 1 month old and was hit by a bus last week while parked.

ultramaxer21 05-03-2004 04:27 PM

That sux about your door. I've came to the conclusion that the Wal-Mart parking lot is the most dangerous place for a new vehicle. I've also came to the conclusion after sitting my truck for a several minutes in the wally world parking lot that I'd me much better off if I actually parked beside one of the "buggy racks" found in the parking lot. Think about it, the only people that actually take a buggy to these "racks" are decent people (be it there are few of US that actually take a buggy back to these racks now days) and if someone is curtious enough to take a buggy to the buggy rack I'd be willing to bet they'd also be nice enough NOT to hit my truck with it.

It burns me up to walk through the wal-mart parking lot and see people leave buggy's just sitting all over the place. Being lazy and sorry is the only excuse those people have. I've actually saw people take a buggy and park it behind a new vehicle, I guess in hopes the owner wouldn't see it and back into it?? Is it our fault that we work hard for what we have in life and drive nice vehicles, or should we drive POS's just to keep less fortunate people happy?

Guigster 05-03-2004 04:37 PM


I remember your key incident way back when. Didn't hear about the bus incident though. What type of damage did it do?


I used to be one of those guys who pushed shopping carts for a living when I was younger. I could tell you stories about the things I saw. My first car got nailed by a cart in a storm. I parked so far away, but it was out in the open. Cart went right at it and dented the side. What are the odds?

I had a similar dilemma the other day at Pep Boys. It was windy, but I didn't want to park in the open because of what happened before. The trick is to park far enough away where you can have a semi-shield around you with other spaced out vehicles. And always move carts in your vicinity out of the area.

IndyFX4 05-03-2004 04:50 PM

I got my first ding last week while parked at Wal-Mart. It's right in the body line on the rear passenger door. It made me sick. I blame my wife for talking me into going to that god-forsaken place.

I just took it to DentWizard for an estimate. They quoted me $129 for the repair. Has anyone had any experience with this company? http://dentwiz.com/

TUFF FORD 05-03-2004 05:02 PM

Originally posted by IndyFX4
I got my first ding last week while parked at Wal-Mart. It's right in the body line on the rear passenger door. It made me sick. I blame my wife for talking me into going to that god-forsaken place.

I just took it to DentWizard for an estimate. They quoted me $129 for the repair. Has anyone had any experience with this company? http://dentwiz.com/

YES!!! I deal with them everyday. I handle auto claims for a large insurance company. Any dent puller that has experience is awesome. I would recommend them over any kind of body shop for minor damage like you're dealing with.

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