Despite Chevy’s Latest Ford-Bashing Commercials, the Silverado Still Sucks

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After watching some of Chevy’s recent aluminum-bashing ads, I’m beginning to wonder if the ‘ole saying is true—that jealousy is the biggest form of flattery. After all, recent sale and market share results speak for themselves.

You may recall the recent Chevy Silverado TV commercial where Chevrolet decides to drop concrete blocks on the bed of the F-150, highlighting the F-150’s aluminum bed. According to the commercial, the aluminum bed gets torn and shred to pieces upon impact, while the Silverado’s high-strength steel doesn’t.

Well guess what? All those political-style negative ads have done absolutely nothing to hamper the F-150’s popularity, but most importantly—its sales. In fact, according to Automotive News Data Center, ever since the ad campaign went live, the Silverado did gain 9.7% market share, but sales actually dropped 3.7%, yet somehow Chevrolet is calling their ad campaign a “success.” LOL


While I wish this was enough to prove that going with aluminum instead of any other metal was an excellent move by Ford, there will always be the perpetual a**hole that  will compare a Ford F-150 to a beer can. Seriously, let’s get over it.

So, in the end, what does this prove? It proves that even when Chevrolet tries and bash the F-150, they end up sucking even more. Good thing they’re used to it.

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Story via: [Automotive News]

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